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What are your Lush "Pet Peeves"?

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Active Ink Slinger
non paying members can't pm people or poke your friends
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by monainohio
non paying members can't pm people or poke your friends

there's a cure for that, you know ;)

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by Shadowforce1
The one thing that I find annoying is the reply to some of the forum posts. For example, if someone brings something up about the site that might need tweaking or looking into, it's like the lush goon squad comes out of hiding and gangs up on said, person. Which is a rather high school act in my opinion especially since most of the replies start gearing towards berating the person that brought it up.

We are the goon squad and we're coming to town. Beep beep. aww, Mr Bowie. Missing you still.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

living dead girl
I have so many
1. People who try to add me after clearly not reading my profile
2. Guys sending me dick pictures to my mail
3. the slut relationship status
4. People who whisper and right off try to cyber
5. People who think that just because I am speaking to them I am going to cyber
6. People who are constantly rehashing themselves ( Making new personas constantly )
7. People who cannot form a complete sentence example " Wat r u wearing?"
8. People who delete you because you missed a day or two talking to them
Quote by NawtyGuy504
Brandie (NOLAHotGal) and I both fine LS to demanding on some of their own writing rules. They want to break some rules while not allowing something an English professor with a Dr in English says is acceptable. Especially when used the way Brandie wanted to use the numbers to present a better visual for the reader.

I have not tried to post any stories here and probably won't. Brandie came here originally to post her stories. They rejected her stories due to her using numbers instead of spelling them out, and some punctuation, which is contrary to how we learned it in college. She corrected some of what they wanted even though some of those corrections were against paragraph rules as we learned them in college. The collage professor agreed with us on that issue too.

Brandie even explained to the mods why she wanted to use the numbers instead of spelling them out. While helping her try to fix some of the issues I found them to be too demanding also. After three rejections she stopped trying to post her stories here. She refuses to make the changes they demand. She has never had a story rejected on any other site. She post them on several other sights. Most of her stories have all 5s when scored. Her overall score is in the 4.9+ out of 5 range.


Sorry to hear your friend has chosen not to publish her stories to our site I understand that story rejections can cause frustration, particularly if a story is rejected for what some may deem minor things.

I understand that this is your pet peeve and you're entitled to air your views.It is a shame that your friend has decided she does not wish to complete the edits on her story I have to say that we do have a supportive moderating team here who will work with any member to ensure that their stories are published using the correct formatting and guidelines.
Quote by vanessa26
I have so many
1. People who try to add me after clearly not reading my profile
2. Guys sending me dick pictures to my mail
3. the slut relationship status
4. People who whisper and right off try to cyber
5. People who think that just because I am speaking to them I am going to cyber
6. People who are constantly rehashing themselves ( Making new personas constantly )
7. People who cannot form a complete sentence example " Wat r u wearing?"
8. People who delete you because you missed a day or two talking to them

OMG!!!!!! That's ME!!!! numbers 1, 4, 5, 7

People who think they have me pegged, when they actually do

Active Ink Slinger
- People who aren't capable of decent discussion, who do not counter opinions and arguments, but in stead attack and abuse the person they don't agree with.
- People who will use any opportunity to mock, attack and demean persons they dislike.
A little kindness can be so valuable, yet costs almost nothing

In many countries being gay is a crime, and even in modern societies, politicians try to legalise discrimination. Your voice can make a difference. Have a look at All Out to find out how.

Hey... pssst.... that's an l (as in luscious) at the end of my name, not an i
Quote by SugarBaby2013

Quote by SydneySider

Of course this would only be an issue if they gave you a 5. I'm sure people are more than happy for those who gave them a 4 or even worse to leave. People are far too obsessed with average scores, the amount of comments, views etc. If people need to delete, they have a reason. I'm not directing this solely at you, but seeing as though you brought it up, I would like to say that if someone leaves, their reasons are far more important or personal than figures on your stories. I have just realised this is a pet peeve. Thanks.

One other thing I find myself scratching my head about is that some people have no idea what the "Follow" feature really means. For those of you who are new, or are clueless about it, it's purely for stories. If you follow someone and they post a story, you will be notified. That's it. It does not mean you will be dragged around the site like a rag doll everywhere they go. The first word that comes to mind is "stalker".

edit: If they give me anything less than a 5 I'm okay with them deleting...just sayin'

Lol! This is what this thread is all about, isn't it? Pet peeves?

I have three famous stories, 2 recommended reads and have come in the top ten in two competitions~ Come in and make yourself at home.

Quote by patokl
- People who aren't capable of decent discussion, who do not counter opinions and arguments, but in stead attack and abuse the person they don't agree with.
- People who will use any opportunity to mock, attack and demean persons they dislike.

I have three famous stories, 2 recommended reads and have come in the top ten in two competitions~ Come in and make yourself at home.

Quote by Simplicity
My same complaint, the blocking system.. If I cant see them in the forums , why can they see me and talk crap? If I block someone, it should be a complete block, not a partial. Sorry you asked.


I have three famous stories, 2 recommended reads and have come in the top ten in two competitions~ Come in and make yourself at home.

Cryptic Vigilante
I don't exactly take Lush seriously enough to throw mad tantrums at my computer screen, but there are nonetheless quite a few things on here that make me chuckle, that make me rolls my eyes, or that I just find downright facepalm-inducing. In no particular order:

1- People that compulsively post 5+ pictures on others' walls.

Luckily I've never received those, but damn does that provoke an earnest "poor girl" whenever I see one of my friends being subjected to that. There are many variations of this. There's the infamous: "I thought sending you an erotic picture to say hello, but then I figured I might as well send you the whole fucking high-resolution gallery, because yes, I'm an altruistic and considerate person like that".

Then at the opposite end of the spectrum you have people who can't make up their minds and end up sending a plethora of haphazard pictures: "Dear MeganFuxxx89, I'm desperate to seduce you and yet clueless about your preferences, so here's a girl riding a horse, a pair of high-heels, a cheesy poem written with glittering letters, my favorite pornstar sucking a cock, and in case the latter might offend you I'm also sending a colorful cupcake".

I wish I was exaggerating but I'm really not. Less is often better, people. The ideal size for me to send a Comment is a mere 500px x 700px picture, and it's simply meant as a quick "hey, thinking of you" gesture. Otherwise, you only end up presenting yourself as an obsessive oddball that's obstructing a profile to mark his/her territory; or at best, as a distasteful person with very poor social skills.

2- Pointless forum signatures.

Newsflash: this is a writing website. Additional newsflash: your forum signature is a feature that's generously granted to you to make a public announcement. Have you connected the dots yet? That's right! Your forum signature is essentially meant to make public announcements concerning your writing. I can assure you that the average forum-viewer really isn't interested to be informed over and over again what's your all-time favorite album, who's your favorite Pokemon, or how much you can relate to Mother Teresa.

If you can't make your forum signature related to your writing, at least make it discreet; if you can't make it discreet, at least make it tasteful; if you can't make it tasteful, at least make sure it seemingly has a fucking point.

3- People who only seem capable of expressing themselves with inane internet-memes.

Sure, this is the internet and we all enjoy making it a bit more colorful by occasionally supplementing our posts with different visual elements. But there are certain people who make internet-memes their modus operandi and who hardly ever post anything original of their own. And in many cases, others can't even tell to which degree a particular meme is being endorsed by the person who posted it: did you genuinely have a heartfelt desire to express that, or were you just compulsively looking for a meme to submit and simply posted the very first one that vaguely made you giggle?

Also in my view, internet-memes only are clever, interesting or funny on a few occasions; and in the instances that they are, the person who posted them can hardly take credit for any of it. It's like screaming E=mc2 at the top of your lungs and expecting people to perceive you as any intelligent: it's simply coming across as overdone, unoriginal and lame.

And extra bonus points for using them profusely in the Think Tank, right in the middle of an intricate debate. Many thanks for demonstrating to others that your initial argument wasn't founded on anything more than an idiotic poster-board mentality: your partisan and oversimplified depiction of Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump reeaally contributed a whole lot to the discussion.

4- People who use an overabundance of emoticons in their posts.

I love emoticons, I absolutely love them: they allow people to provide a very specific tone to their posts, something that would otherwise be quite difficult to achieve with a mere black-on-white text. However there are people who use so many of them, to the point where others can hardly figure out what-in-the-entire-fuck was the emotion conveyed supposed to be.

I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about. Something like this:

Quote by CandiceCane77
You and I think so much alike!

5- Looonng melodramatic profile bios.

Thanks for informing us that you're not interested into drama, by explicitly detailing every of your dramatic adventures right in the space intended for presenting the core aspects of your personality. To put it mildly, you're coming across as a demanding self-absorbed bitch who's only interested in unidirectional relationships, and any decent and sensible guy will immediately start running in the opposite direction after reading the first three words of your bitter treatise.

Furthermore, despite the fact that there's a short notice advising desperate perverts not to send you a friend-request right between your 7th and 8th chapters, those are in fact the only persons likely to send you a request. And that's because only a desperate pervert who hasn't read a single fucking word of your nauseating profile could possibly be any interested in you.

6- People who literally list hundreds of movies/artists in their profiles.

Don't get me wrong, it's always fun to notice one of your favorite movies/bands in a stranger's profile. When said stranger has an extensive list of more than a hundred names however, it becomes utterly senseless and pointless. Sooo... Pink Floyd is right there among your favorites, listed at the 89th position? What does that even mean? You once heard one of their songs on the radio and kinda liked it? Because, you know, if I listed lasagna as my 89th favorite meal, one could rightly assume that it isn't a meal that I'm particularly fond of.

In other words, if someone has more than around 25 items listed on their list, I don't even bother exploring any of it. Because as I said: senseless and pointless.

7- And last but not least: people who take Magical_felix any seriously.

People, people... a guy that has a cartoon-cat as his avatar, mentions 'Pulling things out of my bag-O-tricks' as his main interest, and deliberately plays the indecent fool isn't meant to be taken any seriously. The only persons who he's ever preyed on are those too dumb to figure any of that; in other words, people who are victims of their own stupidity.

You viscerally arguing with him is akin to a grown-up feeling all exasperated in an amusement park because a big silly crocodile-mascot dared growl that he/she looks appetizing. Yes, you quite literally look that idiotic. It really doesn't help that most of you feel the need to call the security guards to alleviate your ludicrous delusion.

And please, don't expect your flimsy attempts at retribution to have any effect on him: you're the only one of the two who takes that lame cyber-life any seriously to begin with. How some emotionally fragile people think that they'll ever overpower someone who has 'not-giving-a-fuck' as his defining trait is absolutely way beyond me.
Just a Girl in the World
people who say they don't take Lush seriously when evidence of the opposite is in their posts . lol just sayin'
Quote by lilwhipp
people who say they don't take Lush seriously when evidence of the opposite is in their posts . lol just sayin'

was that too many emotes? i lost count.
You should first read this Looky Here!!

and then this Free stuff

then say 'Hi'
Men who continue to think they are God's gift to women and that if I spent one night with them, I would never want to be with a woman again.
Candy Connoisseur
People who have the number 69 in their name. I mean, come on people. Its a sex orientated site, but you haven't put much thought into your name if you need to add a 69 in there to stand out from everyone else.
People that say they wont post pictures of themselves for fear someone will see them. For pete's sake, if someone comes here that you know or are affiliated with and sees your pictures, you would have every right to ask them what the hell they were doing on this site to begin with......chances are they are here for the same reason you are.
When people use (...) way too much. When it's not even relevant. For example someone IM's me with:

Hello... how are you...

No. Just NO. I will not be telling you how I am. I find the overuse of ellipsis' (is that the plural?) vaguely creepy.
"So and so has added your story "Story" to their favorites."
"So and so is now following you."

But so and so doesn't vote or comment on your story.
Rookie Scribe
Can't seem to get PayPal to allow my Visa payment to process to allow Gold membership!
People that have a red and white avatar and have been on lush for over a month and nothing on their profile.
Fancy Schmancy
I mistyped my user name at login, and no matter what I do, the wrong name keeps popping up when I log in -- I have been unable to delete the incorrect name. Not that it is the worst thing in the world, but it is still annoying.
Quote by LaylaJune
I mistyped my user name at login, and no matter what I do, the wrong name keeps popping up when I log in -- I have been unable to delete the incorrect name. Not that it is the worst thing in the world, but it is still annoying.

probably a browser issue? I'd guess if you go to settings and poke around in terms of deleting various histories, then it would take care of it, although it might also foul up other logins that you don't want to lose.
Fancy Schmancy
I tried all those fixes -- NONE of them worked. But thank you!
The drafts are driving me nuts. It seemed the last one I worked on started breeding clones that remained in the list. If this is a new system, I miss the old one.

Edit (Sep 2017): The one I played with today didn't 'breed.' Thanks!
Quote by LaylaJune
I tried all those fixes -- NONE of them worked. But thank you!

Perhaps if when the username pops up in the drop down list and is highlighted, you hit the Delete key?
Fancy Schmancy
Quote by browncoffee

Perhaps if when the username pops up in the drop down list and is highlighted, you hit the Delete key?

Tried that too - along with ctl-delete and shift-delete and alt-delete.


But thank you, anyway.