What is the most embarrassing dating moment you have ever had?
Did you accidently spill coffee on yourself your first date? Did you get a flat tire on the drive to the restaurant?
I just accidently snorted really loud while laughing at a movie. Good thing he laughed too
Most embarrassing thing I have done on a date? Walking around after dinner with a piece of lettuce stuck in my teeth.
Slipped my panties into the jacket pocket of the wrong guy.
Knocked over a glass of red wine into my lap, you can imagine what that looked like.
When dating the woman that would eventually become my first wife, took her to see Deliverance for a Valentine's Day date .... nice romantic movie! She should have known right there to RUN!
We went bowling, and I wore a knee-length dress. Said dress was light and floaty, and as I spun around, victory dance stylee, it flew up to my waist whereupon at least ten other people saw that I was wearing lace undies and hold-ups.
Aaaand cue red face.
Had a big time crush on this girl. Finally asked her out. Within maybe 3 mins after picking her up, I rear ended a car at a red light. It was more of a love tap. Nobody hurt or cars damaged beyond some scratches but it set the stage for what turned out to be a pretty bad date lol...
Called my date by her sister,s name even after she had told me more than once, we never met up again.
Started my date's grill on fire while cooking for her on our 3rd date
My high school graduation. After the church services in the afternoon we were all meeting at the high school for pictures. I got there and one of my buddies asked where my date was. I had forgotten her at the church. I raced back there and she was standing on the sidewalk fuming. It was a very awkward tense evening. Needless to say, I didn't even get a good night kiss much less a second date.
I was on the couch making out with my date got her top open and spent 5 minutes trying to get her bra off when she finally told me it opened in the front