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What was your source of sex education?

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Sensual Hobgoblin
A combination of my Mom, who was actually incredibly frank; my older sis who had a similar talk from Mom plus her personal experiences and from some porn a BF got off the internet. All followed my personal trial and error until I got it right, which is ongoing...

I just published a new story, A wife is home alone when two criminals break in to rob her. She's afraid and that's when it gets interesting A super story full of great sex, with a BDSM slant, that will hold your interest.

An oldie but goodie, An Editor's Pick from a comp a couple of years ago.

If you enjoy either, please comment. My ego needs a boost, ha! Thanks.

Resident Otaku
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My sex education was mainly hardcore porn. We kept in contact via webcam (he was who he said he was.) We were even friends on Facebook until a few years back. He seemed the most normal person ever with pictures of him with his dogs, and he seemed to come from a nice family — complete contrast to my earlier impression. I knew if we met, I would find it hard being away. With a 250 mile distance, it would have been very hard to see each other much. We nearly met a few times in real life (as his submissive,) but stuff kept coming up for me so it never happened. I met my now-husband, so we decided to end our friendship because he liked me still, but it couldn't be. I discovered I enjoy being dominant with my husband though.
Southern Gentleman
I’ve always liked to read so partly romance novels and Penthouse forum magazines when I was young. After I gave my virginity to a sweet, dear friend who wasn’t a virgin btw, I was definitely hooked on sex so mostly by trial and error ever since. My wife has a lot of patience lol.
1955 edition of Childs Craft Encyclopedia for the basic about the birds and bees, followed by early editions of Playboy, which I only read for the articles.Lm7LYsxlj9gzFNDW