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Why do couples like holding hands?

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I know it seems a simple question to ask; but why do couples like holding hands?

Why do we do this action when with a loved one?
So you don't lose them in a crowd...

Seriously though, I think it stems back to an aspect of the whole 'pair bonding' ritual. Touching another person makes you feel closer to them. Studies have shown that touching the forearm of someone during an initial conversation makes that person more receptive and open to what you are saying. I think holding hands just signifies to the world that you are "together" and it makes you feel closer or more bonded to the person. It's like a universally acceptable version of PDA.
If it's done too early on, I think it can be really awkward though... I've had first dates where things are not going well, and the guy tries to do this, and I physically recoil.
First reply nailed it. It just feels good.
Cos I like touching him biggrin
It varies from couple to couple. It can be very arrousing, or reassuring, or annoying.
In game, touching the other is called "kino" and it has to be done at the right time. Too early, like DD said, and you just freak the other person out.

Touch is an amazing sense and is a vital part of seduction, romance, love, and sex.
I'm not much of a hand holder. I prefer linking my arm through his and leaning into him a little.
I've never liked holding hands, from a purely physical perspective. But from an emotional and spiritual aspect, I like the intimacy interwoven into the seemingly innocent touch. When my wife allows it, I hold her hand as a sign of affection. To bond and feel close to her. I suppose if she offered any other affection, I might skip on the hand holding... that's sort where I went wrong to begin with. And so, today, now, I'd do anything to hold her hand.

paranormal • erotic • romance
Quote by Lisa
I'm not much of a hand holder. I prefer linking my arm through his and leaning into him a little.

Really? I find that it really uncomfortable to walk like that.
cause its an assurance of you have him/her whatever crowd your have around.
I can only wish to hold hands with that someone special.

Behind every strong soldier there is even a stronger woman who raised him " Proud Army Mom"
to show people that they're yours and you're comfortable with that.
Why do couples hold hands?....Hmmmmmm, I guess because fucking in public is banned in most countries......pity.

Love Is Blind | Lush Stories - A poem of love and pain...

Quote by BrindleChase
I've never liked holding hands, from a purely physical perspective. But from an emotional and spiritual aspect, I like the intimacy interwoven into the seemingly innocent touch. When my wife allows it, I hold her hand as a sign of affection. To bond and feel close to her. I suppose if she offered any other affection, I might skip on the hand holding... that's sort where I went wrong to begin with. And so, today, now, I'd do anything to hold her hand.

Awe, Brindle
Quote by Piquet
Why do couples hold hands?....Hmmmmmm, I guess because fucking in public is banned in most countries......pity.

That was funny... and so true!

Because it was the first moment of intimacy we all experienced as children.. holding hands is a protective gesture... for most men it means.. 'I have you... you're safe'...
As with many of the rituals of love and courtship there is a long tradition of holding hands in Europe.

The ritual of the promenade in the town square at dusk is one, where couples walk not only hand in hand but 'agazze', that is with the woman's forearm tucked under the man's and their hands entwined. The man walks half a step ahead of the woman and keeps her close.

I remember my grandparents walking like this and when Louise and I travelled back to the old country (in 1996) we often promenaded agazze. Noticing us, one old guy said to me, "Ah, but you are a gentleman of the old school." A compliment indeed !

Love Is Blind | Lush Stories - A poem of love and pain...

Quote by Piquet
As with many of the rituals of love and courtship there is a long tradition of holding hands in Europe.

The ritual of the promenade in the town square at dusk is one, where couples walk not only hand in hand but 'agazze', that is with the woman's forearm tucked under the man's and their hands entwined. The man walks half a step ahead of the woman and keeps her close.

I remember my grandparents walking like this and when Louise and I travelled back to the old country (in 1996) we often promenaded agazze. Noticing us, one old guy said to me, "Ah, but you are a gentleman of the old school." A compliment indeed !

yes, a compliment indeed!!

Some (not all) men need to learn this. I loved walking "agazze" with a former partner, to be close and protected.

big smile ... very nice indeed!

Quote by HoneyBee000
Quote by BrindleChase
I've never liked holding hands, from a purely physical perspective. But from an emotional and spiritual aspect, I like the intimacy interwoven into the seemingly innocent touch. When my wife allows it, I hold her hand as a sign of affection. To bond and feel close to her. I suppose if she offered any other affection, I might skip on the hand holding... that's sort where I went wrong to begin with. And so, today, now, I'd do anything to hold her hand.

Awe, Brindle

Thanks! I'll live. Got my writing to live vicariously through! *lol*

paranormal • erotic • romance
Quote by Piquet
As with many of the rituals of love and courtship there is a long tradition of holding hands in Europe.

The ritual of the promenade in the town square at dusk is one, where couples walk not only hand in hand but 'agazze', that is with the woman's forearm tucked under the man's and their hands entwined. The man walks half a step ahead of the woman and keeps her close.

I remember my grandparents walking like this and when Louise and I travelled back to the old country (in 1996) we often promenaded agazze. Noticing us, one old guy said to me, "Ah, but you are a gentleman of the old school." A compliment indeed !

I love all these old traditions, thank you Piquet
Makes us feel connected even in the smallest of ways.
my daughter calls it a hand hug...
littlemissbitch ~ professional face ripper offer, at your service..
Quote by littlemissbitch
my daughter calls it a hand hug...

Aww, that's so cute and true. The reason I do it (or have done in the past) is for closeness and comfort and to show my love and affection, just like hugging, only with hands. I might just have to adopt that saying now.
Human touch is vital to healthy living. Human touch is so therapeutic. It makes us feel connected, not just with the person we're holding hands with. But with ourselves. That's why hand holding is still prohibited in some places. It's a level of public intimacy that restrictive societies aren't comfortable with.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
I used to walk around with my dick in her, bur it was d@mn difficult to do, while walking up stairs. Holding hands is waaay easier
Its simple, I feel loved when he holds my hand.
Its knowing that you are always wanted, the confidence I feel in showing that love by slipping my hand into his

I can almost feel my heart swell with love when one of my little ones hands slip into mine. It always brings a smile to my face when I look down and seen them looking up at me
I feel deeply connected. I am very protective by nature so it's natural for me to hold on to the one I love.
An intimate connection that we can do in public. Also as DD said it can show that the couple are together.

I love holding hands with my other half, he has large palms with long fingers and they have cuts, scabs and callious (sp). From working on a farm.

Also I love this line from Jizz in my pants by The lonely Island.

"And when we are holding's like having sex with me."

He hasn't held my hand in a very long time...but I think its a sweet expression of intimacy.
it is a sense of security