Quote by tasha4girls
. I can hold my breath underwater for two minutes.
2. I have never had sex with someone I truly loved.
3. I have had sex in exchange for drugs.
4. I Prefer Pepsi to Coke
Quote by BiMale73
#2 is the lie
My three truths/one lie:
1. I have one brother and one sister
2. My best friend is also my ex
3. I have two brothers in law
4. I love soccer
Quote by tasha4girls
1. I play the harmonica.
2. I love snow.
3. My friends mean a lot to me.
4. I have a summer house.
........ #2 is the lie
1. I can hold my breath underwater for two minutes.
2. I have never had sex with someone I truly loved.
3. I have had sex in exchange for drugs.
4. I Prefer Pepsi to Coke
Quote by Feisty
1. I have 100+ pairs of shoes
2. I'm getting my PhD
3. I had a sexual relationship with my high school teacher.
4. I lost my virginity at 12.
Quote by tasha4girls
1. My first sexual experience was at 11.
2. i've seen Pitch Perfect 20 times.
3. I have been arrested for having sex in public.
4. I own over 20 handguns and rifles.
Latest story:
Bump in the Night-Microfiction
Smoke Break-Interracial
Quote by Martiann
I'm guessing #2 Sharon. That seems like a lot.
1. I was a giant nerd in high school.
2. I'm a pretty decent golfer.
3. I would rather talk on the phone than have sex.
4. I have 31 pocketbooks.
Latest story:
Bump in the Night-Microfiction
Smoke Break-Interracial
Quote by BethanyFrasier
I'm guessing #3 is the lie, Martiann!
1. I haven't seen my older sister in 21 years
2. I'm not allowed to drive in the state of Maine
3. I was born 6 weeks premature
4. One of my professors at Ohio State has asked me to proofread 2 of his manuscripts before publication
Quote by Nikki703
1 - I have was once arrested for public lewdness
2 - I dated a professional Ice Hockey player for a few months
3 - I once got drunk with an Academy Award nominated actress
4 - I love to Sky Dive and have made 6 solo jumps so far
Quote by CarlyT
Number 4??
1. I was engaged to a premiership footballer (UK)
2. My best friend at school tried out to be porn star and I went to the audition
3. I can touch my nose with my tongue
4. I was arrested for drunk and disorderly at uni for punching a guy and knocking him over
Quote by nawtygirl
Nikki, I guess I will have to go with #2.
Quote by LASARDaddy
For me!
1. I adore Madras and Vindaloo Indian curries.
2. I love pumpkin pie.
3. I drive a Toyota Highlander
4. I have 16 grand children.
Quote by Nikki703
I say #4 is the lie
1 - I once masturbated while parasailing
2 - I am a member of the Mile High Club
3 - I once entered a Amateur Night contest in a Strip Bar
4 - I was once on the Jerry Springer Show
Quote by LASARDaddy
Sorry, it's 2. I detest pumpkin pie, it tastes rancid to me, sweet potatoes and other also, those with the high Vitamin A.
I think I pick number 4 after reading your profile. Good strong profile.
Quote by BethanyFrasier
scarlet, I'm guessing #1 is a lie.
1. I once suffered from anorexia nervosa
2. My feet are size 5 (US)
3. I play Native American 6-hole flutes
4. I wrote speeches for Ohio Democratic congressional candidates when I worked as a political consultant