two of my next door neighbors
a couple of work colleagues
two of my friends' wives
three of my friends
well... hows that for a beginning? ;-)
you mean women i actually know ? -- Good female friend of mine - there is a blonde acroos the all from my office -think she would be a ggod time-- 2 of my wife's sisters---now celebrities, hh whitney cummings -merissa tomei-kerry washington -to name a few
My administrative assistant, Michelle, but David said I had to keep my hands off her! She's married now anyways, so I pretty much lost my chance to find out if she's bisexual, even assuming I didn't have to keep business and pleasure separate. ~sigh~
A chic i know with the initials A.A. ;)
In a heartbeat, although the seduction would be fun, separated as we are and heavily involved with others.36aP4y1pCwtQnfbA
In that case. My girl friend.,
many of my Lush friends, even the women, they've made me so comfortable here
Donald Glover (Childish Gambino)
Any woman who'd let me I guess, I'd have to work on the finer details of that statement but it's a start
Jennifer Lawrence, Iggy Azalea, the girl who plays Cressida in Mockingjay and for some reason I can't remember her name.
I would go gay for those ladies any day lol.
Men hmm... the members of My Chemical Romance and Falling in Reverse, yes I would let them fuck me til I couldn't walk. mm
I couldn't possibly embarrass anyone here by naming them! In real life there are a few I have met within the past few months.
The girl in the doughnut shop for starters.
Some of my Lush friends but only if they were willing
My best friend. I'd do things for him sexually that I wouldn't do for another guy.
My best friend. I'd do things for him sexually that I wouldn't do for another guy.
There's a client I see every month or so: a real silver fox and devastatingly handsome with it. Tall, slim and gentle with the most amazing eyes. I have to be careful not to go all girly when we meet.
I work in a client facing role, and have fucked too many clients over the years, but there is one I have always found so so sassy, but decided against it as, for some reason, I don't want to balls up the friendship we have!
I really want to fuck my best friends sister, she has the perfect body.
Think Kristen Bell but a little bit taller, that's what she looks like.
The girl who delivers my mail, gorgeous cum to bed eyes to die fir
I am attracted to my wife's best friend who is very married and very happy.
A close friend that I've known for 30 years. (I'm starting to think she's not going to fuck me).
- My Boss
- My T.A
- The girl in biochem lab (who's name i don't know)
- Biochem professor. (very beautiful woman).
- My roommate
- One of my co-workers
- My friends boyfriend.