Can't never could, won't never will!
Be kind whenever possible.
Count your blessings and mind your business.
I can’t think of a good tagline so this will have to do. Suggest a better one for me?
Kindness and compassion. Trying the best to help someone in need. Taking care of my family.
I have a two:
Don't take life so seriously, not like it's permanent.
I'll figure something out; I always do.
Don't hurt anyone. (emotionally or physically. Everything else is okay.)
I have 2.
First goes back to military life. - FIDO Fuck It Drive On.
Life sucks sometimes. We all make mistakes. But you have to just push through it
Second one several people here should learn. - Don't be a dick!
There is no end to education.
It is not that you read a book, pass an examination, and finish with education.
The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
Keep moving forward.
Some of the last things my brother said before he lost the ability to speak and shortly after lost his life. Keep moving forward pushed me forward in a dark time in my life, and 4 years later I use it for the small and big obstacles in my life now.
It's a sick world and I'm a happy guy!
Go for it whatever it might be.
Fake it 'til you make it.
A few:
Be good and if you can't be good, be good at it.
We're here for a good time, not a long time.
Every person, in every place, in every time, is important.
Live life for the gusto, be funny, laugh, love, be nice to everyone, and accept people for who and what they are, protect those who cannot protect themselves, treating all people as good as possible, unless they are mean, vicious, violent, bigoted assholes, and in that case, whip their ass and be the one who can do it.
Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right.
One can't to heaven with lies of deceit.
Moderation in all things, including moderation!
"It's only kinky the first time! Then it's just sex!"