Pick a number between 1 and 250 that at the point you post has NOT been already chosen. I will not be mailing people this time who select a number that has already gone or are out of range; it’s simply too time consuming and shouldn’t be necessary.
I will use a random number generator to select three numbers between 1 and 250 shortly after I close the competition. Those three members who have selected the right numbers, or are closest, will be the three winners and I will mail them accordingly. In the event that more than one member has selected one of the winning numbers the first member to have posted that number will be deemed the winner. The latter method of selection will also apply where a winning number has not been posted and two or more members are equally closest to that winning number.
Existing gold members who win can nominate someone else to have the gold or pass and I will redraw. Sprite is not allowed to enter.
As I have done before, as the thread moves forward, I will post a list of all the numbers (or my paid PA .. coughs .. Dani .. will

Good luck.

edit - one post per member please. If you have posted more than once, even if you mess up in your first post, only your first post will apply. Sighs ok good mood today so allowing people who pick a number already gone to try again.
Latest list of numbers taken with owner posted page 10 (28/11/14 08:00 GMT). 220 numbers chosen so far.
Competition will close this Saturday morning (29/11/14) circa 07:00 GMT .. its rather run its course.
83 - Sitting. Already has gold. Awaiting instruction to re-draw or gift someone else.
113 - Sheripie. Gifted gold.
207 - Longhairy. Gifted gold.
Thanks for playing everyone and a thank you to Dani for helping me manage the competition/thread.