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Pet Peeves

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Sometimes there are just little tiny things that really piss you off, what are some of those things? Or all of them...or one of them. I have always hated it when people read your texts over your shoulder, stare at my boobs and not my face, when i smile and they dont smile back, naggers, grrrr. lol. Have fun posting your peeves!
Oh god where do i begin!

Customers at work who have been standing in line for 10 minutes but still dont know what they want when they get to the front.
Customers who tell you their whole order then when you tell them the total, they then decide to start rummaging for money.
Customers who order something then when you make it for them, they tell thats not what they said... when they did!
People who walk sooo slowly down the street and you cant get past them. Even worse when they move in the same direction when you try and get past, or when they stop suddenly and try and turn around!
Also, people who stop for a chat in the most awkward places.
Drivers who dont indicate.
Drivers who brake suddenly for no reason or when they brake and indicate at the very last second before turning.
People who dont say thank you when you hold a door for them, or let them past first.
People who retire and move to south Florida — GO SOMEWHERE ELSE!
People who should no longer drive because they are now too old to know they just blew through a stop sign or a traffic light and they now often confuse the accelerator for the brake pedal.
Young girls in low rise jeans and halter tops who have huge beer guts that hang out ore than middle aged men.
People who hire professionals and then tell them how to do their job. Can you say incompetent?
You are invited to read Passionate Danger, Part II, a story collaboration by Kim and ArtMan.

Ignorant motherfuckers
Racist motherfuckers
Dirty motherfuckers
Greedy motherfuckers
Loud motherfuckers
Bad weather
When I'm trying to sleep and I can hear the sound of typing, those fingers racing across the keyboard...something about it rattles my anger cells.
Hearing other people chew in my ear....Disgust!
And Most of the stuff that was already said above.
People who cut in line. They make my head spin like Linda Blair's in The Exorcist.

I tap them on the shoulder and and give them this look

It works every time.
“Everything in the world is about sex except sex. Sex is about power.”
― Oscar Wilde
When I go to a department store and take an escalator. Either up or down and whoever is in front of me steps off and stops dead. Where the hell am I supposed to go? Then when I'm forced to push past them, while saying excuse me, they either give me a dirty look or say oh I'm sorry I didn't realize. Really? *dumbass*
Quote by chefkathleen
When I go to a department store and take an escalator. Either up or down and whoever is in front of me steps off and stops dead. Where the hell am I supposed to go? Then when I'm forced to push past them, while saying excuse me, they either give me a dirty look or say oh I'm sorry I didn't realize. Really? *dumbass*

I want to slap people like this up side their heads with a hard copy of Escalator Etiquette 101

Is like driving... the right hand lane is the fast lane- for walkers - like Me... stand to the left if you want a ride and couples- sisters/mothers particularly don't hog the friggen space, stand behind each other so people can get past!
Exactly. I always wonder if they can tie their own shoes in the morning. I've actually read in the paper where someone will say that as long as they go the speed limit, the left hand lane is open for everyone to use.
People that stereotype,judge others
Drivers who wont turn if they can even see another car coming, doesnt matter if they have more than enough time to turn
Drivers who hit the brakes soon as the light turns yellow
Drivers who honk their horn soon as the light turns green
People who are rude to waiters/waitresses, they are not your slaves
People who talk with their mouth full (only Ok during sex)
Parents who blame everybody but themselves when their kids get in trouble

I could go on and on and on........................
Quote by NightFox
When I'm trying to sleep and I can hear the sound of typing, those fingers racing across the keyboard...something about it rattles my anger cells.
Hearing other people chew in my ear....Disgust!
And Most of the stuff that was already said above.

Thats what you get for sleeping at work!!! HAHA
It's worse when they wear acrylic nails. I want to go over there with a plier and pull them off.

Noisy eaters!! So Gross
when i open the door for someone and they decide to open the door right next to it to, "hey mo-fo! people dont open doors for other people!" it's like a big fuck-you, while i stand at the door feeling like a snubbed idiot. and since i use a cane, when people see it and decide not to give me room to pass. i mean, i move aside for people most of the time, but still...
also, people with no real sense of humor.
Quote by Nikki703

Thats what you get for sleeping at work!!! HAHA

Haha that made me laugh That happens when I'm at home!!
Quote by Iszofia

Noisy eaters!! So Gross

No kidding. It's so gross, it's unbelievable!

I want to punch noisy-chewers repeatedly in the mouth until they're chewing on all their teeth, too! How do you like that noise, idiots!!

oh, this isn't the rage thread, is it?
People who- crack their gum
-close their eyes when they talk (I like to make eye contact when I'm speaking to you)
I really hate the 'nails on a chalkboard' sound
Parents who don't have control over their kids in public-really pisses me the fuck off
People pissing on the toilet seat and leaving it up then not flushing. Ignorant bastards.
Quote by Iszofia

Noisy eaters!! So Gross

i CANT STAND gross eaters. people who eat with there mouth open or make alot of noise. bad eating habits like that just really gross me out and ugh just thinking about it.. ew
haha im ocd about other people brushing my hair. i hate it!
people who think break lights = turn signal. people who get mad @ me when THEY dialed the wrong number. people that think they turn invincible in parking lots. internet thugs. people who think they have "haters" NEWSFLASH we just don't like you!

Say. Her. Name.

people who think break lights = turn signal. people who get mad @ me when THEY dialed the wrong number. people that think they turn invincible in parking lots. internet thugs. people who think they have "haters" NEWSFLASH we just don't like you!

Say. Her. Name.

I hate bad grammar. It just pisses me off something rotten.
People that chew with their mouth open/speak with food in their mouth. Illiterate people. People that like the Twilight series. Homophobics. People that think they are hot shit.
When you send a text to a friend about something, maybe a change in plans or an observation about something, and they dont acknowledge it with an "ok" or "no worries". I have no idea if they have read it and it often results in a follow up text which probably irritates them. If you reply to the first, you wont need a follow up, get over your fucking self...
Quote by NightFox
When I'm trying to sleep and I can hear the sound of typing, those fingers racing across the keyboard...something about it rattles my anger cells.

Mine too, instantly...
sex is like a's only good if you get it

Suddenly needing to go use the bathroom in the middle of dynamically interactive foreplay.....

"Sorry honey, just hold all that built-up lustful sensation while I go answer a call of nature....."
"I can resist everything except temptation." - Oscar Wilde
Oh, I feel more livid every time I hear someone ask me if I took something from them right off the bat. For some reason, the possibility of having misplaced the thing they lost never comes to 'em quickly enough.
Quote by ponyboy
People that stereotype,judge others

Word for word - this is one of my biggest pet peeves. I'll never judge you, so please don't judge me.
Really pissed off every time somebody leaves scraps at the bottom of a chips packet. If you can eat mostly all of it, finish the damn thing off!!! Don't just leave five scrappy bits at the end of the packet!! Next person that comes along doesn't go "mmmm scraps, I love scraps"

It's inconsiderate and you're not really doing anybody any favours!!!