K - so it's not as weird as bacon, but a vanilla milkshake always works for me.
*Life's a disease - sexually transmitted and terminal*
That sounds good. and easy on the stomach too.
Mmm milkshake.
I'll take that anyday.
Welcome, lexi.
If I've got a really bad hangover, I don't want to eat, drink, or exist.
I've only had one once. I drank a LOT of whiskey and I felt like I got hit by a mac truck. Sleep and lots of water helped me the next day. I never had the headache though... thank goodness! The body aches were bad enough.
Laissez les bons temps rouler!
the best hang over cure is hang over prevention - just don't get shit faced kids!
It just seems 25 in a sitting is pushing alcohol poisoning.
For people who like to try witchcraft, I mean Homeopathic remedies, Nux Vomica works quite well for a moderate hangover.
I sleep through my hangovers, then drink a HUGE glass of water afterwards.
Latest story:
I have written some of these down on sticky notes placing them all around my place, ie, the bathroom mirror, the headboard, the kettle.
One British Cure and my brother-the-bartender will say:
BITTERS and some ginger ale
Pour the ginger ale in a glass and add about 10 drops of bitters. Swirl. Sip.
(you will burp from the ginger ale ... but the bitters will calm down the nausea).
Be sure to re-hydrate (with some gatorade or such sports drink) and H2O.
Eat a banana or two before bed, and a glass of water (alcohol depletes potassium, and bananas replenish). I get wicked hangover, and this works when I follow my own advice. Then follow up with bacon in morning!
Just have another beer or shot and take a good long hot shower, and make sure you brush your teeth before you go to work..LOL..my ex would also have fish head soup and would be ready to go after all that....

Behind every strong soldier there is even a stronger woman who raised him " Proud Army Mom" Moderate drinking is mine: never have more than 3 drinks keeps me safe from any hangover.
I drink very little these days. But when I did, I usually would have a glass of water and a couple of aspirin before bed. Then I would feel great in the morning. If I skipped that trick I would feel like crap. So then onto trick number 2. I would sit in the pool with the water up to my neck, and convince this nice guy that had a thing for me, that he really needed to get me a banana milkshake. I would hang in the pool and drink my milkshake. Before you know it all better.
I know this will sound odd but the need to burp when I have a hangover seems to help, have no idea why! I usually like to make sure I've eaten a good meal well before I start drinking and after cure is the need to brush my teeth, drink water, keep burping then sleep, then shower ha ha lol Then Im ravenous for fooooooooood ha ha.
I knew a guy that needed to burp too. He used to eat cucumbers, just so he would.
When I get really fucked up and I know I'm going to feel it in the morning I chug two vitamin waters and some cereal before bed. (not too fast so you don't puke, although puking the alcohol out before bed helps)
It's the dehydration that kills you so I'll drink more vitamin water when I wake up. (or a like product or just plain water) Having a little weed around helps too.
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
I bet if you tried all of these at once you would have so much indigestion you would forget about your hangover...