I wonder if they need another bartender in Congo?
So then avg size in US is 12.9cm or 5.1in. Personally I think that is wrong, maybe more like 6. But on sites like Lush, it is 9+ easily, LOL!! I feel sorry for a guy with 7in, must feel inadequate here. But he can always come to my house, LOL!
I've actually seen multiple studies, and 5 inches seems to be the consensus.
I like how much of the data is "self reported."
Is that supposed to be flaccid or erect size? Enquiring minds want to know.
Gee after all that I think I'll leave my 3 inches in my trousers..............
"Hey, don't knock masturbation! It's sex with someone I love." Woody Allen
"I am willing to admit that I may not always be right, but I am never wrong." Samuel Goldwyn
If you want your cock to grow to unreal proportions. Sign up and post on the Internet. I think that it has something to do with electrons. Any one stretching the truth? Who the hell cares. If it makes you happy, have fun with it.FQXFxz4nxPGyLnFs
I'm surprised that this isn't in more travel guides.
[url]http://[/url] Studies at Harvard have linked penis size to intelligence. Their studies found that on average larger penises accompanied low IQs while small penised men were more intelligent.
Maybe Harvard is just mad that they don't have a good football team.
Studies at Harvard have linked penis size to intelligence. Their studies found that on average larger penises accompanied low IQs while small penised men were more intelligent.
Maybe Harvard is just mad that they don't have a good football team.