I worked in a photographic studio before digital cameras were in general use,and a session with a naked lady was hard work,with setting up lights and working out exposures and what lens to use,so it was never a sexual thing just a job.
Never had any offers from the lady wether an amateur or proffessional,for any hanky panky.
But i do like to like to look at the naked body male or female and mostly any age.
Me? No. I think I'm a bit reserved or self conciou.
But quite hypocritically I've taken casual fashion, lingerie, implied nude and nude photos of dozens of girls as a hobby.
Generally of emerging or curious amateurs just wanting to try a posing experience. It's very rewarding, men are hard wired to admire, and ladies are hard wired to enjoy being admired in my experience.
Have taken explicit photos of partners, but I keep that seperate.
If I lived in the US I'd offer my discrete services in a heartbeat to the ladies here. Alas, Australia is a much smaller pool to seek collaboration.