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Break-Up Test

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How fast do you bounce back?

Your score is: 100

What does your score mean?

According to your test results, you don't take very much time getting back in the saddle after a break up. In fact, you seem to bounce back and get yourself out on the playing field faster than anyone can say Elizabeth Taylor. There are a variety of possible reasons for this. Perhaps you haven't cared deeply for the people you've dated and therefore had no trouble getting them out of your system. In this case, you've obviously never had any real reason to "mourn". Or maybe your motto is that the past is exactly that - the past - and you live your life in the moment. So instead of Mr./Ms. Right, you're focused on Mr./Ms. Right Now. That's fine, as long as you're not denying or suppressing any feelings of heartbreak. It's normal to feel let down when a relationship doesn't pan out; in fact, the grieving process is what allows us to truly get over someone. We can't deny what every love song professes; love hurts. But most would agree that it's worth it!

The past is the past.
Your score is: 85

Same definition as yours Rocco. Don't know how they manage to get a 5 in the score seeing there's 10 questions I guess some are weighted more than others.
Flutterby Pharie
I scored the same as you, Sir Rocco....
♥ Listen, touch, and look around in the air and on the ground. If you watch all nature's things, you might just see a fairy's wings. ♥
Active Ink Slinger
Just did the test, and whatever they're using to weigh it is crazy - according to the test I got 75 and bounce back very quickly. The reality is the exact opposite. Sure, I clear out pictures etc, to reduce the pain the memories of them bring to mind. But getting over the relationship takes a long time, a very long time.
Active Ink Slinger
Your score is: 35



What does your score mean?

You can probably identify with these ABBA lyrics, "Breaking up is never easy I know, but I have to go. Knowing me, knowing you, it's the best I can do." While you recognize that letting go of someone you care for is not an easy task, you also know that it's a necessary part of romance. Chances are you're an optimist at heart and want to believe in the idea of enduring, real love. Saying goodbye hurts, but you do what you've got to do to move on. You may spend some teary nights listening to "your song" or even give in to the urge to call a few times, just to hear their voice. But you generally pull yourself up off the ground, dust off, and get back in the saddle as soon as you've allowed yourself a bit of wallowing time. That way, when you meet those "other fish in the sea" everyone assures you exist, you'll be ready to reel them in with your wit, charm and cheery disposition.

SHIT!!! Don't break up with me or I will haunt This test is not fair!
80. Too high for me i think, usually i stumble into a pit of depression
80%...I agreed but don't have a feel for the scoring/
Welcome back, Jason.
My score was 80:

According to your test results, you don't take very much time getting back in the saddle after a break up. In fact, you seem to bounce back and get yourself out on the playing field faster than anyone can say Elizabeth Taylor. There are a variety of possible reasons for this. Perhaps you haven't cared deeply for the people you've dated and therefore had no trouble getting them out of your system. In this case, you've obviously never had any real reason to "mourn". Or maybe your motto is that the past is exactly that - the past - and you live your life in the moment. So instead of Mr./Ms. Right, you're focused on Mr./Ms. Right Now. That's fine, as long as you're not denying or suppressing any feelings of heartbreak. It's normal to feel let down when a relationship doesn't pan out; in fact, the grieving process is what allows us to truly get over someone. We can't deny what every love song professes; love hurts. But most would agree that it's worth it!
Lush Legend
Your score is: 60

What does your score mean?

You can probably identify with these ABBA lyrics, "Breaking up is never easy I know, but I have to go. Knowing me, knowing you, it's the best I can do." While you recognize that letting go of someone you care for is not an easy task, you also know that it's a necessary part of romance. Chances are you're an optimist at heart and want to believe in the idea of enduring, real love. Saying goodbye hurts, but you do what you've got to do to move on. You may spend some teary nights listening to "your song" or even give in to the urge to call a few times, just to hear their voice. But you generally pull yourself up off the ground, dust off, and get back in the saddle as soon as you've allowed yourself a bit of wallowing time. That way, when you meet those "other fish in the sea" everyone assures you exist, you'll be ready to reel them in with your wit, charm and cheery disposition.
"Love all, trust a few, and do wrong to none."
Man am I a sad sack!

My score is 10!

How pathetic am I? LOL!

What does your score mean?

Still got mushy letters from your high school flame? Get teary-eyed when you listen to love songs that remind you of your ex? Not surprising. According to your results on the test, you're not the type to jump right back into the saddle. You have a tough time letting go and moving on from relationships, which likely means you care deeply and give all your heart to those you care about. When you love, you love deeply. As a natural consequence, breaking up with someone just plain hurts. This is perfectly normal, and can in fact be a natural part of the healing process. When you lose someone you love, you go through the stages of grief, and these steps cannot be rushed. There is a certain point, however, when we just have to pull ourselves up by the bootstraps and make the effort to let go. It's certainly not easy, especially if we had decided that special someone was "The One", but it is possible. As hard as it is to believe when in the middle of a break up, there are other fish in the sea.

You're not pathetic, Ling. These tests are just for fun and there's nothing wrong with being a romantic with feelings.
Active Ink Slinger
Your score is: 50

What does your score mean?

You can probably identify with these ABBA lyrics, "Breaking up is never easy I know, but I have to go. Knowing me, knowing you, it's the best I can do." While you recognize that letting go of someone you care for is not an easy task, you also know that it's a necessary part of romance. Chances are you're an optimist at heart and want to believe in the idea of enduring, real love. Saying goodbye hurts, but you do what you've got to do to move on. You may spend some teary nights listening to "your song" or even give in to the urge to call a few times, just to hear their voice. But you generally pull yourself up off the ground, dust off, and get back in the saddle as soon as you've allowed yourself a bit of wallowing time. That way, when you meet those "other fish in the sea" everyone assures you exist, you'll be ready to reel them in with your wit, charm and cheery disposition.
"I can resist everything except temptation." - Oscar Wilde
It's just my semi-latin blood, I fall soon and I fall hard...

C'est la vie!

How fast do you bounce back?

Your score is: 75


What does your score mean?

According to your test results, you don't take very much time getting back in the saddle after a break up. In fact, you seem to bounce back and get yourself out on the playing field faster than anyone can say Elizabeth Taylor. There are a variety of possible reasons for this. Perhaps you haven't cared deeply for the people you've dated and therefore had no trouble getting them out of your system. In this case, you've obviously never had any real reason to "mourn". Or maybe your motto is that the past is exactly that - the past - and you live your life in the moment. So instead of Mr./Ms. Right, you're focused on Mr./Ms. Right Now. That's fine, as long as you're not denying or suppressing any feelings of heartbreak. It's normal to feel let down when a relationship doesn't pan out; in fact, the grieving process is what allows us to truly get over someone. We can't deny what every love song professes; love hurts. But most would agree that it's worth it!