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What are your Lush "Pet Peeves"?

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Quote by Nikki703

So glad I wasnt born on June 9 or I may have been Nikki69!! HAHA

Heck, I was BORN in 1969, and don't have it tagged onto my name!!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by CurlyGirly

Heck, I was BORN in 1969, and don't have it tagged onto my name!!

Hey, I was born in 1969 too!! 69 is Divine, 69 is Divine!!!
Active Ink Slinger
Sleepless nights!
Active Ink Slinger
Oh I have a few...

6. Cold call friend requests without an introduction or a simple 'hello' especially when it's from a vague or blank profiles;
5. Blank profiles (no pics/no bio) - who friends these people?
4. Fake profiles - and there are many on here;
3. People who can only communicate like horny cavemen - so boring. The more you know someone, the better the encounter - try it sometime;
2. Friend collectors - where do you find the time?

And my all time BIGGEST pet peeve...

1. When men want to start an online chat or PM me and then take forever to respond and keep me waiting ESPECIALLY if we're cybering only to figure out they are sitting in more than one chat room and/or chatting it up with several others at the same time. How fucking RUDE! Go waste someone else's time. Good thing I know where my 'delete' button is
Gingerbread Lover
Currently, despite having clearly written in my profile that I no longer accept friend requests from people who don't give me a reason to, people are still sending me a request with no message or even vague hello or PM.

I have no idea who you even are. Am I not clear enough about what sort of reason I would need for adding you? Is it my mistake for not clearly saying, "I no longer accept friend requests from people without a message of introduction, at least"?

It couldn't possibly be the fact that they didn't read my profile, could it? Trust me, if I did add your anonymous friend request, you'd find out that I am actually pretty shy (and extremely grumpy), I don't like rudey pictures on my wall, I barely ever post any pictures back, if at all, and I won't chat with you. Still wanna be mates? Thought not.
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

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Advanced Wordsmith
there is no time limit....Lush should really put an automatic timeout button on here....way too much lost sleep occuring!
This is a Lush Pet Peeve about me.

I leave so many tabs open on Lush that sometimes I forget where I am, especially if I'm black boxing a few people and don't want to lose the conversations, so I open a new tab. It probably looks like I'm stalking profile pages or forum posts, when I usually have just forgotten that page is open. I think I need to leave a trail of breadcrumbs or something.
I won't win any popularity contests saying this, but wtf, here I go.. My pet peeve is random guys black boxing me with their dicks out. I thinks it's lame when a guy can't take a moment to try to say something clever or make a girl laugh. Hell, read a profile atleast. I'm all about fun but in the end, a dick is a dick is dick.. Make an effort to stand out from the other dicks
Head Penguin
I don't have any. It's not a perfect world.

However, I am 'peeved' by my own typos. I'm so excited when I send a new story I don't always proof read it properly

A First Class Service Ch.5

A steamy lesbian three way

Active Ink Slinger
Just found this old post on a friends page where they replied.

I have been here a few months now and for the most part it has been great.

I guess the biggest pet peeves I have so far are:

1) People who constantly posts on the forums just to complain about the question asked or just to say this has been asked many times before. I was really enjoying the forums until it started happening more often. As a newcomer it just made me step back. for one if I am busy at the moment and come up with something I would like to ask...often by the time I have the time to do a search to see if that question was asked before I forgot what I wanted to ask. Or just lost the desire to post it by then. As to the other part, I just never can understand why people even post something sarcastic or rude in the first place. If you don't want to respond to the particular topic then why not just skip it.

2) More just a thing with me is people that just constantly push you to MEET THEM. Even after you tell them you are not interested in that. It doesn't have anything to do with them in is just a policy I have. And then they get mad about it. Or take it personally and try to make u feel bad about it.
Active Ink Slinger
Close-ups of genitals posted as "foreplay" by "friends" on profiles (I don't want to see them everyday on my profile page)

Straight guys posing as lesbians or bi-females to chum the water for stroke fantasies
Quote by MrLosAngeles
Close-ups of genitals posted as "foreplay" by "friends" on profiles (I don't want to see them everyday on my profile page)

Straight guys posing as lesbians or bi-females to chum the water for stroke fantasies

OMG! I thought I was the only one....... Nothing against porn, I just don't want to look at it everyday! I'd much rather a sensual or funny picture. I also resent people telling me they think I'm a prude because of my decision.

when my lesbian or bisexual girl friends post naked women on my wall.. (sorry girls) I'm straight so it would be akin to me posting a picture of a naked man on their wall.

Of course I DO appreciate my friends spent the time even putting something there, but.......
I just thought of another one.

When someone starting a thread puts their whole question in the 'title' and then NOTHING where it's supposed to be. I don't know why, it just BUGS me.
Advanced Wordsmith
I cant stand when people post fake pics trying to play it off like its them. Look, you are who you are. Try to keep it somewhat real.
Active Ink Slinger
The fact that you can write a story about a topic but can't chat about it, even in private, i.e. .
Active Ink Slinger
Thanks Chgolf I want to second this. Liars and fake people........especially when they are/were supposed to be friends!
Quote by janet_haney
The fact that you can write a story about a topic but can't chat about it, even in private, i.e. .

Seems legit
Sarcastic Coffee Aficionado
Quote by BelleduJour
Oh I have a few...
6. Cold call friend requests without an introduction or a simple 'hello' especially when it's from a vague or blank profiles;
5. Blank profiles (no pics/no bio) - who friends these people?
4. Fake profiles - and there are many on here;
3. People who can only communicate like horny cavemen - so boring. The more you know someone, the better the encounter - try it sometime;
2. Friend collectors - where do you find the time?

And my all time BIGGEST pet peeve...

1. When men want to start an online chat or PM me and then take forever to respond and keep me waiting ESPECIALLY if we're cybering only to figure out they are sitting in more than one chat room and/or chatting it up with several others at the same time. How fucking RUDE! Go waste someone else's time. Good thing I know where my 'delete' button is

All the BOLDS are mine, specifically .... especially the blank profiles! Great write-up Belle!
That I can't delete a forum topic I made! The porn adds when your reading a story! Forum Topics that are so rediculious..... you wonder how they ever got posted! ( ie. how big is your dick.... how big are your tits )...... I give those a sheeeesh.
-When I'm away and friends continuously try to start up a chat conversation.
-When the black boxes line up within 20 seconds.
- When strangers try to add me as a friend.
- When a profile is completely blank. I don't get an inkling of who they are at all.
I'd have to say "difficult people". This is one of my pet peeves in life, generally, but especially here. There are a lot of people here with amazingly thin skin. Now, this doesn't mean that one must tolerate rudeness - or outright sickness - but it does mean that you can't be too easily-offended/overly argumentative, either.
Active Ink Slinger
I've found two things that bother me..
#1- Coming across some ones remark That I find interesting or funny-going to their profile. taking the time to type (HUNT & PECK) out a comment. Hitting send.. ONLY TO FIND "sorry this subscriber only accepts messages from friends... Why not declare that first?

#2 knot bee-ing able two retract a comment made in a forum post.
Active Ink Slinger
guys with their junk as their display picture
People having multiple profiles so they can get round blocks after having fights, so they create a new profile. Why cant people accept that not everyone will always want them as friends. People have falling outs in real life why not online .......
No like/ dislike button on posts
Active Ink Slinger
Fake people, liars, and guys always asking me to or send them pics
Active Ink Slinger
too many to list :P

1. People who don't even bother to read your profile and send you a request (to be friends or chat)

2. People who ask you to prove the person in your AV is you by asking you to take another pic with their username on a piece of paper. (Yes. I'm not making it up)

3. People in general (LOL)

P.D: Doms who think being one gives them a free ticket to treat everybody like sh**. (Don't make me give usernames)
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