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Unsure if fitting for a story or just a question- the mouse plays.

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Rookie Scribe
Hello All, Newbie here. I submitted my first draft story yesterday and I have some work to do on it before it is published. The story is true, as with anything I write, so unsure of the rule on fiction vs. non-fiction. I am a late 40's male married over 25 years. Empty nester blah blah blah. The afore mentioned story shares some exhibition play my wife and I had over 10 years ago. She is the quintessential June Cleaver/Church mouse. The exhib adventures also played on her submissive side.

Fast forward to today; we really have little to no sex life but she would never turn me down. Twice a year she tries to climb on top of me and well things really don't work. Moreover, ED hit me about 5 years ago and while my mind is active, my body is not.

I have a 50/50 reason to believe my wife has a FWB on some Friday nights. I got into the habit of disappearing on Friday nights going out carousing in the bars. She never questions the time I come home or where or who I partied with. I am never home before midnight. This happens about 5 months out of the year, mainly during the nice weather months. I get gussied up after we eat dinner, shirt ironed, and hop in one of the nice cars and blast out for a night of fun. Bar hopping, dancing etc. A couple of times on Friday nights my pals say they were going to stop in but it looked like we had company so they did not. Turns out they were driving by when I was not home so there was someone at the house on a Friday eve. When this came to light I honestly had not a care in the world and honestly hoped, along with a chuckle, that she had found a guy who could satisfy her. After all she is a great person and wife IMO, and I feel she deserves to have some good sex. The odd thing is this turns me on. I look for signs and have made a couple of jokes and she has zero tells. Again, honestly it is a huge turn on and kind of fun knowing my little submissive church mouse has a deviant side to her. A selfish side. More of me wants this to be true and much of me does not want to investigate anymore because I am not bothered by it.

The question I have for all. Is this topic worth a story? I guess I am seeking what others think about this situation? I have no ill will or discontent of any kind. Life is grand. Thanks.

The Cat.
Rainbow Warrior
If you have no confirmation that she actually has a FWB, where is the sex in your 'erotic' story? Just your fascination with the possibility wouldn't offer much by way of erotic content unless she confirmed your suspicions with details.
I agree with Beth above that the story could be fantasy, or if you talked with her and made things happen for real, IE "Hot Wife/sharing" (of which there are many stories here). You sure would not be the only guy who finds it a massive turn on either from knowing that she has sex with other men, or indeed enjoying watching her with other men. Lush is first and foremost an erotic/sex story site, so as Beth points out, sex Has to play a big part of a story here otherwise no one would want to read it.