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sex with co-workers?

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The first time she started it and I was so shocked it was easy, the second one, I started and it was so exciting it was still easy
Sadly ; The answer is yes,Had several chances to screw around.finally my ex & I became involved with another couple,this swinging destroyed two marriages. Children were involved
I do have a guy friend that I see once in awhile from work
hmm dating or just sex? dating did not end well.. just sex.. was ok.
I made that mistake once and learned my lesson
Not really a good idea. Especially if you and they don't get along after hooking up. Tends to be a nasty work environment after.
"I expect nothing. I fear no one. I am free." Nikos Kazantzakis

I usually end up sleeping with someone at work, sometimes not the smartest thing to do, but you'll never know until you try it
yes a few times it was mutual and very nice
yes a few times it was mutual and very nice
Not very intelligent and unfair to co-workers. It usually comes with denial
Never done it with a co-worker (well, wife and I met on a student job in grad school, but that only just barely counts as a job and we weren't working together by the time we started getting it on). I have had co-workers (and still have a couple) that I would find hard to turn down if circumstances were right and the opportunity presented itself.
Definitely recommended. My first co-worker relationship was with the secretary to the Project Manager of the Mars-Viking Program. She was 16 my senior and had the highest libido of any girl I've ever had. However, the affair with her caused the divorce from my 2nd wife.
I don't think it is a good idea...too much could happen
That's not for me, since I would have to work alongside him sometime or another.
There's never been one single colleague I've ever been interested in.
Double stinking post!
Yes dabbled in that area then stopped it from progressing further ... he just went from fun to omg your going to get real clingy ... EXIT quickly and I did. contract ended and whew that was my ticket out!
I've never done it, and never intend to. It'll just breed a lot of weirdness and drama I don't need at the place I spend more that 8 hours everyday!
never again, once was enough for me
A couple of times; but it's a BAD idea! It can be great for a while BUT, if the relationship goes bad... As the old saying goes there are some things you DON'T DO where you eat, and one of them is screw! It's especially exciting AND DANGEROUS to actually do it with a co worker AT WORK!
2 different women at work. Was awesome how it worked out.
Not a wise idea. Emotions can get in the way and lead to tension and stress. Isn't there enough of that at work already without adding more?
Yes, then we got married.
Yes, but you have to be so careful... more and more as technology improves. You better know what you're doing and who you're doing it with, nobody can breathe a word or you're done! That said... It made the work day... wonderful!
Yes I have but I always make sure that they know it wont become a relationship. Strictly sex and that's it
Never. I've worked with some beauiful and interesting women over the years. That being said, there is enough drama at work already and I don't need to add to it.
Well, it has happened . . .
Only the women.....
Yeah, with a couple ladies working for the same employer. It was actually a lot of fun. At the time I was divorced, so were they. None of us cared much for going to the movies, dinner, museum, and on and on and on. Eventually as we got to know each other we started going out on Friday's for drinks, eventually we started going out to dinners together, not dating and no one thought of it as dating, but as friends.

Well, one Friday at the bar, I made a playful indecent proposal, not serious, I jokingly said, "We should rent a hotel room up north and shack up". One of my two friends looked at me and said "Okay, when." I said, "How about next weekend." She said, "You get the room, I'll buy dinner."

She was serious, I said, "You're on."

Later that night she called me at home and asked if I was serious. I admitted I was only joking at first, but I then said, "Honestly, I think a weekend with you would be a lot of fun."
She then said, "Don, I don't know a nice way of saying this, but I really would love to, ohh, damn, ummm....." I said, "You need a good fuck." She said, "Yeah, exactly, I need a man in me, badly."
Not thinking, I said, "Yeah, me too." She started laughing and said, "I can arrange that.", I said, "You know what I mean."

Well, we had a great weekend, pretty sure we kept our hotel neighbors up.

She told the other lady that went out on Friday's about our weekend, next thing I know, we're going out again only it's a threesome.

Yeah, we did not talk about it at work, no emails across the company network. We called each other on our cell phones only. Just to make sure the company switchboard wasn't listening in.