Is there any correlation between working out and sex drive that you have first hand knowledge of?
I think they're correlated - There's always the idea of blood-flow, endorphins, more energy and even positive self-image if someone is conscious of fitness and their body.
If someone isn't working out, they probably feel more sluggish and sex drive might be impacted as well.
DD is correct. And it is more noticeable when you are used to working out a lot and you are on a break, or simply can't. I am not talking about a week or so, more like a month or more.
Was it yourself you noticed a difference in or s significant other?
I can't speak for everyone else, but my sex drive is always much higher later in the day if i have a decent workout. I do believe the two are strongly correlated.
It was myself in particular (but I have seen it in partners too). As well as being more tired with less energy in general. Also my digestion changed and many other things. (When NOT working out for any extended period of time.)
You see the opposite with people who never worked out and they begin to walk, run, basic "fitness" exercising, etc. and they begin to. We are made to be mobile and physical. But society and life now days has eliminated most of the need for this for survival and every day jobs. So people have to ADD it to their lifestyle. And yes it should be a lifestyle, not just something else you do. That is the same as "diets", and why most FAIL. It must be a change and new way of life, not just a quick change for some momentary goals for change or improvement.
Now I am NOT saying people need to be "nuts" about any of it, but make the small changes.... and little by little people will see the affects they desire. And it is not hard, because it is just a normal part of their lives at that point. STARTING is the hardest thing, but once you do....... just roll with it.
I agree and for me it is more myself. Not only does the workout itself increase my sex drive, but even being around folks working out. Seeing them in various forms of dress, undress, sweating, etc. revs up the sex drive too.
I read an article a while back that said there was a correlation. Also the act of working out releases stuff in your brain that makes you want to.
It makes sense, in the end our bodies are built to want to reproduce, the healthier you are the better your going to be at doing that so your body is going to take action to put you in that situation more often.
Depends on who is driving and who is at the wheel. My sex drive has nothing to do with surfing the web and snaring. That's a catfish of a different fin. My sex drive is part of my 'me' and like anyone else, if a man; has it's ups and downs. My sex drive libido goes from 0 to 110 based on the circumstances.
My sex drive keeps going up the older I get, I have more of a sexual appetite then I did when I was in my 20's...