Quote by TheAngryishLover
Unlike your belly, which is sexy as fuck
I love it. It's turning me
But yeah...I won't show my face either. But as the others have said, I don't expect pics from girls either. Who does that?!
My new Flash Fiction:
An Extraordinary Orgasm.
Quote by SmartSassy69
Cause they're asses. LOL
Quote by DanniMeowProbably for t h e same reason women do; they want to protect their identity and at the same time they want to see, who they're dealing with. And since it IS a sex site, naked isn't odd really.
Why do guys never want to show their faces in pictures but expect women to post full nudes?
Quote by BethanyFrasier
I think everyone who dabbles in online relationships should learn how to do reverse-image searches, to check the photos their would-be playmates are showing, to make sure they aren't fakes who just got their pics from some website. It's a valuable skill to learn, and saves a lot of trouble before things get serious.