Your score is: 30
What does your score mean?
You've been known to flirt on occasion, and probably have some refined seduction techniques... but you're not a hard-core, 24-hour-a-day flirt. You realize that there is a time and a place for seduction, and know when to shut off the charms. When you do decide to work your magic, however, look out world! This seems to be a healthy approach - flirting is a natural, fun way to strut your stuff, boost confidence and send the right message to objects of desire. On the other hand, we all know someone who flirts with everyone, everywhere... and it can be really annoying! Maintain this balance and flirting will serve you well.
Odd questions.
I only scored a 15, which is strange, since I am a HUGE flirt!! LOL
♥ Listen, touch, and look around in the air and on the ground. If you watch all nature's things, you might just see a fairy's wings. ♥
Sassy Red-haired Mod/Beach Kat
No surprise here...I have a very flirtatious nature...and my score was 45 (hey Rocco...think that's an omen....45?). Anyway, I thought the questions were a bit odd too. Not sure it's an "authentic assessment" as we would say in the education world.
I scored 55 which kind of surprised me for some reason. I didn't think I was much of a flirt.
I think they weigh the questions heavily with bizarre ones, because they only have 10 to work with.
Gee, you flirt, Tech? I would've never guessed it. What a coincidence to have that number 45, but I'd replace it with a 1, because you're number 1 in my book.
I scored a 55 also chef. I am not flirty all of the time but hell yes to some free drinks.euwWRcQWkfdtv84j
Sent it to hubs, he scored 5. No kidding, 5
What do you think about that, Chef?
I really don't know hon. He can flirt with me like nobodies business. I think he flirts and doesn't know he does.
D. Ask if they have a Wave Machine and fuzzy cuffs.
I like the name Dick Trickle
really now the test should be reworked, i am a known flirt - 55 %, i am ashamed of myself for this test!
Your score is: 55
What does your score mean?
You've been known to flirt on occasion, and probably have some refined seduction techniques... but you're not a hard-core, 24-hour-a-day flirt. You realize that there is a time and a place for seduction, and know when to shut off the charms. When you do decide to work your magic, however, look out world! This seems to be a healthy approach - flirting is a natural, fun way to strut your stuff, boost confidence and send the right message to objects of desire. On the other hand, we all know someone who flirts with everyone, everywhere... and it can be really annoying! Maintain this balance and flirting will serve you well.
I scored a 75 but got the same description back. I hope I did not pump the numbers by answering in the spirit of the thing rather than the letter, i.e., slipping someone email addy instead of phone number, and flirting with a cousin at a funeral when I was a teen....
redid the test today - and got 65, some improvement is it?
This is scary!! I scored 80
"Holy Flirt Alert! You'll flirt with anyone, anywhere at just about anytime…never mind if you actually like them! You appear to be a multi-purpose flirt - you do it to boost your ego, to prove yourself, to get something you want, or to seduce objects of your desire. Hopefully you've been successful in your pursuit, or you've been wasting a lot of precious energy. You have obviously learned somewhere along the line that turning on the charm can reap many rewards, and probably enjoy the act of flirting so much that you can't resist - even when it's not completely appropriate. While you've certainly got some valuable skills, consider toning it down a bit. Flirt with everyone and you'll appear phony, fickle and possibly even desperate."
My score was 45
You've been known to flirt on occasion, and probably have some refined seduction techniques... but you're not a hard-core, 24-hour-a-day flirt. You realize that there is a time and a place for seduction, and know when to shut off the charms. When you do decide to work your magic, however, look out world! This seems to be a healthy approach - flirting is a natural, fun way to strut your stuff, boost confidence and send the right message to objects of desire. On the other hand, we all know someone who flirts with everyone, everywhere... and it can be really annoying! Maintain this balance and flirting will serve you well.
Your score is: 65
You've been known to flirt on occasion, and probably have some refined seduction techniques... but you're not a hard-core, 24-hour-a-day flirt. You realize that there is a time and a place for seduction, and know when to shut off the charms. When you do decide to work your magic, however, look out world! This seems to be a healthy approach - flirting is a natural, fun way to strut your stuff, boost confidence and send the right message to objects of desire. On the other hand, we all know someone who flirts with everyone, everywhere... and it can be really annoying! Maintain this balance and flirting will serve you well.
70... Guess I am not that
Ok - I scored a 55 but I think I am a bigger flirt than my score showed.
I got a 25
You've been known to flirt on occasion, and probably have some refined seduction techniques... but you're not a hard-core, 24-hour-a-day flirt. You realize that there is a time and a place for seduction, and know when to shut off the charms. When you do decide to work your magic, however, look out world! This seems to be a healthy approach - flirting is a natural, fun way to strut your stuff, boost confidence and send the right message to objects of desire. On the other hand, we all know someone who flirts with everyone, everywhere... and it can be really annoying! Maintain this balance and flirting will serve you well.