I think some men have just never learned how to talk with a woman. Some basic things for guys are:
Don't talk incessantly about yourself.
Don't discuss your previous conquests and relationships. (Goes for gals too)
Avoide political discussions on first dates or pushing your religion.
For gods sake don't brag about your sexual prowess.
If you ask her out to dinner... pay for the meal.
Being witty is good but don't tell off color jokes.
Being a gentleman or pretending to be one is a plus.
MOM???? Ive been cybering w you for the past year?
What's your sisters number?
I escaped from San Quentin
Would you like to meet my wife?
Talk politics or religion. Try not to curse.( I have a potty mouth, but trying to do better) Anything about your ex.
How many sex partners have you had this week.
would you happen to be horny...
The head nun said Novices had to be home by 9 sharp so we have another hour yet.
You look even better in person than through your bedroom window with my binoculars.
Would you like to trim my nose hair?
You didnt have time to do your hair and make-up?
I haven't dated in so long. Last boyfriend had a restraining order on me
(Unzips pants) Can you tell me what kind of rash this is?
"You know, I'll bet you could easily fit in my car's trunk!"
good to see you didnt have to dress up for me.
for a fat girl you don't sweat very much...
You have a great body shame your face doesn't match it