If the profile is empty, void of any kind of effort, to at least a bit about themselves, I don't even try to get in touch. Often those profiles are SCAM profiles anyway.
As for what a member above me commented. I see his point, I also understand, that this is a site with certain character of people. Allot are still pretending, and have weird ideas about the site, and can be downright duchebags. Disrespectful idiots, who don't take rejection well.
It is good, that some women post exactly, whom they don't want to be contacted by. What their interests are, and so on. Why waste the energy on futile emails, if "you" are not whom they wish to talk to .
It voids loosing energy on idiots. - - -
I often just try to feel the energy of the person, the style of wording in the profile. Sometimes the picture too. However, who can say for sure, that even so cold "real picture of the member" is real one - - - - What intrigues me the most, is the ability to have a normal conversation.
If person writes allot in the profile, the style says if that person is also actually able to hold a conversation. Without short one word answers. Not putting even an effort into writing back. I find it then boring, and I very fast say good bye. Because - - - how one communicates, shows the level of interest, and also the ability to actually put together a decent sentence :) - - There is a certain art to the style of communication, and how one gets its point across - - - it starts with a profile.
Some write novels in their profiles - - - Leaves almost nothing to talk about - - others are short, and to the point, yet their energy, the style shows, that there is much more than meets the eye behind the profile - - THAT is what draws me in - - Two / three are the kind I particularly felt, are amazing women behind the profiles -- I was right, I can now have the honor, to talk to them on regular basis about everything and anything - - Cyber Erotica is actually the last thing we talk :D - - - - -
As for one very, very special girl here - - I can just say, that her profile stood out above all others - - - She is absolutely amazing - - What caught my eye there, was her style, the energy in the words - - I felt her soul, and I am - - - richer in my life, for talking to her - - Getting to know her, and being able to make her smile, and make her days nicer - - -
In short :D:D:D:D - - The X factor is what catches my eye :D:D:D:D