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Readers that don't write. Do they give lower scores?

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Quote by sindycane
So, I've read all four pages and have been trying to decide if I should throw in my pennies. I really don't know the answer to the question itself. But, I have an opinion on scoring and suppose I'm not the only one who feels this way, so here goes.

I am mostly a reader and have dabbled in writing. I'm sure most on this thread have no idea who I am. As a rule, my stories tend to have high scores with low views. I'm not sure what that means exactly but I hope that it means that I have a little talent-it's just widely undiscovered. And, I'm absolutely comfortable with that.

I would hate to think that my high scores are simply "mercy 5's". That my friends and/or other readers didn't really like the piece but scored it as a 5 because they're afraid to hurt my feelings or even worse-afraid of any sort of retaliation. But, after reading this thread I'm sure that some are. Which is a shame.

I actually want honest feedback. If it's too pedantic, uninteresting, lacks flow, etc., then I really want to know what people feel. I hope to God I never deserve a 1 or a 2 but if I do, then I hope for God's sake somebody will LET ME KNOW!!!! I have much better things to do with my time than generate pieces of crap writing for the world to snicker and pat my head about-especially over and over and over again-just because they're a friend.

I understand we are all amateurs but this site is about writing. And in my opinion, the fact that we put words on paper that are grammatically correct and within the rules does not merit a perfect score. Obviously, the mods and owners provided the ability for 1's and 2's to be used on the stories that have been verified. Being verified is the baseline. The low scores are supposed to have a purpose on here. As do the 4's and 5's. I think it's a shame that all of us (myself included) tend to only consider using 4's and 5's for stories that are really just average (3?) or -gasp!- below average.

This is not just a Lush phenomenon...we see it in our schools, our youth sports teams, office politics. A nationwide habit of grading on a curve and therefore watering down the accomplishments of the exceptionally gifted. And even those who are gifted rarely hit a home run every time at bat. I don't understand why any author would be upset if sometimes they don't deserve a 5. Or a 4. Or a 3. What in the world is so wrong with being average?

However, using a 1-5 scale there is a lot of room for personal interpretation. Some are scoring based on how much it turned them on. Others just care about the quality of writing. Others want the subject matter to appeal to them (in my opinion this one is crap-if you hate the idea of a Daddydom or sex with a step-sibling then why are you reading the story-don't give it a low score!!!) Some like them short and sweet. Or some want a developed plot. You'd almost have to have different categories to score with any degree of accuracy. But, since so few rarely give even one score then I suppose far fewer would give several.

Sigh...It's not a perfect system, but for me, it's not worth giving what I feel is an accurate score if by doing so I ruin someone's day. Some simply cannot tolerate the idea of being perceived as less than perfect and Lush probably isn't the place to psychoanalyze them or even ourselves. So, deserved or not, I give high scores or I don't vote. This is not real life but an escape-not a place to have contentious conversations. If somebody needs great scores to keep writing then who am I to deny them their own release from their real life. And perhaps, someday they'll turn out a truly stupendous piece that will make all of the false adulation worthwhile. And, then...we'll all give them a 5.

Intelligent and well said. You make some really good points, and it made me re think the true importance of the 1-5 scoring system. Someone else had said that it should be a 'like' button, and I tend to agree with him on that. The best way, IMHO, is to have a 'Like' button (NO dislike button) and a mandatory comment with it. That way, it someone truly does like a story they can say so, and why; OR they can like it and add a caviat in the comment section to point out what they didn't like about the story. OR...they can just not vote at all.
When I started this thread I had no idea so many others had so much to say on the topic.
Thanks for your input. =)

I have three famous stories, 2 recommended reads and have come in the top ten in two competitions~ Come in and make yourself at home.

Quote by Magical_felix
Since most every story here has above a 4.9 score I would say that anything below that isn't too hot.



Quote by sindycane
So, I've read all four pages and have been trying to decide if I should throw in my pennies. I really don't know the answer to the question itself. But, I have an opinion on scoring and suppose I'm not the only one who feels this way, so here goes.

I am mostly a reader and have dabbled in writing. I'm sure most on this thread have no idea who I am. As a rule, my stories tend to have high scores with low views. I'm not sure what that means exactly but I hope that it means that I have a little talent-it's just widely undiscovered. And, I'm absolutely comfortable with that.

I would hate to think that my high scores are simply "mercy 5's". That my friends and/or other readers didn't really like the piece but scored it as a 5 because they're afraid to hurt my feelings or even worse-afraid of any sort of retaliation. But, after reading this thread I'm sure that some are. Which is a shame.

I actually want honest feedback. If it's too pedantic, uninteresting, lacks flow, etc., then I really want to know what people feel. I hope to God I never deserve a 1 or a 2 but if I do, then I hope for God's sake somebody will LET ME KNOW!!!! I have much better things to do with my time than generate pieces of crap writing for the world to snicker and pat my head about-especially over and over and over again-just because they're a friend.

I understand we are all amateurs but this site is about writing. And in my opinion, the fact that we put words on paper that are grammatically correct and within the rules does not merit a perfect score. Obviously, the mods and owners provided the ability for 1's and 2's to be used on the stories that have been verified. Being verified is the baseline. The low scores are supposed to have a purpose on here. As do the 4's and 5's. I think it's a shame that all of us (myself included) tend to only consider using 4's and 5's for stories that are really just average (3?) or -gasp!- below average.

This is not just a Lush phenomenon...we see it in our schools, our youth sports teams, office politics. A nationwide habit of grading on a curve and therefore watering down the accomplishments of the exceptionally gifted. And even those who are gifted rarely hit a home run every time at bat. I don't understand why any author would be upset if sometimes they don't deserve a 5. Or a 4. Or a 3. What in the world is so wrong with being average?

However, using a 1-5 scale there is a lot of room for personal interpretation. Some are scoring based on how much it turned them on. Others just care about the quality of writing. Others want the subject matter to appeal to them (in my opinion this one is crap-if you hate the idea of a Daddydom or sex with a step-sibling then why are you reading the story-don't give it a low score!!!) Some like them short and sweet. Or some want a developed plot. You'd almost have to have different categories to score with any degree of accuracy. But, since so few rarely give even one score then I suppose far fewer would give several.

Sigh...It's not a perfect system, but for me, it's not worth giving what I feel is an accurate score if by doing so I ruin someone's day. Some simply cannot tolerate the idea of being perceived as less than perfect and Lush probably isn't the place to psychoanalyze them or even ourselves. So, deserved or not, I give high scores or I don't vote. This is not real life but an escape-not a place to have contentious conversations. If somebody needs great scores to keep writing then who am I to deny them their own release from their real life. And perhaps, someday they'll turn out a truly stupendous piece that will make all of the false adulation worthwhile. And, then...we'll all give them a 5.


LOVE this POST!!! (I DON'T agree with ALL of it, but I LOVE IT!!!)

xx SF

Quote by Simmerdownchick

Someone else had said that it should be a 'like' button, and I tend to agree with him on that. The best way, IMHO, is to have a 'Like' button (NO dislike button) and a mandatory comment with it. That way, it someone truly does like a story they can say so, and why; OR they can like it and add a caviat in the comment section to point out what they didn't like about the story. OR...they can just not vote at all.

Whoa... That's one of the worst ideas I've ever heard.
Quote by Magical_felix

Whoa... That's one of the worst ideas I've ever heard.

I'd SAY... (You need to have a BIT MORE of a THINK...)


xx SF


You just wouldn't!!!

xx sf
There are great stories, Editors Picks and Recommended Reads, with lower scores, yet some very average at best stories with perfect 5's. You surely can't always judge a story quality by the score alone when looking for stories to read. There are readers that will vote down stories just because they are in categories they don't like or for other juvenile reasons. And then there are many stories that are grossly over scored. Get to know the reputation of the authors and find out which ones consistently deliver quality.
Quote by stephanie

I'd SAY... (You need to have a BIT MORE of a THINK...)


xx SF


You just wouldn't!!!

xx sf

It's so bad. When it comes to the voting system. It's most definitly one of the worst ideas ever. Maybe the worst.
Quote by chatnstroke

To the OP... I'm not a writer here. My answer to Q1 is I don't think so. And my answer to Q2 is visible to the left smile

General observations from a non-author... as stated throughout this thread, seems like the voting is a joke so I'm not sure why folks get overly sensitive to it. But... not being a writer maybe I don't get it. But being an adult I do understand overall behavior and for that I do find it strange when there is a temper tantrum like response to any form of low score or critical comment. It's as if some want their stories scored and commented on only if it's a 5 and positive. Certainly their choice just as it's certainly the readers choice.

Phone battery dying. .. need to post this now...

Hi Chatnstroke :-)
I think you're right. I know that I let myself get all caught up in the scores and votes, when in all actuality, it's really not important. It's an ego stroker, and I'd always thought I was above that. It's like heroin, lol! Seriously, I hope I didn't offend any of the folks that read and don't write. The readers are the reason we all write, right? That's why I think a 'like' button and a comment section would be best.
It's really facsinating that so many Lush readers and writers have so many differing views on this.
Ultimately, you're right. It is the readers choice, whether they write or not. Do I want 5's all the time. Hell yes. Should I get them exclusivley, or even expect to get them. NO. And no one should feel as is they will be a pariah if they vote honestly.
I'm fairly new here, so I'm still learning a lot from the more experienced writers here. It's like a Master's Class, and I'm fortunate to gain some of their insight. I appreciate you sharing your honest opinion.

I have three famous stories, 2 recommended reads and have come in the top ten in two competitions~ Come in and make yourself at home.

I have three famous stories, 2 recommended reads and have come in the top ten in two competitions~ Come in and make yourself at home.

Quote by Buz
There are great stories, Editors Picks and Recommended Reads, with lower scores, yet some very average at best stories with perfect 5's. You surely can't always judge a story quality by the score alone when looking for stories to read. There are readers that will vote down stories just because they are in categories they don't like or for other juvenile reasons. And then there are many stories that are grossly over scored. Get to know the reputation of the authors and find out which ones consistently deliver quality.

This comment TOUCHES on a VALID POINT...

I've FOLLOWED LUSH STORIES COMP for some years now...

IN MY EXPERIENCE the PUBLIC VOTE in that arena influences the judges NOT A JOT!!! (And with the exception of EDITOR'S PICK votes I think COMP VOTES represent the HIGHEST QUALITY of writing on site...) I have entered TWO COMPS to date... I am an EP winner... (I've NEVER even placed TOP TEN in a Lush Comp...) I mention this PURELY to suggest that at THAT LEVEL there is no BIAS!!! (I wish there was!!!) I joke, of course... (Well, ALMOST!!!)


Lush Stories AS A SITE encompasses SUCH A BROAD PLATFORM that, in many ways, the general voting system, while functional, reasonable and pleasureable to both readers and writers, REALLY DOES NOT MATTER A GREAT DEAL AS TO HOW WORK IS PERCEIVED... (We cater for EXTREMELY high-end EROTIC LITERATURE and BASE PORNOGRAPHY...) I have, to be clear, in my time ATTEMPTED AND QUITE PROUDLY to write BOTH!!!

NOT ONE SINGLE MEMBER EVER UPON THIS SITE HAS EVER SAID, "Oh! That has 103 votes, I must read it!!!" (Never happens!)


( AS A WRITER, I can tell you that the ONLY PERSON WHO CARES ABOUT YOUR VOTE is THE FUCKING WRITER... And, as they say in HOLLYWOOD, who REALLY cares what the fucking writer thinks???)


If EVERYONE who EVER READ ONE OF MINE gave me A DOLLAR I could buy a HOUSE!!! (If everyone who ever commented or voted on one of mine did the same I COULD PERHAPS buy a second-hand car!!!)

So let's NOT all get carried away, no?

xx SF
Quote by stephanie

This comment TOUCHES on a VALID POINT...

I've FOLLOWED LUSH STORIES COMP for some years now...

IN MY EXPERIENCE the PUBLIC VOTE in that arena influences the judges NOT A JOT!!! (And with the exception of EDITOR'S PICK votes I think COMP VOTES represent the HIGHEST QUALITY of writing on site...) I have entered TWO COMPS to date... I am an EP winner... (I've NEVER even placed TOP TEN in a Lush Comp...) I mention this PURELY to suggest that at THAT LEVEL there is no BIAS!!! (I wish there was!!!) I joke, of course... (Well, ALMOST!!!)


Lush Stories AS A SITE encompasses SUCH A BROAD PLATFORM that, in many ways, the general voting system, while functional, reasonable and pleasureable to both readers and writers, REALLY DOES NOT MATTER A GREAT DEAL AS TO HOW WORK IS PERCEIVED... (We cater for EXTREMELY high-end EROTIC LITERATURE and BASE PORNOGRAPHY...) I have, to be clear, in my time ATTEMPTED AND QUITE PROUDLY to write BOTH!!!

NOT ONE SINGLE MEMBER EVER UPON THIS SITE HAS EVER SAID, "Oh! That has 103 votes, I must read it!!!" (Never happens!)


( AS A WRITER, I can tell you that the ONLY PERSON WHO CARES ABOUT YOUR VOTE is THE FUCKING WRITER... And, as they say in HOLLYWOOD, who REALLY cares what the fucking writer thinks???)


If EVERYONE who EVER READ ONE OF MINE gave me A DOLLAR I could buy a HOUSE!!! (If everyone who ever commented or voted on one of mine did the same I COULD PERHAPS buy a second-hand car!!!)

So let's NOT all get carried away, no?

xx SF

Very true. It reminds me of the Oscars or the Peoples Choice awards, or something. We all write for the creative outlet it gives us, letting us put ourselves out there for all to see. So, I have learned something very valuable from this thread. Scores don't matter. It's not a contest. If I'm happy with the story I've written then I have succeeded. I have also learned that I have a lot to learn, and that is the best possible 'score' I can ask for.
Not a bad outcome for a silly forum thread, no?

I didn't realize that the entire site is about viewing figures. That explains why the views are so important.

heart ~ Simmerdownchick

I have three famous stories, 2 recommended reads and have come in the top ten in two competitions~ Come in and make yourself at home.

Quote by Simmerdownchick

Very true. It reminds me of the Oscars or the Peoples Choice awards, or something. We all write for the creative outlet it gives us, letting us put ourselves out there for all to see. So, I have learned something very valuable from this thread. Scores don't matter. It's not a contest. If I'm happy with the story I've written then I have succeeded. I have also learned that I have a lot to learn, and that is the best possible 'score' I can ask for.
Not a bad outcome for a silly forum thread, no?

I write because I like to write, most assuredly I prefer high scores verses lower ones. However, I know human nature and realize there are those who make up an ID, give a low score, and then retreat. I also understand that it would be impossible to revamp the scoring system. I would suggest that only writers of 10 or more be eligible to score.
Quote by Magical_felix

It's so bad. When it comes to the voting system. It's most definitly one of the worst ideas ever. Maybe the worst.

Actually, I think you'll find this one is the worst...

Quote by adagio_sabadicus

I would suggest that only writers of 10 or more be eligible to score.
Warning: The opinions above are those of an anonymous individual on the internet. They are opinions, unless they're facts. They may be ill-informed, out of touch with reality or just plain stupid. They may contain traces of irony. If reading these opinions causes you to be become outraged or you start displaying the symptoms of outrage, stop reading them immediately. If symptoms persist, consult a psychiatrist.

Why not read some stories instead

NEW! Want a quick read for your coffee break? Why not try this... Flash Erotica: Scrubber
Quote by Buz
There are great stories, Editors Picks and Recommended Reads, with lower scores, yet some very average at best stories with perfect 5's. You surely can't always judge a story quality by the score alone when looking for stories to read. There are readers that will vote down stories just because they are in categories they don't like or for other juvenile reasons. And then there are many stories that are grossly over scored. Get to know the reputation of the authors and find out which ones consistently deliver quality.

Any system, including the Recommended Read system, that is based on the opinion of an anonymous individual will, rightly or wrongly, arouse suspicion unless there is full transparency. Of course, if you had full transparency, the amount of drama would probably increase tenfold. I've always advocated that the RR system should show who recommended a story - then I can judge whether or not that recommendation is worthwhile - but I can also see that system could lead to even more accusations of crony-ism.

Maybe though there is a way of turning the scoring system around to put a bit of responsibility on the reader. If stories have a calculated average vote - why not readers? If UserX's profile shows she's rated 76 stories at an average of 3.65 then maybe getting a four off her isn't so bad as getting the same from UserY who has rated 34 stories at an average of 4.96.
Warning: The opinions above are those of an anonymous individual on the internet. They are opinions, unless they're facts. They may be ill-informed, out of touch with reality or just plain stupid. They may contain traces of irony. If reading these opinions causes you to be become outraged or you start displaying the symptoms of outrage, stop reading them immediately. If symptoms persist, consult a psychiatrist.

Why not read some stories instead

NEW! Want a quick read for your coffee break? Why not try this... Flash Erotica: Scrubber
Quote by Simmerdownchick

I didn't realize that the entire site is about viewing figures. That explains why the views are so important.

heart ~ Simmerdownchick

Just To Be Clear, as I understand it... (and I have NO BUSINESS INVOLVEMENT IN LS...)

Without VIEWERS nobody would post here!!! (Why would they???)

BUT Lush Stories has one of the biggest readerships upon the web in our genre. MORE THAN THAT it has established an interactive community of writers and readers that is absolutely unique. (Our forum and the DIVERSITY of topics contained there speaks for itself...) The LS private social media service is as good or better than any. The site is POLICED on a LITERALLY minute by minute basis... (Nobody else does THAT!)

VIEWING FIGURES ARE ALL IMPORTANT, OF COURSE... But the REASON Lush Stories garners such high viewing figures is that THE PRODUCT is HIGH QUALITY... (From writing to forum posts to the interactive element...)


Everybody wins!

(And how often can you truthfully fucking say THAT in THIS GAME???)

xx SF

I'm REALLY PROUD to be a part of it!!! (STILL!!!)
Quote by stephanie

NOT ONE SINGLE MEMBER EVER UPON THIS SITE HAS EVER SAID, "Oh! That has 103 votes, I must read it!!!" (Never happens!)

How do you draw such odd conclusions... If I go to the front page and all of the stories have 7 -10 votes on it and one sticks out with 40 votes then it would make me curious to see why. If I go to an author's page and I see most of their stories have 30 votes and one has 103, I will probably choose the one with 103 to read. I would want to see why that one has so many.

Just today I recieved 4 votes on an old story of mine. This older story of mine is the one that most people still vote on. It's my story with the highest number of votes on it. Whenever someone new follows me and I haven't written anything lately it's usually after reading that story. I'm pretty sure they pick that one to read over the others because it has the most number of votes.

This happens with books and movies too. People are compelled to watch movies just because they've been number one for a while or read books just because they've sold 10 million copies... Why would lush stories be any different? You're just talking out of your ass with statements like that.
Quote by Nikki_girlforyou
All of the writers friends give them a 5 no matter how crappy the story/poem is! I gave a 4 on a story and had a nasty message waiting on me next time I logged in and the writer also informed me that she blocked me from scoring her stories again. Like I would read that crap again!!

That's so ridiculous. You should post who that author was so they can feel embarressed. Everyone should post the names of the authors who do this. Starting to seem like there is a good number of shameless idiots doing this. So pathetic.
There’s nothing inherently wrong with the scoring system on Lush. Five-point scoring systems have been used for decades as a basis for scientific and social research because, overall, they are reliable. The problem with the system here is that, as others have said, scoring isn’t anonymous.

I will only vote on a story I believe worthy of a five (or occasionally a four if I think the author can handle it). If I think it deserves anything lower, I simply won’t vote. I have no desire to get chased around the site by an irate writer wielding a virtual pitchfork, simply because I had the temerity to think of their story as being ‘Good’ as opposed to ‘Excellent’. Making the scoring system completely anonymous would solve this problem.

The one piece of evidence I can provide to back up my argument comes from our own competitions. Whilst they are running voting is anonymous, and when you look at the scores given to these stories, it is apparent that they are different to those submitted under the usual circumstances.

Sure, there are still many more fives given than anything else. But it is also true that poor stories get more poor ratings, average stories get more threes, there are a whole lot more fours, and the excellent pieces are still overwhelmingly given fives. Being competition pieces, maybe this difference is because readers hold these stories to a higher standard. But I’d suggest it’s because the writer has no way of knowing who gave what score.

After all, surely the whole point of having a scoring system is honesty. If writers are being told their stories are uniformly excellent when some are in fact average, where is the motivation to improve? In some cases, how will they even know? I like to receive honest feedback, both positive and negative, because it helps me improve. And if I don’t agree with what someone has said, I’m always free to ignore them.

Therefore I’d advocate making voting anonymous, as it’s the only way people will ever be free to give an honest opinion without some writers throwing a five-star shit-fit and harassing fellow users for being truthful.

Of course, random morons might abuse their anonymity to give low scores for no apparent reason. And if users want to upvote stories by their friends or favourite writers regardless of quality, there’s nothing that can be done to prevent that. I fear that changing human nature is beyond Lush’s remit! But anonymous voting should make the scores being given to a story a little more representative of its quality.
Quote by adagio_sabadicus
I would suggest that only writers of 10 or more be eligible to score.

I’ve only been posting stories here on Lush since August. As a result, so far my story count totals just five. I’m fascinated that you think this should make my opinions irrelevant.
Quote by Varrick

I’ve only been posting stories here on Lush since August. As a result, so far my story count totals just five. I’m fascinated that you think this should make my opinions irrelevant.

No one's opinions are irrelevant
Quote by adagio_sabadicus
No one's opinions are irrelevant

If that’s what you believe, you probably shouldn’t advocate blocking them.
I dont write, But all the people i follow that do i enjoy all their work and never low ball anyone...( unless certain peeps blocked me from scoring..)
Quote by stephanie

NOT ONE SINGLE MEMBER EVER UPON THIS SITE HAS EVER SAID, "Oh! That has 103 votes, I must read it!!!" (Never happens!)


Actually a high number of votes attracts me more than the score. I figure if that many people bother to vote and also if it's followed up by lots of comments then there is a better chance that it is a good read.

The current 5 voting system may not be perfect but it is easy to understand, it's used a lot all over, and truthfully, I'd hate to see it changed at this point. It works well enough to not monkey with.

Quote by Varrick
There’s nothing inherently wrong with the scoring system on Lush. Five-point scoring systems have been used for decades as a basis for scientific and social research because, overall, they are reliable. The problem with the system here is that, as others have said, scoring isn’t anonymous.

I will only vote on a story I believe worthy of a five (or occasionally a four if I think the author can handle it). If I think it deserves anything lower, I simply won’t vote. I have no desire to get chased around the site by an irate writer wielding a virtual pitchfork, simply because I had the temerity to think of their story as being ‘Good’ as opposed to ‘Excellent’. Making the scoring system completely anonymous would solve this problem.

The one piece of evidence I can provide to back up my argument comes from our own competitions. Whilst they are running voting is anonymous, and when you look at the scores given to these stories, it is apparent that they are different to those submitted under the usual circumstances.

Sure, there are still many more fives given than anything else. But it is also true that poor stories get more poor ratings, average stories get more threes, there are a whole lot more fours, and the excellent pieces are still overwhelmingly given fives. Being competition pieces, maybe this difference is because readers hold these stories to a higher standard. But I’d suggest it’s because the writer has no way of knowing who gave what score.

After all, surely the whole point of having a scoring system is honesty. If writers are being told their stories are uniformly excellent when some are in fact average, where is the motivation to improve? In some cases, how will they even know? I like to receive honest feedback, both positive and negative, because it helps me improve. And if I don’t agree with what someone has said, I’m always free to ignore them.

Therefore I’d advocate making voting anonymous, as it’s the only way people will ever be free to give an honest opinion without some writers throwing a five-star shit-fit and harassing fellow users for being truthful.

Of course, random morons might abuse their anonymity to give low scores for no apparent reason. And if users want to upvote stories by their friends or favourite writers regardless of quality, there’s nothing that can be done to prevent that. I fear that changing human nature is beyond Lush’s remit! But anonymous voting should make the scores being given to a story a little more representative of its quality.

Good points. Before we had a timeline it actually was anonymous. It's nice to know when an old story gets a vote or comment because otherwise you wouldn't know. But I'm sure the avatar and user's name could be changed to "so and so story just recieved a vote" or something like that.
Quote by adagio_sabadicus
Quote by Simmerdownchick

Very true. It reminds me of the Oscars or the Peoples Choice awards, or something. We all write for the creative outlet it gives us, letting us put ourselves out there for all to see. So, I have learned something very valuable from this thread. Scores don't matter. It's not a contest. If I'm happy with the story I've written then I have succeeded. I have also learned that I have a lot to learn, and that is the best possible 'score' I can ask for.
Not a bad outcome for a silly forum thread, no?

I write because I like to write, most assuredly I prefer high scores verses lower ones. However, I know human nature and realize there are those who make up an ID, give a low score, and then retreat. I also understand that it would be impossible to revamp the scoring system. I would suggest that only writers of 10 or more be eligible to score.

That would be awful, I really hope that it's a rare occurrance. It would take a pretty devious mind to think to do something like that. Personally, I really enjoy reading your work. I havn't read any for a while, but I think I feel a Adiagio story coming on! heart

I have three famous stories, 2 recommended reads and have come in the top ten in two competitions~ Come in and make yourself at home.

Quote by Magical_felix

This happens with books and movies too. People are compelled to watch movies just because they've been number one for a while or read books just because they've sold 10 million copies... Why would lush stories be any different? You're just talking out of your ass with statements like that.

I've NEVER read 'The Da Vinci Code' or '50 Shades...' for that matter. (I DID TRY!!!) I DON'T read the best selling NEWSPAPERS in my country... I DON'T listen to the best selling music in the music charts as a matter of course...

I'm not COMPELLED to do anything!!!

As to 'talking out of my ass'...


xx SF
I think non writers would give higher scores
Quote by stephanie

I've NEVER read 'The Da Vinci Code' or '50 Shades...' for that matter. (I DID TRY!!!) I DON'T read the best selling NEWSPAPERS in my country... I DON'T listen to the best selling music in the music charts as a matter of course...

I'm not COMPELLED to do anything!!!

As to 'talking out of my ass'...


xx SF

Well then... You're right, nobody on lush could possibly be compelled to read something if they notice it has over 100 votes. I mean you lay it out so logically in this reply of yours. Especially where you say you're not compelled to do anything followed by, not one, but three exclamation points. I just can't find the wherewithal to come up with a reasonable argument. Once again you have proven to be one of the greatest minds of the twenty first century.
if a story dosen't grab me i don't score it if it has a good story line other than just the sex i tend to score hi
what's up sunshine
For those who believe non-writers give lower scores just because they don't grasp the effort needed to write a story...

...I tend to give lower scores here because a lot of stories don't go into detail when it comes to the action. There's foreplay, teasing, and climax. In real life, intimacy doesn't work like that (or at least in my experience it doesn't). Between teasing and climax is a lot of exploration, varying positions, rhythms, etc. Some authors take the excuse that intimacy gets repetitive such that there's a quantity before quality thing going on so there's only so much you can describe, but that's really not fair. A good author not only knows how to write the same behavior in multiple ways, but also knows to describe the many ways that people connect and fool around.

Also, a lot of people here like to swear in their stories which is kind of a disappointment. Swearing should only happen in moments of extreme intensity where you've completely lost control, and only after an abundance of passionate style has already been expressed. (I actually make it a rule when I'm chatting with someone that I never swear since it seems crude, vulgar, and obtuse. It's only after I've gotten to know someone very closely and we share a fantasy that's totally crazy that I'll do that.)

(On the side, this is why I actually enjoy reading erotica more than watching porn. Porn often involves people doing the same thing over and over and over and over. You don't need to watch something for 15 minutes that gets the point across in 15 seconds.)

On other websites, I give higher scores because the action is much more detailed. When I say detailed, I mean they're artistically creative about how they describe people's bodies coming together. They don't get scientifically technical about it.

Lastly, I appreciate stories that don't have distracting pictures floating around. I'm here to enjoy the words on the page that spark imagination, not gawk at how attractive someone or something looks.