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Delta Gamma sorority member threatens to "cunt punt". Haha

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Active Ink Slinger
Haha, that's a new one for me. Cunt Punt!

The email....

If you just opened this like I told you to, tie yourself down to whatever chair you're sitting in, because this email is going to be a rough fucking ride.

For those of you that have your heads stuck under rocks, which apparently is the majority of this chapter, we have been FUCKING UP in terms of night time events and general social interactions with Sigma Nu. I've been getting texts on texts about people LITERALLY being so fucking AWKWARD and so fucking BORING. If you're reading this right now and saying to yourself "But oh em gee Julia, I've been having so much fun with my sisters this week!", then punch yourself in the face right now so that I don't have to fucking find you on campus to do it myself.

I do not give a flying fuck, and Sigma Nu does not give a flying fuck, about how much you fucking love to talk to your sisters. You have 361 days out of the fucking year to talk to sisters, and this week is NOT, I fucking repeat NOT ONE OF THEM. This week is about fostering relationships in the greek community, and that's not fucking possible if you're going to stand around and talk to each other and not our matchup. Newsflash you stupid cocks: FRATS DON'T LIKE BORING SORORITIES. Oh wait, DOUBLE FUCKING NEWSFLASH: SIGMA NU IS NOT GOING TO WANT TO HANG OUT WITH US IF WE FUCKING SUCK, which by the way in case you're an idiot and need it spelled out for you, WE FUCKING SUCK SO FAR. This also applies to you little shits that have talked openly about post gaming at a different frat IN FRONT OF SIGMA NU BROTHERS. Are you people fucking retarded? That's not a rhetorical question, I LITERALLY want you to email me back telling me if you're mentally slow so I can make sure you don't go to anymore night time events. If Sigma Nu openly said "Yeah we're gonna invite Zeta over", would you be happy? WOULD YOU? No you wouldn't, so WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO IT TO THEM?? IN FRONT OF THEM?!! First of all, you SHOULDN'T be post gaming at other frats, I don't give a FUCK if your boyfriend is in it, if your brother is in it, or if your entire family is in that frat. YOU DON'T GO. YOU. DON'T. GO. And you ESPECIALLY do fucking NOT convince other girls to leave with you.

"But Julia!", you say in a whiny little bitch voice to your computer screen as you read this email, "I've been cheering on our teams at all the sports, doesn't that count for something?" NO YOU STUPID FUCKING ASS HATS, IT FUCKING DOESN'T. DO YOU WANNA KNOW FUCKING WHY?!! IT DOESN'T COUNT BECAUSE YOU'VE BEEN FUCKING UP AT SOBER FUCKING EVENTS TOO. I've not only gotten texts about people being fucking WEIRD at sports (for example, being stupid shits and saying stuff like "durr what's kickball?" is not fucking funny), but I've gotten texts about people actually cheering for the opposing team. The opposing. Fucking. Team. ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID?!! I don't give a SHIT about sportsmanship, YOU CHEER FOR OUR GODDAMN TEAM AND NOT THE OTHER ONE, HAVE YOU NEVER BEEN TO A SPORTS GAME? ARE YOU FUCKING BLIND? Or are you just so fucking dense about what it means to make people like you that you think being a good little supporter of the greek community is going to make our matchup happy? Well it's time someone told you, NO ONE FUCKING LIKES THAT, ESPECIALLY OUR FUCKING MATCHUP. I will fucking cunt punt the next person I hear about doing something like that, and I don't give a fuck if you SOR me, I WILL FUCKING ASSAULT YOU.

"Ohhh Julia, I'm now crying because your email has made me oh so so sad". Well good. If this email applies to you in any way, meaning if you are a little asswipe that stands in the corners at night or if you're a weird shit that does weird shit during the day, this following message is for you:


I'm not fucking kidding. Don't go. Seriously, if you have done ANYTHING I've mentioned in this email and have some rare disease where you're unable to NOT do these things, then you are HORRIBLE, I repeat, HORRIBLE PR FOR THIS CHAPTER. I would rather have 40 girls that are fun, talk to boys, and not fucking awkward than 80 that are fucking faggots. If you are one of the people that have told me "Oh nooo boo hoo I can't talk to boys I'm too sober", then I pity you because I don't know how you got this far in life, and with that in mind don't fucking show up unless you're going to stop being a goddamn cock block for our chapter. Seriously. I swear to fucking God if I see anyone being a goddamn boner at tonight's event, I will tell you to leave even if you're sober. I'm not even kidding. Try me.

And for those of you who are offended at this email, I would apologize but I really don't give a fuck. Go fuck yourself.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
Active Ink Slinger
Wow, that sounds like one for the Rage Cage.
As a former sorority girl, this makes me sad. It's girls like her who give the entire system a bad reputation and make people think that sororities and fraternities are entirely superficial, which is certainly not the case for each chapter or organization. sad
I understand why she is mad, but she took it to an extreme.
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
I've always known the sorority life isn't for's reason # 87015.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

The Linebacker
Not all sororities and fraternities are the same. They actually can vary wildly from rather staid to out-of-control. Truth be told, my fraternity was a bit on the wild side, hence, our probation from the university president.

The sorority girl in the post above sounds like a girl in bad need of psychological counseling and medications.
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
From what I gathered, she's upset with her sorors because she's not getting any dick.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by slipperywhenwet2012
From what I gathered, she's upset with her sorors because she's not getting any dick.

or pussy.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Active Ink Slinger
It sounds like she is pissed off at her sorority sisters for ignoring their fraternity match up.

Nothing ruder than ignoring people with which you are supposed to be social.
Active Ink Slinger
First World Problems?
Active Ink Slinger
In case you are wondering, here is what the sorroririority in question looks like:

The Linebacker
Quote by ByronLord
In case you are wondering, here is what the sorroririority in question looks like:

Now living in that sorority house would drive one to insanity through boredom.
Summarized version: I'm a whiny whore mad at girls who aren't whiny whores like myself.

She should start a new sorority at a French chateau with a vineyard.
Alpha Blonde
If I went to this school, I would make it my life's mission to fuck up this girl's shit. It would be so fun (and so easy). That girl is strung tight.
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by Dancing_Doll
If I went to this school, I would make it my life's mission to fuck up this girl's shit. It would be so fun (and so easy). That girl is strung tight.

ooo... you know it makes me all hot and bothered when you get like that- need a wingman? we could enroll together.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Alpha Blonde
Quote by sprite

ooo... you know it makes me all hot and bothered when you get like that- need a wingman? we could enroll together.

Totally! I'm thinking we both pledge the sorority and go into undercover-bitch mode and fuck it up. We'd have her in a straightjacket by spring break. smile

(ps. this plotline would make a great teen flick movie!)
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
Quote by Dancing_Doll
If I went to this school, I would make it my life's mission to fuck up this girl's shit. It would be so fun (and so easy). That girl is strung tight.

LOL. Sounds like one of those angsty/cliquey teen chick-flicks. I fully endorse it.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by Dancing_Doll

Totally! I'm thinking we both pledge the sorority and go into undercover-bitch mode and fuck it up. We'd have her in a straightjacket by spring break. smile

(ps. this plotline would make a great teen flick movie!)

lol - we'd take them down, one house at a time, until we had ourselves an empire!! after that we could go after the frats.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Active Ink Slinger
Miaowgirls !
My Karma just ran over your Dogma
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Dancing_Doll
If I went to this school, I would make it my life's mission to fuck up this girl's shit. It would be so fun (and so easy). That girl is strung tight.

Strung tight? Maybe I could use my 16" Lush cock to loosen her up?

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
*Double Fucking News Flash*

Funny or Die reading of the E-mail by Michael Shannon

Imagine getting a similar email when she's president of the PTO in about 10 years. "This week is about fucking fundraising and that's not fucking possible if you're working on your fucking science project. If you need it spelled out to you: We fucking suck so far. Especially you little shits in the fourth grade. Boo-Hoo!"
I just think her head and heart were in the wrong place. She has a misconstrued idea of what is "normal" and what the behaviour is that follows. Someone should have brought her up with a more open mind is all.
I just think her head and heart were in the wrong place. She has a misconstrued idea of what is "normal" and what the behaviour is that follows. Someone should have brought her up with a more open mind is all.