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Why Women Lack Interest In Sex?

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Thanks for the video clips jackinandjillin
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Quote by Bunny12
Honestly I have known many woman that could really care less if they ever had sex and their poor men are lucky if they even feel they need to service them as their wifely duty some won't even do that. I really think a lot of it has to do with hormones and how women are raised in society basically being tought to be inhibited. I really feel sorry for them and especially their men it's a no win situation as many can never even begin to address it. Guess my problem is the opposite raging hormones! LOL Yes for all these situations communication is the key. The exact same thing can be said about men and ED problems so it all goes both ways. I really wish people would just consider sexual dysfunction as a medical problem and go talk to their docs!

l agree with Bunny12.
Active Ink Slinger
You should always make sure your women is enjoying themselves and with the satisfaction of the explosive encounter, most likely they will come back for more. Always bear in mind to take your time. As the saying goes "Slow and Steady, Win the Race".
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Never neglect your women after the show. Cuddling is the best form of showing your appreciation.
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You should always bear in mind the saying "Ladies First"
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Thanks JimL
it's not just women who can lack a desire for sex .... but should you find yourself with one that "sets the flame" ... enjoy and play to keep that flame lit!

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Thanks VanGogh. You are totally right. Once the flame is lit, we should keep it litted as once it diminish, its hard to glow again.
Quote by VanGogh

it's not just women who can lack a desire for sex .... but should you find yourself with one that "sets the flame" ... enjoy and play to keep that flame lit!


In full agreement VanGogh. but all sexual relationships are like a hot bath, the longer your in it the cooler it gets, so you have to turn the hot tap on every now and then to keep it hot. And just to add, "a faint heart never won a fair maiden"
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Thanks jackinandjillin.
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Certain medication can cause the decrease in sex drive.
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Thanks JimL.
I do understand that most of my friends wife do take some medication either for high blood pressure, diabetes or high cholesterol. Maybe this is part of the reason for the lack of sex drive.
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PM will also cause the decrease in sex drive due to the imbalance of hormones.
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Thanks JimL.
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Ever wonder is it due to some health problem.
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Quote by Necho
If a woman doesn't want to have sex with you it is because it is boring for her and she doesn't derive pleasure from it.

I can promise you if the sex is fun and exciting, she won't loose interest.

I agree completely.
Wild at Heart
Women are just as horny as the guys. They're just better at hiding it than men.
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Quote by Necho

I can promise you if the sex is fun and exciting, she won't loose interest.

I don't think its quite so simple. From my own personal situation, the sex is hot. Very hot. But the relationship fell apart long ago. (I accept my fault in allowing it to do so)... Long story short, she jokes that once I make enough money for her to divorce me, she wants sexual visitation rights... the sex is not the reason she's cut me off. There are emotional wounds that interfere and confuse things if we have sex, and so she abstains. She fell out of love with me a long time ago. And while she thoroughly enjoys sex with me, she doesn't give it, because she knows I still love her. I guess its mercy... doesn't feel like it though.

Anyways, the point being. Lousy sex is not the only reason a woman doesn't want to have sex with a man.

paranormal • erotic • romance
Every woman is up for pleasure. You just have to know how to hit the right buttons.
Yeah a big reason some women dont want to have sex is because she either doesn care for the person she is with or doesnt like the way her partner does things
Quote by WellMadeMale
Specifically, are these women showing a lack of interest in having sex with you?

I started going down the posts and saw that. Sort of mean, but hilarious. ..What was I doing again?

Edit: OH RIGHT. I think it's because they are either on their period (some women find it disgusting) or they are going through menopause. Has your woman gone through any of that?
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Black-velvet
I don't speak for all women when I say this, but for me and most of the women I know, the build up to sex is much more exciting than the sex itself. So if I were to give you a word of advice, then it would be.... foreplay, foreplay and more foreplay. And if that doesn't work, then just ask her what pleases her, how she likes to be touched. Have fun!

Black-Velvet is totally right! Foreplay before play!!

And, don't ever be afraid to talk to her, communication
is so important. Don't be afraid to ask what she wants!

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by iceman
Quote by Black-velvet
I don't speak for all women when I say this, but for me and most of the women I know, the build up to sex is much more exciting than the sex itself. So if I were to give you a word of advice, then it would be.... foreplay, foreplay and more foreplay. And if that doesn't work, then just ask her what pleases her, how she likes to be touched. Have fun!

Black-Velvet is totally right! Foreplay before play!!

And, don't ever be afraid to talk to her, communication
is so important. Don't be afraid to ask what she wants!

Very true about the communication. That said, I can't stand when they ask, what gets you off or what do you like? the very first time you are together. It feels like they are lazy if they can't try something on their own first. Show a little initiative!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by iceman
Quote by Black-velvet
I don't speak for all women when I say this, but for me and most of the women I know, the build up to sex is much more exciting than the sex itself. So if I were to give you a word of advice, then it would be.... foreplay, foreplay and more foreplay. And if that doesn't work, then just ask her what pleases her, how she likes to be touched. Have fun!

Black-Velvet is totally right! Foreplay before play!!

And, don't ever be afraid to talk to her, communication
is so important. Don't be afraid to ask what she wants!

Very true about the communication. That said, I can't stand when they ask, what gets you off or what do you like? the very first time you are together. It feels like they are lazy if they can't try something on their own first. Show a little initiative!

Iceman, I like what you said earlier about her being first . There are to many out there that don't think that way, and when they are done the show is over.
I've never met a woman that lacked an interest in sex. if you have to ask, then you're doing something wrong which is fine with me because I dont' mind entertaining your ladies if you can't do it right.

This is also the problem with long term relationships and this is why I don't do them. You end up losing your desire for the other person. And then your forced to cheat.

My buddy just got married two years ago even though I told him he would regret it. 8 months in, and his girl has already gained 15 pound since the wedding! Now he can't say anything to her because women get sensitive about their weight. But I feel bad for the guy because now what's he supposed to do? She doesn't like sex anymore because she feels self conscious about the weight. He doesn't like sex because she looks like a different person from the girl he married.

I got off track with that, but the point is that if your healthy in the mind and body then you will want sex. Its what we are programmed to do. If you aren't wanting it then something is wrong and people should start thinking about how to fix it.
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Quote by The_Driver

I got off track with that, but the point is that if your healthy in the mind and body then you will want sex. Its what we are programmed to do. If you aren't wanting it then something is wrong and people should start thinking about how to fix it.

My point exactly, but said better. Hehehe. nicely put. It's not necessarily that the sex is bad. Some element (or ten) of the relationship has gone awry.

paranormal • erotic • romance
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I don't know how many women see sex as a chore, and how many married men I have talked to who wish their wives were more sexual. As a woman who discovered her sexuality young, I can only shrug and say that they don't know what they are missing
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I don't have that problem in my relationship . If anything her sex drive is slightly higher than mine.
Active Ink Slinger
I have not found any women lacking in sexual interest when given time and the right foreplay!!!