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Can hiding your lush activity from your wife/husband/partner be considered cheating?

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Why hide the fact that you like to read this kind of storys ....und it chat is alle in fun ...und friends ....there some in chat ...that i totally love sisters ..brothers ....they have gotten me through some vary ....... lonly days und night .....yes my husband knows ...if you dont think so ask him ......billbo2.... here on lush.
Guess it depends how far you take your lush activity...
I think if you have to hide it, you must consider it cheating so... Guess each person is just different....
I do not think it is cheating...

Cheating is when you have physical relations with somebody.

It's just fantasy..Harmless fun..

This is my opinion only....
If you are reading & writing stories, posting in The Forum, then no.

Cybersex may be another matter though.

I do not cybersex!
It depends entirely upon what activities you are taking part in. If you use lush purely for the story writing and reading side of things, then no. If you are involved in a cyber relationship, or any cybersexing/'playing' then yes.

For a long time I didn't tell my partner about this. When I told him I like to write stories and read them, he was fine with it. I made sure to make him comfortable so he knows I am only here for that purpose.

It's all about what you are here for.

- Erotic Barbie xx
Erotic Barbie xx
Quote by PhareDuFour
I find some of the answers given here amusing.

You ask about cheating. In what regard and by whose standards?

Do you refer to traditional Christian morality? If you abide by traditional Christian morality, what in God's name are you doing here, man?

Or do you pick and choose your Christian morals? For instance masturbation and anal sex are acceptable with your wife, but coveting another's wife or girlfriend is amoral?

Or do you want to take on the morality of any given woman who writes or reads about fantasies, but grows indignant over the idea you would seriously desire anyone save your own wife?

If you cyber (though you touch no one but yourself) you are cheating, but if you read your potential cyber partner's erotica and wank off to that, then you are not cheating.

In other words if you read my words in live chat messages and they make you hard, that is cheating on your wife, but if you read my erotica and that makes your hard, then that is not cheating on your wife. Sounds like hypocrasy to me.

No wonder the Christians refer to the passage where Jesus said, "If you sin in your hearts, then it's no different that if your really committed sin in real life."

Try to see it practically: If you are here at Lush, then this site has something to offer you that your wife does not. That is a fact. Real life is always more entertaining than vicarious life. It's not a bad thing you are here. It's not reproachable. But it is an undeniable fact that Lush has something you are attracted to that your wife cannot offer you. That is not your problem. That is a fact.

It might be a problem in telling your wife you engage here. It could be because you are ashamed. It could be because you feel guilt. It could be that you worry she might feel inadequate and insecure because you are here. So it's both of your problems if you want her to understand, but make no effort to get her to understand why you are at Lush.

It might be that you already know that she cannot overcome her feelings of inadequacy or jealousy of other women. It that case you keep it secret so as not to hurt her feelings. In that case what you are doing is risky. She might find out. Then what?

I would say, if you find yourself feeling guilty for coming here and covering it up, then you need to resolve something: your guilt/shame issues, your communication/relationship problems with your wife, or your (in)ability to rationalize your behaviour as most prudent compromise between your personal needs and the needs of your relationship.

Exactly what she said!!!
If your cybering on lush and hiding it from your partner then i think it is cheating.
I think if you develop any type of intimate relationship with someone, physical or emotional, yes.. It is cheating... It doesn't mean it's right or wrong... Only you can decide what is right or wrong for you... The question to ask yourself is "how would you feel if your partner was intimate with someone else?"
"I'd much rather be a woman than a man. Women can cry, they can wear cute clothes, and they are the first to be rescued off of sinking ships."
— Gilda Radner
My lush activity has never been hidden, I just didn't share the fact I wrote erotic stories. I'm proud of them, I don't want to hide them. He knows I visit Lush and trusts that I'm not getting into anything I shouldn't be. Plus, there's nothing in my stories he didn't already know about me.

*The Dark Room*

How do you talk to an Angel available from Amazon.
I am a lushstories virgin and I'm here for the same reasons so I agree with you.

Quote by paul_moadib
I'm on here for the stories , ie to write some, and the chat.

I don't see it as cheating. I expect I will show the stories to my wife at some point.
the common opinion seems to be that cybering is cheating but other activity like writing/reading stories is not. I wonder if the wife/husband/partner would feel the same way. Somehow I don't think so...I think they'd see just having a profile on this site as cheating. It is what it is.
I agree it depends what your doing on lush, if your reading stories or on the forums that isn't cheating. But cybering with someone or going on / video chatting is. In saying that it also depends if you have discussed it with your partner and they are ok with it.

The other thing is it takes two people to cyber so if the person has said they are in a relationship. That should be respected.

I have read people commenting on this thread who have encouraged partners to cheat. And that is disrespectful. Think they need to ask themselves how they would feel if the situations where reversed.
Totally agree with Aussie Kitty...if reading stories then no but if you are in a relationship and cybering with others without the knowledge of your partner then it totally is.