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what grabs your attention when reading profiles?

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Quote by MadMartigan
If they don't say they have superpowers, I immediately stop reading.

Well don't bother to read mine then. I have no powers super or otherwise.
Sex is emotion in motion.
Mae West
Quote by CurlyGirly

It's true. That's LM. He is always threatening to unfriend me unless he can ogle my boobies. He's a true gash hound. It's part of his charm.

lol well if you can anything charm will do it smile
Quote by SereneProdigy
I don't look at anything specificic, I simply observe the general aspect of it. What catches my eye is when I can deduce an authentic vibe about what kind of person is behind it ; to me that's the main purpose of profiles. People who obviously take this into consideration are people I'd tend to become friend with, even if their personality is totally different from mine.

Personally, my profile defines me quite accurately. I can only hope people perceive and appreciate my authenticity. This is simply an act of respect for those I interact with.

I agree. When there is no profile details, I definitely will not accept a friend request without talking to them for a while.
Sex is emotion in motion.
Mae West
Quote by MadMartigan
If they don't say they have superpowers, I immediately stop reading. [/quote

The powers have already worked their magic on you ... getting you there was only the beginning ...
Quote by SereneProdigy
I don't look at anything specificic, I simply observe the general aspect of it. What catches my eye is when I can deduce an authentic vibe about what kind of person is behind it ; to me that's the main purpose of profiles. People who obviously take this into consideration are people I'd tend to become friend with, even if their personality is totally different from mine.

Personally, my profile defines me quite accurately. I can only hope people perceive and appreciate my authenticity. This is simply an act of respect for those I interact with.

Nicely put, thanks for your input ... I shall go have a gander at your profile now
Quote by sweetaz
Quote by MadMartigan
If they don't say they have superpowers, I immediately stop reading.

The powers have already worked their magic on you ... getting you there was only the beginning ...

Clever little devil.

Ok, I bit. I read it.
I like intriguing profiles, fun profiles, and profiles that look like the member put a lot of time, thought and creativity into it. Other than that like LM said, Titties are good. They are intriguing are they not?

Never try to impress a woman, because if you do she'll expect you to keep up the standard for the rest of your life.
— W. C. Fields

The about me is important but if someone posts something in the forums, it can often attract me to want to find out more. It's very similiar with a good story writer I guess I'm just a nosey girl.
Quote by SereneProdigy
I don't look at anything specificic, I simply observe the general aspect of it. What catches my eye is when I can deduce an authentic vibe about what kind of person is behind it ; to me that's the main purpose of profiles. People who obviously take this into consideration are people I'd tend to become friend with, even if their personality is totally different from mine.

Personally, my profile defines me quite accurately. I can only hope people perceive and appreciate my authenticity. This is simply an act of respect for those I interact with.

Just looked at your profile and its very pleasing like it ... thanks for your input appreciate your time answering
I always check profiles, read their bio's, also to see what gender, orientation and what they are looking for, I will also glance if its on their profile what they have said in the forums, that also gives you an idea about them. Will also glance at pics if there are any. and what stories they have written.

Only when i first started coming here, and didnt know anyone, did i message before adding a friend. Now i like to chat with them someplace, usually in a chatroom, and if it seems we get along or have some things in common, then will either add, or tell them they can add if interested.

And all this is important, if they are true and not lying in their profile
Quote by Buz
I like intriguing profiles, fun profiles, and profiles that look like the member put a lot of time, thought and creativity into it. Other than that like LM said, Titties are good. They are intriguing are they not?

Well Buz I can appreciate the female form ... and since I have my own set of tits to keep me company intriguing I would say no they are not ... they always seem to get the attention and when a bloke can look me in the eye he'll have my respect :P

Never try to impress a woman, because if you do she'll expect you to keep up the standard for the rest of your life.
— W. C. Fields

Quote by kylie_kained
The about me is important but if someone posts something in the forums, it can often attract me to want to find out more. It's very similiar with a good story writer I guess I'm just a nosey girl.

I can relate to that smile
Quote by mowerman05
I always check profiles, read their bio's, also to see what gender, orientation and what they are looking for, I will also glance if its on their profile what they have said in the forums, that also gives you an idea about them. Will also glance at pics if there are any. and what stories they have written.

Only when i first started coming here, and didnt know anyone, did i message before adding a friend. Now i like to chat with them someplace, usually in a chatroom, and if it seems we get along or have some things in common, then will either add, or tell them they can add if interested.

And all this is important, if they are true and not lying in their profile

Great strategy you have. All comments ive made are from either experience or observation depending on topic of course. I can't be bothered lying because once you start you have to maintain, and who needs that. Waste of energy and people time.
Quote by MadMartigan

Clever little devil.

Ok, I bit. I read it.

lol ... thank you very much ;)
What generally catches my attention is a realistic picture, and some sort of hook to talk about, whether that's a unique location or an intriguing interest. Location helps too. I'm far more interested in profiles from my area of the world.
I love when people add quirky or not so quirky aspects of their personalities. I love randomness. I really just enjoy any aspect of someone's personality other than a blank profile. Funny avatars are always an eye-catcher for me. I don't too much care for when people take themselves too seriously. It's a little cold and off-putting. I like getting a fun vibe. Like someone who actually enjoys being here and just aren't here to be seen, but to interact and junk.

I also sometimes browse the forum posts of people who request me just to get an overall feel for who they are.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Quote by Autumn17

I agree with this

That's why we're friends.
I look at the overall content of the profile. The most important quality is intelligence... if it doesn't jump out at me I pass it by. Boring is a waste of time. The important thing to remember when posting a profile is that what is placed here could be in cyber space for all of time for anyone to view. Be cautious and smart.
I don't really profile surf unless I see their posts in the forum - so from there, it's either an eye-catching avatar (whether it's real or a representation or something funny/random doesn't matter to me) or something they've said in their posts that sounds interesting and I might take a peak at their profile.

Once I'm on a profile - I think others have already hit on the big points - someone that seems like a real person, can string sentences together, has put some effort into their profile, and someone that seems fun or comes across as someone you might vibe with.

I don't send a lot of friend-adds - usually we'd have had to interact on some level (even just exchanging a few words) for me to send them, but I'm not at all picky with accepting them. The writing component of the site is a huge reason as to why I'm here, so anyone that has read my stories, liked them or enjoyed my forum posts - I'll accept them all. In terms of actual friendships though, beyond just being on each other's lists - it feels like it has to happen in a more organic way for me. The people I talk to regularly have been friendships that have developed naturally over time or because of a common vibe.
Loving the input, I suppose it comes down to similar quirks, philosophy and sexual orientation, exploration how open can someone be in written form on their profiles on comments made that draw you in and maybe strike up a conversation.

So if that's the case how do you go about initialising first contact? For example me ... been here a couple of years not really into chat rooms but can talk til the cows come home ... Or do you bite the bullet and online message, email send friend request with message which is your preferred method?
I look for a sincere feelings and a lack of attitude
Quote by lafayettemister
What grabs my attention when "reading" profiles? Titties

You mean like my Avatar
the music that plays and if i like the same music ill send a request
Married? Is it compete? Does she look like she could be interesting to talk to? What kind of music and reading has she done or does she like? What forums has she posted on? Often times I read quite a bit before I ever comment on a forum or say hello in chat. I think it halos to know if there is any potential chemistry.
ISO sexy married women to fulfill their deepest desires... did i mention I love it really wet?
dicks n'stuff.
stuffed dicks.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

A few of the most interesting people I've met here have next to nothing on their profiles. They're too busy being interesting to fill out their profiles.

Sadly these people don't tend to stick around
Warning: The opinions above are those of an anonymous individual on the internet. They are opinions, unless they're facts. They may be ill-informed, out of touch with reality or just plain stupid. They may contain traces of irony. If reading these opinions causes you to be become outraged or you start displaying the symptoms of outrage, stop reading them immediately. If symptoms persist, consult a psychiatrist.

Why not read some stories instead

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To me the profile pick or profile name has to catch my eye. If at first I don't see if they're single I'll look for other things; I'm straight, so that matters to me as well as their interests smile
First of all it will be the Avatar. Then i begin to read the stories they have written "if any that is".
I will not answer any requests from people who do not fill in any information on their profiles, i need to know if there is an interest there before a friendship can be gained
The resume part which is often a bit aggressive and off putting. The kind that says things like be respectful etc. I would prefer it if people made positive assumptions about unknown people rather than the opposite. It's perfectly obvious what civilized behaviour is and there is no need to belabour the point.