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"People may laugh at you for dancing through life, but really they are just jealous becasue they can't hear your music." -Hollywood
Now join your hands, and with your hands your hearts.
-- William Shakespeare
Quote by Lalita_Lydia
"My computer is being a loose pussy whore"

My friend said that...It was unexpected and therefore funny as hell to me at the time.
May your orgasms be multiple.
Charlese Le'Push
Lancia il tuo cuore davanti a te, e corri a raggiungerlo. Anche con il rischio di spezzarlo, perchè se non lo lanci, ti priveresti delle emozioni più grandi
date ad un essere umano di poter provare! Scoprire la capacità di Amare ed essere Amati..

it's in Italian and I don;t know who said it but its very beautiful - will do my best to translate it.......

Toss your heart in front of you and run to catch up with it. Even if you risk breaking it because if you don't try you are denying yourself the greatest emotion given to humans which is to try. By trying you can discover your ability to love and be loved.....
The Universe is vast and we are so small. There is really only one thing we can ever truly control... whether we are good or evil."

The sun is warm, the wind is wild, the grass is green along the shore, here no bull can hide"

A tree loses its leaves every year, yet it still grows proud and strong
Don't marry the person you think you can live with; marry only the individual you think you can't live without. ~James C. Dobson