I personally think they should. They have devolved powers there as it is, and going independent would benefit the english just as much
the scottish national party, which currently holds office in the scottish parliament wants to, and it was the scottish people that voted them in...so that would suggest that they want to
I do not know much about this and have 'no dog in that fight.' But I do find it very interesting. I'd love to hear more about this and understand it much better. So please post some good information on this Scottish independence movement.
Here in the USA I am very supportive of the federal government ceding more of its abusive power over to the individual states. Laws can vary some what widely from state to state here.
If people knew their history and not just the brave Heart version of it - then it would be the other way round and Scotland would be granting England independence. The current monarch (as much as we love her) is not the true heir to the throne - controvesial I know - and if fact there should be a Scottish King/Queen as the head of the United Kingdom - that said if that were the case then we would not probably be the United Kingdom!
Hey ho - just a thought.
Go on prove me wrong!
Isolation - A Tale Of Star-Crossed Lovers
hartclass & CumGirl
More than anything else it's about a national identity and self determination. Westminster decides how much money Scotland gets to spend (currently less than the Scottish tax take) and that naturally has an impact on what a Scottish government can do with its devolved powers. Despite the devolved powers being law they can at any time be taken back by the Westminster goverment.
One of the central arguments of the SNP is that independence would allow Scotland and England to relate to each other as equals. At present any issue affecting Scotland which is being dealt with by Westminster is decided on by 59 Scottish MPs, 40 Welsh MPs, 18 North of Ireland MPs and an overwhelming 533 English MPs.
That includes whether or not to allow Scotland to become independent. At this point in time if the Scottish Government hold an Independence referendum (as they promised and intend to do), but if they do it without the sanction of Westminster (which is being withheld) then no matter how many vote for independence it will not be given.
That is what Westminster calls democracy.
I would like to see Scotland independent, but perhaps for different reasons than the nationalists
Well since my family started the first Jacobite Revolutionary and got blamed for the second. Im going to say yes to be part of the family
It is attitudes like that that inhibit proper debate on this and other matters, particularly when the facts are contrary to your claim.
For the record the facts are these (using UK government figures) :
The Government and Expenditure Revenue Scotland 2010-11 (GERS) Report which shows that Scotland continues to be in a stronger budget position than the UK as a whole.
GERS which is published by the Chief Statistician, shows that, including a geographical share of UK North Sea oil and gas revenues, Scotland contributed 9.6 per cent of UK public sector revenue and received 9.3 per cent of total UK public sector expenditure, including a per capita share of UK debt interest payments. To put this in persective, Scotland’s population is 8.4 per cent of the UK total.
In short, Scotland and it's people punch well above their weight.
If you intend to respond to this or any other comment try to do so without being rude or causing offence.
Was goingto ignore this as it makes me so pissed off that Alex Salmond can even suggest Scotland can cope on their own. Im in a privileged position that I am accountant in Glasgow that can see how badly some businesses are doing even with a great accountant. Everyone thinks aw amazing we can be our own country, why not etc. Id love to be out of Britain but the fact remains I dont want my son or me to be honest, growing up and living in a country that wouldnt have schools, hospitals etc scotland couldnt afford it and neithercud the rest of britain.
Sarcastic Coffee Aficionado
what's wrong with independence yet still being part of the Commonwealth?
(that means the Queen is still Head of State .... and democracy still elects a Prime Minister)
One issue that has been over-looked is the mass migration of English and Welsh students that can be expected to take advantage of the free Scottish University places which all non UK EU nationals are currently offered but once Scotland is independant it will simply be all EU nationals. I can't see it being free for long in that case.
yet at the moment, the english pay for scottish kids to go to uni through our taxes. but still someone from england has to pay. how is that fair?
No. The UK is already tiny enough, we'll look even more pathetic on the globe.
I very much enjoyed reading your post Sitting. That is very informative and helpful.
It is quite interesting about Scottish laws being different. I will try and read up on this more and follow what happens. The rights to the North Sea oil is obviously a really big deal.
You may be surprised at the differences in laws from state-to-state within the United States. For instance 17 states do not allow the death penalty, while it is a legal option in 33 states. Some states have a state income tax and others do not. Some states do not have sales tax, though most do. Some states charge their citizens much higher taxes than other states. Each state is in charge of their own education system, but they can get federal financial assistance. One state, Nebraska, only holds non-partisan elections (no political parties are allowed for any state office.) States may have to negotiate and hash out their legal differences before they will extradite a criminal between states, though this has improved tremendously in more recent times. States are constantly taking each other to court over water rights, especially where rivers flow from one state to another. Some states allow gay marriage or union and some do not. We even have some states that talk about possibly breaking up into 2 smaller states because one half of the state is so politically different from the other half. It's all hard to keep up with. We did have a war between the states once and a million Americans died in that one. Evidently they burned my home city to the ground in that one. You may have seen the movie, Gone With the Wind.
My father was born in Scotland if the people there want it I'm all for it