Logistician (ISTJ-a), now that you and I know this, when do we start knocking boots?
ENTP, Any containing descriptions like "organized," "logical," or "careful" do not apply to me.
Advocate (INFJ-t), with introverted (78%), intuitive (64%) and judging (64%) as characteristics, otherwise fairly balanced (feeling 51%, turbulent 56%)... not sure what to think of it. I suppose I can recognize certain traits, such as the longing for "Constant Improvement", but I've never thought of myself as an advocate.
Entrepreneur ESTP -A-T
Interesting. I took a similar test long ago, and I guess the terminology was different back then, because I was classified then as a "Guardian- Inspector"
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than open one's mouth and remove all doubt" - Mark Twain (or Lincoln, or Confucius, or...)
ISTJ, same as always. Calm, confident, pragmatic, paired with caring and attentive.
ENFP - looks like I’m Arya Stark