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Pope Resigns

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to latinfoxy...yes we are the oldest Jesus said to Peter " you are the rock and apon this rock you will build my church." the first pope was St. Peter!!!! Many catholic's refear to the pope as "the holy father" and thats holy not holly.B0dLwtnlo6mTwV3Q

to is a sin in the eyes of the church....and in the bible...oh how do i have a terrible grasp on history??? I did say i had bad spelling duh.gKfG5Wzew4Xjo8lr

to sprite....and what was that called at Penn state?....sure looked like a cover up to me.G2gyPmlo3sxZ5JOl
I read about this on cnn, didnt spend much time on it as I'm against about everysingle form of organized religion. good for him, got out before it's too late just like Tom Cruise ditching the looney brigade. Now he can do stuff that matters, like enjoy his life.

(and a side note for maggiecat, that's factually wrong. catholicism isn't the oldest religious institution. You lose to Hindus, pagans, the Egyptian, roman and Greek pantheons, Judaism, christianity, pretty much every religion but Islam. In addition to "clothing the poor" you also gave us the inquisitions where people were tortured to confess things that weren't true or burned at the stake, witch hunts where people were typically drowned, if you lived you must be a witch, and corrupt officials who absolved sins for absurd amounts of money, and let's not forget the crusades where legions of men marched into the holy land to fight a pointless war against a superior enemy under the ruse of going straight to heaven.)
Story Verifier
Is there any connection I wonder, between the Pope's resignation and the horse meat scandal that is breaking out over Europe - (Horse DNA being found in beefburgers, cottage pies and bolognaise in UK, Ireland, Romania and France).......
“When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.”
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by Maggiecat
to latinfoxy...yes we are the oldest Jesus said to Peter " you are the rock and apon this rock you will build my church." the first pope was St. Peter!!!! Many catholic's refear to the pope as "the holy father" and thats holy not holly.13J9JomWgokzdPbq

to is a sin in the eyes of the church....and in the bible...oh how do i have a terrible grasp on history??? I did say i had bad spelling duh.NPgbDEaUKfmW7CS7

to sprite....and what was that called at Penn state?....sure looked like a cover up to me.HKQBrUPC5be9QFIT

one: any organization that says homosexuality is a sin is not going to get my support. period. btw, i find it interesting that you list yourself as bi-curious. you realize that is a sin in the eyes of the church, correct? just checking.

two: i made it clear in my post that yes, the church is not alone in the game, nor in attempting to cover it up. that doesn't make what they do right - and, in my opinion, it's even worse when an organization that speaks out against homosexuality turns around and covers up something along these lines. apparently it's a sin for me to be in love with another woman, but it's ok for priests to molest young boys? do you not SEE the problem here?

oh, and a lot of things are said in the bible that may or may not be historically accurate. it was written by catholics so i am sure that, just like the Koran, it has a skewed view of the world according to the religion is represents.

that said, read the bible you quote from, girl. the old testatment is a transcription of the jewish people dating back to Abraham in 1580 BC. BC, btw, stands for Before Christ.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by latinfoxy
True, but you cant expect that because we live in the 21st century, they will change all their believes.


A true religion for the people should transcend time. It should carry the power to lead people to happiness no matter when they happen to have been born. No religion should have to change their stance on any issue at any point; it should have all been laid out clearly from the off and should be applicable to cavemen and modern man alike.

If a religious institution starts to "fall behind" with the way modern people feel and think about life, then that should be evidence enough that it's wrong and it will eventually fall into obscurity.

I don't agree with a lot of the views of the Catholic church, and so I'm not a Catholic. If they think homosexuality is a "sin", they are quite entitled to do so, just don't expect me at mass this Sunday. By and large, Catholicism doesn't affect my daily life and I just let them get on with it. Eventually, everyone else will do the same and the church will die.
I'm Catholic, have been all my life and don't plan on leaving it. I don't agree with all of the rules and the differing views on right vs wrong, the old vs the new testament, but I do believe in some of the main principles behind it. For me it's a matter of faith, not in people, but in God.

There is some corruption, but considering how widespread the religion is and all the people involved at various levels, it would be impossible not to have any corruption at all.

As for the pope resigning, I just found out today and I think it's decent of him to step down if he doesn't feel like he can carry out his duties. Though, no matter what reason he gives for stepping down, there will always be people trying to spin conspiracy theories.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Maggiecat
to latinfoxy...yes we are the oldest Jesus said to Peter " you are the rock and apon this rock you will build my church." the first pope was St. Peter!!!! Many catholic's refear to the pope as "the holy father" and thats holy not holly.ys96eNixPTg5dovf

to is a sin in the eyes of the church....and in the bible...oh how do i have a terrible grasp on history??? I did say i had bad spelling duh.LQjAyn1Wj3ZCaFsh

to sprite....and what was that called at Penn state?....sure looked like a cover up to me.5kD1vgbuhQ1F5ugi

Again NO we arent the oldest, look it up really. and about the Holly or holy LOL im Venezuelan i speak spanish, you are american whats your excuse?
Cheeky Chick
This is all I have to say on the matter of the Pope resigning.

Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by Maggiecat
to latinfoxy...yes we are the oldest Jesus said to Peter " you are the rock and apon this rock you will build my church." the first pope was St. Peter!!!! Many catholic's refear to the pope as "the holy father" and thats holy not holly.

btw, if you're going to pick on people for their spelling, you'd best not make any mistakes yourself. totally uncool.

it's Upon not Apon. It's Refer not Refear. It's That's not Thats.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Active Ink Slinger
I have read these two pages and have to say there is a LOT of wrong impressions, preconcepts, ignorance and just plain old snotty up-yor-nose mentality here.

First things first, Catholicism is THE original form of organized Christianity; when Emperor Costantine summoned the Council of Nicaea, the "Roman" Bishops were the first to arrive (they were the ones who actually drafted the summons in the first place!) It was the Arian, Gnostic and many Easter Bishops (Syriac, Mesopotamian and Coptic) who were either not summoned, or refused participation under various pretextes - and that is history.
The result is that the majority of issues discussed were agreed "in the Catholic interpretation" because that is what the Emperor wanted - a "one size fits all" religion which had enough Classical Roman (pagan to you) Egyptian, Zoroastrian and Mesopotamian characteristics to appear acceptable to all "would be" converts - to the point entire populations converted once their King or High Priest converted (see St.Ursula as an example)

Secondly, to claim the (Catholic) Church exported tyranny, greed, corruption and is true, is we consider all those things were rampant in the Mediterranean for the previous 3000 years and more.
One could, by similar reasoning, claim the USA is exporting democracy through the goodwill ambassadors called B-52, F-117 abd B-2, with a little help from drones and depleted uranium shells.
You are NOT without sin.

Third, the Church is, to this day, the world's oldest surviving absolute monarchy, there is no Criminal Code of Law discussed by a Parliament, and "Parliament" (Conclave) only meets in average once every 25-30 years to elect the new Pope.
Incidentally, the Cardinals do not meet in a threater or ballroom, they convene in the Sistine Chapel, and are LOCKED IN (that is why it is called "Conclave").

Fourth, don't get me running about with "witch hunts" but there is a difference between the Holy Inquisition and the Witch Hunts of the 16th - 17th Century.
The Inquisition was a Tribunal, a Court of Law; the lay, the famous and the infamous have been tried, the records are available, apparently less that 5% of those tried were found guilty. Among them, Francisco Goya, the painter, and Giordano Bruno, Italian monk and philosopher. In Spain, France, Latin America, it tried not only those accused of blasphemy and those accused of witchcraft, but also those accused of planting false evidence against the former.
See the trial in "The Name of the Rose" as an example - two of the tried and convicted were blasphemous monks and murderers - the third a girl accused of witchcraft when, these days, she would be recognized as mentally handicapped.

Last, the Church is the oldest surviving government, it has been carrying on business since the 4th Century - 1600+ years. Nobody has beaten that record yet, and it gets more difficult day after day.

One of you said "A true religion should trascend time". If you ask any well-learned archaeologist, anthropologist or rabbi, they will tell you that the oldest surviving religion, Judaism, is NOT the same as was practiced at the times of King Herod, never mind Abraham!
Quite the contrary! And, to be honest, one could even dispute whether Abraham, Noah and Adam were jewish, shaman Priest Kings or simply people whose names went town in history because THOSE stories survived time, and others did not.

Else, if you read the Hindu Holy Scriptures, which are just as old as the Torah, you will read of flying machines shooting flaming arrows at each other, steel dragons spewing fire from every pore, and hordes of infantry on Earth fighting a war for their Lords in Heaven...
Very similar to the Ancient Egyptian lore of Orisis, his son Horus and the evil uncle Seth ...

So, unless the next Pope is Cardinal Appiah Turkson, this is NOT the end of the world...
Why do I quote Card. Appiah Turkson ? Because his first name is ... Peter... and he would be the second Peter to sit in Rome - the Second Coming...
Active Ink Slinger
I am a Catholic and while I dont agree with many of the beliefs and actions of the church, I am proud to be Catholic. Just as I would be if I was Jewish, Hindu or any other religion. But I do take great offense to those who make statements that the Pope is resigning due to a scandal (state your proof or shut up!) and insinuate that all Catholic clergymen are pedophiles. When Pope Benedict XVI was elected, he stated that if his health declined to the point where he could no longer carry out his duties, he would resign. So I dont see why it is such a shock that he is, unless the shock is that an elected official did what he said he would. He may not have been the ideal choice for Pope but I wish him well.

From some of the posts here you would think that Catholicism is the only religion that has ever had scandals!!
Quote by latinfoxy

Again NO we arent the oldest, look it up really. and about the Holly or holy LOL im Venezuelan i speak spanish, you are american whats your excuse?

This is kind of along the lines of what I was thinking. Honestly, LF, I have to say I've always been impressed with how well you do with English as your second language. Way better than I've ever done with a second language, speaking let alone writing.

Quote by Nikki703
When Pope Benedict XVI was elected, he stated that if his health declined to the point where he could no longer carry out his duties, he would resign. So I dont see why it is such a shock that he is, unless the shock is that an elected official did what he said he would. He may not have been the ideal choice for Pope but I wish him well.

I agree with you on this, Nikki!

I'm a lapsed Catholic from my own personal experiences dealing with the Catholic Church throughout my life but, being raised Catholic, I still do tend to follow this stuff. Maybe it's the old Catholic guilt creeping in.
chill out every one life is just to short....pray for the pope, dont pray for the up to you....but maybe pray for one of are own on here....RED_DRAGON!!!!
Quote by lambdavi
I have read these two pages and have to say there is a LOT of wrong impressions, preconcepts, ignorance and just plain old snotty up-yor-nose mentality here.

First things first, Catholicism is THE original form of organized Christianity; when Emperor Costantine summoned the Council of Nicaea, the "Roman" Bishops were the first to arrive (they were the ones who actually drafted the summons in the first place!) It was the Arian, Gnostic and many Easter Bishops (Syriac, Mesopotamian and Coptic) who were either not summoned, or refused participation under various pretextes - and that is history.
The result is that the majority of issues discussed were agreed "in the Catholic interpretation" because that is what the Emperor wanted - a "one size fits all" religion which had enough Classical Roman (pagan to you) Egyptian, Zoroastrian and Mesopotamian characteristics to appear acceptable to all "would be" converts - to the point entire populations converted once their King or High Priest converted (see St.Ursula as an example)

Secondly, to claim the (Catholic) Church exported tyranny, greed, corruption and is true, is we consider all those things were rampant in the Mediterranean for the previous 3000 years and more.
One could, by similar reasoning, claim the USA is exporting democracy through the goodwill ambassadors called B-52, F-117 abd B-2, with a little help from drones and depleted uranium shells.
You are NOT without sin.

Third, the Church is, to this day, the world's oldest surviving absolute monarchy, there is no Criminal Code of Law discussed by a Parliament, and "Parliament" (Conclave) only meets in average once every 25-30 years to elect the new Pope.
Incidentally, the Cardinals do not meet in a threater or ballroom, they convene in the Sistine Chapel, and are LOCKED IN (that is why it is called "Conclave").

Fourth, don't get me running about with "witch hunts" but there is a difference between the Holy Inquisition and the Witch Hunts of the 16th - 17th Century.
The Inquisition was a Tribunal, a Court of Law; the lay, the famous and the infamous have been tried, the records are available, apparently less that 5% of those tried were found guilty. Among them, Francisco Goya, the painter, and Giordano Bruno, Italian monk and philosopher. In Spain, France, Latin America, it tried not only those accused of blasphemy and those accused of witchcraft, but also those accused of planting false evidence against the former.
See the trial in "The Name of the Rose" as an example - two of the tried and convicted were blasphemous monks and murderers - the third a girl accused of witchcraft when, these days, she would be recognized as mentally handicapped.

Last, the Church is the oldest surviving government, it has been carrying on business since the 4th Century - 1600+ years. Nobody has beaten that record yet, and it gets more difficult day after day.

One of you said "A true religion should trascend time". If you ask any well-learned archaeologist, anthropologist or rabbi, they will tell you that the oldest surviving religion, Judaism, is NOT the same as was practiced at the times of King Herod, never mind Abraham!
Quite the contrary! And, to be honest, one could even dispute whether Abraham, Noah and Adam were jewish, shaman Priest Kings or simply people whose names went town in history because THOSE stories survived time, and others did not.

Else, if you read the Hindu Holy Scriptures, which are just as old as the Torah, you will read of flying machines shooting flaming arrows at each other, steel dragons spewing fire from every pore, and hordes of infantry on Earth fighting a war for their Lords in Heaven...
Very similar to the Ancient Egyptian lore of Orisis, his son Horus and the evil uncle Seth ...

So, unless the next Pope is Cardinal Appiah Turkson, this is NOT the end of the world...
Why do I quote Card. Appiah Turkson ? Because his first name is ... Peter... and he would be the second Peter to sit in Rome - the Second Coming...

This was an interesting post. It sounds like you've read up on religion a lot. My husband enjoys studying the religions of the world as well.
Rank: Her Royal Spriteness

Joined: 6/19/2010
Posts: 6,994
Location: Oz, United States

Maggiecat wrote:
to latinfoxy...yes we are the oldest Jesus said to Peter " you are the rock and apon this rock you will build my church." the first pope was St. Peter!!!! Many catholic's refear to the pope as "the holy father" and thats holy not holly.

btw, if you're going to pick on people for their spelling, you'd best not make any mistakes yourself. totally uncool.

it's Upon not Apon. It's Refer not Refear. It's That's not Thats.

i hope you feel small when i tell you this...i have a learning disability...thank you for making me feel dumb again!!...i was never chatting to you in my orginal post none of you in fact...i was just letting pepole out there know how i feel and sprite if you go back to the org. post i did state i have bad spelling!! please do not responed to this post i just wanted sprite to know how cruel the world can be sometimes! as for corecting latinafoxy she acted like she knew everything about my religon if that is so she would know the word is holy and not holly!
Quote by clum
If a religious institution starts to "fall behind" with the way modern people feel and think about life, then that should be evidence enough that it's wrong and it will eventually fall into obscurity.

I totally agree with this philosophy and reasoning.

With 1.2bn Catholics roaming the planet, it may take some time though Mr Clum!
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by Maggiecat
Rank: Her Royal Spriteness

Joined: 6/19/2010
Posts: 6,994
Location: Oz, United States

Maggiecat wrote:
to latinfoxy...yes we are the oldest Jesus said to Peter " you are the rock and apon this rock you will build my church." the first pope was St. Peter!!!! Many catholic's refear to the pope as "the holy father" and thats holy not holly.

btw, if you're going to pick on people for their spelling, you'd best not make any mistakes yourself. totally uncool.

it's Upon not Apon. It's Refer not Refear. It's That's not Thats.

i hope you feel small when i tell you this...i have a learning disability...thank you for making me feel dumb again!!...i was never chatting to you in my orginal post none of you in fact...i was just letting pepole out there know how i feel and sprite if you go back to the org. post i did state i have bad spelling!! please do not responed to this post i just wanted sprite to know how cruel the world can be sometimes! as for corecting latinafoxy she acted like she knew everything about my religon if that is so she would know the word is holy and not holly!

Quite honestly, Maggie, i would never had said a word had you not been so keen to pointing out Latinfoxy's typo/mispelling of "holy". I happen to know Ms Foxy, and am aware of the fact that English is her second language and i have a great respect for how well she had adapted to English in these forums. kind of hypocritical of you to point out her mistakes and then turn around and complain when i point out yours. THAT was my entire point, btw. and come on, this is the forums - you make a statement, it's open to response from any party with an opinion. you are NOT stupid nor dumb and you have been here long enough to understand the nature of the forums, honey.

as for your opinions and feelings,they are just as valid as everyone's - that doesn't mean i have to agree with them - it's my right to debate your statements in a respectful manner, something i am very careful to do until someone else has made the move to cross over that line.

AND, as for you wanting to show me how cruel the world can be? trust me, i know very well how cruel it can be. that said, i try not to let it color my actions or words here. i am not always successful, but i am very careful about people's feelings, sometimes to a fault.

btw, it's not just YOUR religion. there are many members of the Catholic church here, and i believe Ms Foxy is one of them - she has every right to voice her opinion as you do. as do i. sorry if you felt personally attacked but really, i don't make you feel anything - you CHOSE how to feel. don't blame me for it.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by nicola
I totally agree with this philosophy and reasoning.

With 1.2bn Catholics roaming the planet, it may take some time though Mr Clum!

There's no rush. I've got an eternity.

Quote by A. A. Milne
Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day.

Quote by Daisaku Ikeda
With love and patience, nothing is impossible.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Maggiecat
Rank: Her Royal Spriteness

Joined: 6/19/2010
Posts: 6,994
Location: Oz, United States

Maggiecat wrote:
to latinfoxy...yes we are the oldest Jesus said to Peter " you are the rock and apon this rock you will build my church." the first pope was St. Peter!!!! Many catholic's refear to the pope as "the holy father" and thats holy not holly.

btw, if you're going to pick on people for their spelling, you'd best not make any mistakes yourself. totally uncool.

it's Upon not Apon. It's Refer not Refear. It's That's not Thats.

i hope you feel small when i tell you this...i have a learning disability...thank you for making me feel dumb again!!...i was never chatting to you in my orginal post none of you in fact...i was just letting pepole out there know how i feel and sprite if you go back to the org. post i did state i have bad spelling!! please do not responed to this post i just wanted sprite to know how cruel the world can be sometimes! as for corecting latinafoxy she acted like she knew everything about my religon if that is so she would know the word is holy and not holly!

How hypocritical of you! How do you know i dont have a learning disability also, and thats why i dont know its Holy and not Holly??? you even put on your post, the whole as its SO crazy that i dont know the difference. What if i was actually a mentally insane person, and you were making me feel even more crazy for it?

And about the whole she was acting like she knew everything about my religion thing... I AM Catholic so its not your religion only, im also Venezuelan thats why i dont know if its Holly or Holy because for me its el Padre Todo poderoso o el Santo Padre. and i can assure you that no one calls the pope Padre todo poderoso!!
Lurker i have a "kick me" sign on me....leave me alone you bullys!!
Quote by Maggiecat i have a "kick me" sign on me....leave me alone you bullys!!

Not to pull out the playground rules but you sort of started it when you started picking on other people's posts.
no i didnt in my org. post i didnt pick on anyone they are picking on me !
Quote by latinfoxy

How hypocritical of you! How do you know i dont have a learning disability also, and thats why i dont know its Holy and not Holly??? you even put on your post, the whole as its SO crazy that i dont know the difference. What if i was actually a mentally insane person, and you were making me feel even more crazy for it?

And about the whole she was acting like she knew everything about my religion thing... I AM Catholic so its not your religion only, im also Venezuelan thats why i dont know if its Holly or Holy because for me its el Padre Todo poderoso o el Santo Padre. and i can assure you that no one calls the pope Padre todo poderoso!!

what the hell is wrong with u,leave maggie alone,why dont u do the planet a favor and go say hello to Hugo Chavez for awhile before u pick on someone who wants to believe what they want to without being read the riot act by u or another egomaniac who uses the same name as a soda,KNOCK IT OFF
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by chris_brown

what the hell is wrong with u,leave maggie alone,why dont u do the planet a favor and go say hello to Hugo Chavez for awhile before u pick on someone who wants to believe what they want to without being read the riot act by u or another egomaniac who uses the same name as a soda,KNOCK IT OFF

LOL so she attacks me an Sprite, we defend ourselves, and we are the evil egocentric bullies? really? hahahha

and the whole Hugo Chavez thing, has got to be the most random things said in this thread yet! You go and say hello to Obama for awhile ok? LMAO
YOU attacked me first go back and check!!
Sarcastic Coffee Aficionado
Quote by lambdavi
I have read these two pages and have to say there is a LOT of wrong impressions, preconcepts, ignorance and just plain old snotty up-your-nose mentality here.

et al ....

So, unless the next Pope is Cardinal Appiah Turkson, this is NOT the end of the world...
Why do I quote Card. Appiah Turkson ? Because his first name is ... Peter... and he would be the second Peter to sit in Rome - the Second Coming...

Your post was very enlightening, LambDavi. Thank you.

Religion is always a touchy subject (like political views) .... some people can't articulate "why" ... it just is.

I just hope the next Pope assists their Church in moving forward in a more modern life style/choices for its one billion plus members. I think all of us can agree on that.

EDIT - I had to go back and correct a spelling mistake .... didn't want that to get outtahand ... smile
Quote by latinfoxy

LOL so she attacks me an Sprite, we defend ourselves, and we are the evil egocentric bullies? really? hahahha

and the whole Hugo Chavez thing, has got to be the most random things said in this thread yet! You go and say hello to Obama for awhile ok? LMAO

That's how non sequitor works. it doesn't have to make sense.
Quote by chris_brown

what the hell is wrong with u,leave maggie alone,why dont u do the planet a favor and go say hello to Hugo Chavez for awhile before u pick on someone who wants to believe what they want to without being read the riot act by u or another egomaniac who uses the same name as a soda,KNOCK IT OFF

What did latinfoxy do but provide a perfectly logical counter argument. Sounds to me like your picking on someone for picking on your friend who has been picking right back albeit to a lesser degree of effectiveness thus inviting your current intervention.
Active Ink Slinger
I'm a fallen Catholic but as the saying goes, once a Catholic, always a Catholic. The news about the Pope's resignation, the first of it's kind, was obviously surprising however I have a tremendous amount of respect for him having the courage and foresight to step down if he feels he cannot perform his duties to the best of his abilities. Now, if only more religious leaders had that same clarity.
Quote by Kitanica

What did latinfoxy do but provide a perfectly logical counter argument. Sounds to me like your picking on someone for picking on your friend who has been picking right back albeit to a lesser degree of effectiveness thus inviting your current intervention.

latinfoxy and to a lesser extent sprite,are bullies,and im not about to put up with that shit,im standing up for a friend who asked for help,and im sorry to say u dont have the vagina to do likewise,do the planet a favor,go find a 6 foot long 3 foot wide hole in the ground and become fertilizer for the planet,leave Maggie alone