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Disney grant 10 year old girl her dying wish

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Brilliant play on Pixar's part. Phone call probably made the PR team cream themselves. I love the attention to business... he was careful that the DVD never left his sight, he stayed and watched the movie with the family, and he took the DVD with him when he left.
Personally Durrasch I think that you are a jaded and bitter man. It doesn't matter why they did it, just that they did.
I'm more interested in their motives than their actions. I think it's great that Pixar did this, and I think it's great that made the dying kid think it was all about her. I think it's foolish, though, not to consider why Pixar did it. I refuse to accept blindly the bullshit that gets presented by corporations and by pop culture without questioning it. I guess if that makes me jaded, then I'd rather be jaded than I would be a mindless societal lemming.
So in other words you can't take an act of kindness as it is you have to find the corruption and conspiracy behind it?
Quote by eroticwriter26
So in other words you can't take an act of kindness as it is you have to find the corruption and conspiracy behind it?

Very few people, and fewer for-profit corporations perform acts of untainted altruism. Understanding peoples' motives reduces our own chances of becoming prey to the machinations of others.

Are you telling me that you blindly accept that Pixar did this because as a corporation they cared about a kid with cancer? Corporations don't care. It's not what they are set up to do. Like human beings, corporations are interested in their own advancement. It's not corruption. It's not conspiracy. It's the reality of the world. I don't think that opening your eyes to that diminishes the benefit it brought the kid. I don't think I ever implied that it did. Was it good for the little girl? Sure. But it was much better for Pixar. She is now dead, and it matters not that her mommy gave her a play-by-play of the movie (which I hear was a very good movie, by the way). The benefit to Pixar, however, lives on and will do so for quite some time as this gets milked by the company's PR department. Good for them. As heartwrenching as it may be, dying children make great business investments, there's no doubt.
All those thoughts passed through my mind, and I knew it was possible.

At which point of history we lost this humaism? When did we became machines, calculating their profits all the time, manipulating everything to achieve more? As imperfect creations, it is understandable that individuals can have or develop such properties... but when exactly did we lost our belief in humanity?

Welcome to the brave new world...

In the grim darkness of future...

No. I did not lose it yet. What I paid for this belief was probably higher then anyone did.... But IF I was somehow a manager in a company like pixar, I would have done the same thing, trying to prevent this situation from becoming a hidden or open advertisement for my company. It would have been the least I could have done. But then again, MAYBE some corporations are doing things like this, or much more humanitarian things, just for the humanism itself, preventing them from being heard. And we don't know about it. We can't argue or decide such corporations don't exist, because if they told they had done it, we could have judged them for using these opportunities to their profit.

Damn my english sucks.

Note: corporations are lead by people. People can be everything. They can be great devourers. They can be hidden heroes. I knew some.
To answer arcos question and as a reply to durrasch's statement I think both of you should look at this, The Trap, this is the point when things stopped being a service and started becoming a business and the world became as it now is.
I thought it was a brilliant PR stunt as well when I first read it, but then I do work in roughly the same field.

Either way, it is nice she got to see the flick.
I agree nic! Who cares what everybody else was getting out of it; they were just doing there jobs!
At least she got to see it!

Thanks for the link. I read it thoroughly. Sad, actually. I believe in the power of human being. Power that can be used to create or to destroy, to unite or to seperate, to build or to raze. Free will. Free will is a two sided blade. with free will you can create 9th symphony when you are deaf, you can imagine lush stories when you are asexual, you can be friends with a cat when you are a dog, you can even be a captain in a country without a sea. Without free will, you can't give anything, except what you are programmed for with your genes. You can give birth, you can give protection to your child. But with free will, you can die for your child, you can chose to make great sacrifices for a person you don't even know. Basically everything you can try, because you are free.

But with freedom you can also ruin lives, you can kill, rob, harm, lie, manipulate. While the nature of good deeds depend on friendship, companions, sharing, the nature of evil deeds require selfishness, lies, manipulations, loneliness to keep all the share for oneself.

If it takes 10 man to work 10 days to build a hut, it takes one man and one day to ruin it or burn it down.
If the scale is as this, 1/10 between good and evil, the world would be in balance, evil may cause harm, good may heal wounds and keep building. In fact the natural balance could be quite close to this ratio, as being good is more common sense, as we are weak mammals who depend on eachother to stay alive, especially in the past era's. But now there is a third variable in this. The ignorant. They are so ignorant that they have lost their free will. This may have different reasons, maybe some of them are explained in "the trap". They don't build, or they don't destroy. They just exist. It is in fact quite possible that "evil" side decided to infect the population with this, so that it could swing the balance towards itself, without becoming many in numbers themselves, thus keeping consistent with the rules for it's existance. [please do not take the good and evil in this rumbling I write in the daily meanings we use them with]

It all forms a detailed weave, so complex in fact that without forgetting everything you have learnt, you can't even see yourself in the picture. How can you know you are not working for a "bad" company when you are just a secretary to a low level manager? Yet still you would be a part of the organism. How could you know when you are an assassin and have to kill a businesman who actually is a drug trader? And how can you decide any of these actions are good or evil, since the universe for these aspects became mutlifold and subjective?

This is why we need leaders down inside us. This is why even in democracy we want to see people that rise above us. Because only the good or bad side could create leaders. Ignorant leaders are forgatten shortly. This could be the reason for all the prophets and all the tyrants.

And now freedom... the subject itself is being attacked. who knows what our ancestors thought about freedom, or who knows what our children will think of it?
Quote by fystee
I agree nic! Who cares what everybody else was getting out of it; they were just doing there jobs!
At least she got to see it!

I agree Fystee. It really doesn't matter what the underlying agenda was (if there was one at all). The important thing is they actually responded and it was a comfort to the girl and her family.

Dirty Talk Competition story: His Voice

New Mac & Grace story: Boardrooms & Boudoirs - Part Three -Chapters 9-12

The Last Dance - Part 4 & Part 5

The Last Dance is a love story, but not your ordinary love story. I’d love for people to check it out. Thanks! 🥰

New short story: Under The Doctor's Desk

New micro: Another Man’s Wife

Indeed it is a good thing that Pixar did this. I said that way back at the start of this whole thing. All I did was point out what Bing Crosby said in "White Christmas": Everybody's got an angle.

It is great that Pixar showed the dying kid the movie, for whatever small comfort it gave her. I just think it approaches the apex of idiocy to believe that it was for altruistic motives. Worse, it is dangerous to not just overlook the reality of their motives, but to not even question those motives, if only for a moment. Turning a blind eye to the truth because you like the pretty wrapping that the story comes in is one of the big reasons why our society in the West is so intellectually crippled.
Wha...what? ehm.. oh... eh?
Alright... So, I was dancing through this thread when it was nice and empty. didn't post... but wow.. guess we think more the same than I wan't to admitt Durrasch.

Now get out of my house. *evil laughter*

What -I- don't understand is why the good deed is upon the company, when someone called and begged and pleeded to them like a mad woman.
Isn't it the one who asked them to do this who should have the publicity?
Cause, oportunities like this -is- something that most companies will take and accept for their PR.
"The last temptation is the greatest treason: to do the right deed for the wrong reason" T. S. Eliot

Ling dear...
Love the AV, Ling.
Thanks Cat. Had to find a way to compete with yours

And although I love Family Guy, that monkey was getting a bit old.

Before I lay my judgement down was it Pixar that released this story and thereby seeking the publicity from it or was it the little girls family?

Had I been the manager I would have taken it to the girl to watch I would have just not invited the media for the benefit of it.

Sometimes the good act is enough of its own reward.
Quote by Durrasch
Indeed it is a good thing that Pixar did this. I said that way back at the start of this whole thing. All I did was point out what Bing Crosby said in "White Christmas": Everybody's got an angle.

It is great that Pixar showed the dying kid the movie, for whatever small comfort it gave her. I just think it approaches the apex of idiocy to believe that it was for altruistic motives. Worse, it is dangerous to not just overlook the reality of their motives, but to not even question those motives, if only for a moment. Turning a blind eye to the truth because you like the pretty wrapping that the story comes in is one of the big reasons why our society in the West is so intellectually crippled.

I get it, I just don't care why they did it.

Dirty Talk Competition story: His Voice

New Mac & Grace story: Boardrooms & Boudoirs - Part Three -Chapters 9-12

The Last Dance - Part 4 & Part 5

The Last Dance is a love story, but not your ordinary love story. I’d love for people to check it out. Thanks! 🥰

New short story: Under The Doctor's Desk

New micro: Another Man’s Wife

Quote by Ling-Li
Thanks Cat. Had to find a way to compete with yours

And although I love Family Guy, that monkey was getting a bit old.


Thought you just had went to the barber...
Nah, I just made it... "NEET"

tee hee
