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for any wrestling fans who might be around,this might come as a big shock

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the Ultimate Warrior was found dead earlier today
....... are you fuckin' with me? If you are, you get a three hour lecture about the pros and cons of destrucity.
Just keep wallowing in your own chaotic insecure delusions.
Holy fuck, the warrior IS dead. Wow.... I figured Hogan would croak first. Oh well. Apart from his general insanity and spouting homophobic slurs, he wasn't a bad guy. Shame to see him go so young. RIP Jim Warrior.
Just keep wallowing in your own chaotic insecure delusions.
WOW! Not much more you can really say. Seems like a crappy month so far for the WWE world.
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Not a wrestling fan by any means. I really don't know anything about it except that it isn't real, and a few of the guys and a lot of the women are pretty hot looking, LOL! But I remember when I was in HS, my BF little brother had this guys poster on his bedroom wall and I thought he looked kind of cool with all the face paint.

So sad when anyone dies at such a young age!
Warrior AKA Jim Hellwig, died walking with his wife from their hotel in Phoenix, AZ to their car. He had recently finally buried many hatchets within WWE and had taken his rightful place in the WWE Hall of Fame. He made a beautiful speech in character two nights later on Monday Night Raw. 14 hours later he was pronounced dead. He was an unforgettable performer and was part of one of the most memorable and infamous matches of all time, giving Hulk Hogan his first defeat at Wrestlemania VI. He never reached such heights again and had troubles and strifes in his career, in WWE and WCW, until he retired in 1998. He made a new successful career as a speaker.

Nancy Grace, on HLN, completely falsely stated that there were rumours if drugs and steroids being involved in Warrior's death, along with Owen Hart, who died tragically in a 90-foot fall in May 1999. Nancy Grace lied for the basis of making ratings-attracting news story. Warrior was living clean at this death and it is a tragedy. God bess him and Rest In Peace.