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online realationship

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Active Ink Slinger
do online relationships work ? and is it cheating if you do not meet
Yes they can work I believe and yes, personally I feel it would be cheating to talk sexually to another person online if you have a partner in your actual life. If the chat is just friendly and platonic then that's cool, but chat in order to discuss fantasy or to cyber is a definite yes.

That's why I'm only on here when single, saves a hell of a lot of sneaking and to be honest, I have a hard enough time pleasing one woman, let alone anymore lol.
Sarcastic Coffee Aficionado
online relationships suck ....

nothing beats the real deal ... the real touch ... the real fights and then, the make up sex!!

(and if you are in a real life relationship, doing an online relationship .... yeah, it's cheating, even if you have consent to play online.)
If by relationship you mean dating, I have to doubt whether online relationships are relationships at all.
I have friends who have online relationships. I think it just make you crave more. Unless you're both on the same page, it's kind of unfair. For both parties.
Quote by BangTidy
Yes they can work I believe and yes, personally I feel it would be cheating to talk sexually to another person online if you have a partner in your actual life. If the chat is just friendly and platonic then that's cool, but chat in order to discuss fantasy or to cyber is a definite yes.

Well said !!!
Active Ink Slinger
I think its cheating and while I suppose someone could be happy chatting with the same person everyday personally and online relationship doesn't satisfy me.
"I'm a baller on a budget bitch!" - Daniel Tosh
Active Ink Slinger
Well the one I have with someone who shall remain nameless "simplyjohn" has been down right painfull. He's so mean to me and he said to me yesterday he only likes me for my name. {tear}
Anything you think is sweet, I'm a little more than that.
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
They can work if you want them to. How would not meeting be considered cheating? I think the rules of cheating apply whether you meet up or not, once what you consider cheating is defined, of course. But I don't think not meeting would be considered cheating. Fucking other people would be considered cheating, unless it's allowed.

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Site administrator
Quote by sweeter
Well the one I have with someone who shall remain nameless "simplyjohn" has been down right painfull. He's so mean to me and he said to me yesterday he only likes me for my name. {tear}

Well firstly there is only one 'l' in painful.

I have given you my address and offered to pay for a return air fare to visit me but you declined .. what more can I do !!

Mean ?? the flowers, money, chocolate, jewellry, clothes, shoes, handbags, stockings, paddles, cuffs, rope etc. that I have sent you .. hardly mean !!
Active Ink Slinger
You guys should sort out what you both want be honest with each other in private if you both don't want the same thing then it's pointless
Active Ink Slinger
Yes they can work if you want them too.

Yes its cheating if you have someone in RL and one online.
I like the idea and I don't find anything wrong with it.
I'm not doing the deed physically with I?
The brain is the largest sex organ. The imagination of an online relationship can feel so real that I think it could be considered cheating. I believe that anything you do that can detract from the person that you are involved with in real life you are doing each other a disservice. If your cool with your partner exchanging I Love You's with another cyber lover then I guess go for it.

I've seen struggles online. I have seen damage to real life relationships because of this behavior. It's a conscious thought being carried out. If this is exceptable then maybe having a non-sexual relationship but loving with another is exceptable in the real world. I think that dog don't hunt.

I guess it really does come down to how your real life partner would react to your actions.

As far as single people go, enjoy........I think it's nice to be able to express sexually or intimately with others in cyber land.

I have friends here that are married. I do not have sexual relationships with them. They are wonderful friendships. If they can have a friendship with someone online while their significant other is sitting next to them then I think that there isn't anything wrong with it.
Story Verifier
Cheating is basically doing something that goes against whatever activities are acceptable to your Significant Other. If they wouldn't like you having an online relationship, it's cheating, maybe not to the same degree as picking up a one night stand at a bar or banging a co-worker on your lunch break, but it is cheating.
Cheeky Chick
Online relationships are very tricky. It's harder to handle then being with them in person.

But is it cheating if you've never met.

Well, to me. It all depends on what the two people who are "dating" agree on. Some people agree that it's ONLY online, meaning that they won't cyber anyone else when dating them, but can do as they wish in real life. Some people want all or nothing. Meaning you're mine here, in real, all of it. Even if we don't meet. You're mine til we agree we don't want to be together or are able to meet. You need to make yourself clear in what you want from the other person if you ever decide to date online and how much you're willing to give.
Active Ink Slinger
I have given some thought to this. Because of the internet the world has changed and maybe our outlook on relationships. I have written a song about it. Here are the lyrics (can't figure out how to download the whole arrangement). The beat is a sort of jazzy bosanova thing.


Verse: Stare at the screen,
Eyes are so green.
Only a screen,
Can they be seen.

Verse: She'll always be,
A mystery.
If ever we met,
Would it be to regret?

Chorus: Finger tip, holds down a key.
A digital dream that's my Celine.

Verse: Electro machine,
Can it still mean,
Something real,
Though virtual?

Chorus: Finger tip, holds down a key.
A digital dream that's my Maureen.


Verse: Willing to go,
With this cyber falling.
I can't stop myself,
The keyboard is calling.

Chorus: Finger tip, holds down a key.
A digital dream that's my Celine.
Ad lib to end
I like them, and have had them. The longest was 2 years, and I was "faithful" to her the whole time... as in, what we had online was only between us and I didn't talk sexually with anyone else the whole time.

As for the whole "is it cheating" thing..... I believe it IS. I will not be a hypocrite about it. If your partner does not KNOW and APPROVE of any sexual relationship (even if online, text, cam, etc.) it is "cheating". It is not the same as masturbating to porn.
I believe they could work as long as both want the same thing. Hopeless if only one has that dream.
Detention Seeker
I agree with many they can work but the one thing that it wont do is ever be as good as the real thing.
Active Ink Slinger
Mine has, for almost three years! Met a few times, it is what it is, but right now I miss him lots.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by swollen
Mine has, for almost three years! Met a few times, it is what it is, but right now I miss him lots.

But you don't have to miss him if you don't want to - he has not gone any where or not at least where you can't find him - X
Isolation - A Tale Of Star-Crossed Lovers
hartclass & CumGirl

Active Ink Slinger
My husband knows I'm on lush and finds it "cute" that I cyber. So I wouldn't consider that cheating. I have had a few "relationships" online--a couple romantic, another just friends with really good benefits. Friends with benefits works very nicely with my real life as my husband reaps all the rewards of me getting worked up online--and he's a big fan of my online friend!

Romance online is trickier though, just as it is in real life. I didn't initially think of it as cheating until I started contemplating leaving my husband for an online lover. Luckily, that didn't happen, because my husband really is an amazing man whom I love very much.

Now I have an online girlfriend who my husband knows about and totally approves of!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by JohnC
I like them, and have had them. The longest was 2 years, and I was "faithful" to her the whole time... as in, what we had online was only between us and I didn't talk sexually with anyone else the whole time.

As for the whole "is it cheating" thing..... I believe it IS. I will not be a hypocrite about it. If your partner does not KNOW and APPROVE of any sexual relationship (even if online, text, cam, etc.) it is "cheating". It is not the same as masturbating to porn.

I too have had a handful of special online relationships as a result of Lush. As for the cheating question, I totally agree with JohnC.
Active Ink Slinger
I've been in online relationships but then again I'm polyamorous. I'm open and honest with everyone I worship, which is the only way I think relationships, online or otherwise, can work.
Active Ink Slinger
I believe that online relationships are as legitimate as face-to-face relationships, perhaps without the connection that people in face-to-face relationships get. But since it is a real relationship, that means all rules apply. If it's cheating in a face-to-face relationship (however you define cheating), then it's cheating in an online relationship.
Maybe if I end up finding a guy online I'd possibly consider it, most likely than not though. But if I really liked him then it's worth a shot of thinking about.
Active Ink Slinger
If the cyber is right, no matter how honest you are, the thrill and excitement may make real life meeting just not making the grade...Yes it is cheating...circumstances are what they are...its up to the individual to make that decision and receive the repercussions if could become very lonely on the physical side unless it already is within the real relationship. can't judge as everyone is different and seeking something that is missing.
I have a slightly different opinion on this. I believe an online relationship can work. it takes a little more effort sometimes though. A physical relationship gives you a chance to "do" for the other person (massages, hold hands, flowers, etc). An online one makes those involved have to be able to understand the meaning of words and actions. They have to be able to accept the other completely. Honesty is a HUGE part of the relationship. Honesty and Trust.

As for is it cheating if you dont meet. This seems to have two issues to it. Is it cheating on your online relationship if you dont meet? Not at all. That is something between those involved. It woul dbe like talking to someone on the phone and planning a date and then not making it. Its not cheating. If the people involved online understand that it is just online, then there is no issue. If they understand that a physical meeting is possible or desired, well that comes back to the honesty and trust. Now if there is a physical partner in the real world and there is an online relationship - then I personally do not think it is cheating. Feelings are totally different then actions. There is no physical sex, no physical contact. The only thing is emotional sharing between the online people. Yes this can hurt some people. Thats why if the physical partner does not mind, then there is no issue. If it is being hidden from the physical partner, then it is wrong (again - honesty and trust).
Yes they can work and can be a very important part of ones life,

If you don't meet in real life I don't consider it cheating. It is best if you both understand at the start that you will not meet in real life.