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Nudity of the public kind.

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Just a double standard that's been buggin' me for a bit. Public nudity. Why is it that it seems to be OK for a woman to be nude in public but not for a man? Personally, I don't take offense at male or female nudity, but it annoys me when I see a headline that champions the female for being nude and demonises the man for exactly the same, especially if the nudity is for fun (for example streaking at a football match). Opinions, anyone?
That do that in movies too. The double standard. If I guy shows full frontal it's a hard R rating or an X. If a girl does it, it will get an R but no one bats an eye about it. Look at the talk about Boogie Nights and Gladiator.
So where do you live that it's ok for women to be naked but not men? If I run around naked here in OH I get arrested or at least a ticket! If you are talking about films etc. cuz it's a man's world and men want to see naked girls!

Bunny Rabbits cute and fuzzy they want to love you but they have razor sharp teeth - don't piss them off!
The female body is so much more interesting.. the purest form of erotica.. and Bunny is probably closer to the truth than not...
Quote by chefkathleen
That do that in movies too. The double standard. If I guy shows full frontal it's a hard R rating or an X. If a girl does it, it will get an R but no one bats an eye about it. Look at the talk about Boogie Nights and Gladiator.

They don't talk about frontal nudity of men when they are normal or small like Robin Williams in The World According to Garp when he streaked through the park. But when it is big, like Dirk Diggler or supposedly big like Colin Farrel, they say its distracting and takes away from the movie.

They don't make a big deal of women's pubes because there is really nothing to comment on it. Unless you're looking real close, they tend to look alike from the distance most movies film from. Men on the other hand, as well as a lot of women, are wrapped up with the size of the meat and this makes it sensational. There is no real size issue with a long shot of a woman's vagina, the only differences that can be seen is how the area's hair is being trimmed (if at all!) down there or is she has a piercing (which I would think most directors would have that removed before filming unless it is porn).
Sadly, I think the argument that men want to see men has the most merit. The general male population kicks up a big fuss if one dick is shown, while the general female population doesn't tend to give a shit.

Because the general male population today is terrified that someone will think they are gay.
I have seen Colin Farrell's cock haha. A leaked amateur vid of him banging a black girl leaked on the internet and I watched it. Quite some time ago actually. But yeah anyway.

I'm all for equal nudity in movies/commercials. Here in Europe we (guys included) don't make a big a big fuss when we see a cock on screen. Nudity is normal so if it makes sense to show natural nudity then why would it be a problem? Of course there are plenty directors who just like to provoke and apparently make people think/discuss. One such director who comes to mind is Catherine Breillat. I'm not a big fan of her work but a few of her movies are really good.
Insert typical super smart ass comment courtesy of thepainter here.
As a nudist, I've been naked in public places quite often, and usually surrounded by other naked people. For me, seeing another guy's dick does nothing for me, or to me. If you ever HAVE been in a situation involving social nudity, one of the first things you realize is that nudists tend to focus less on a person's shape, or body protrusions, and more on the person as a whole - when we're chatting, we're actually listening to the other person's words and not trying to figure out what they look like naked - they're already naked!

I realize, though, that I'm hardly a typical American. Don't forget - America was settled by some of the most rabidly puritanical religious freaks to come out of Europe. These people burned, drowned, and pressed to death anyone they deemed a "witch", and anybody could be accused of being a witch at the drop of a hat. They also killed adulterers, or shunned them and made them pariahs. It's not surprising when you realize that these religious freaks are also responsible for most of the "morality" laws on the books and in our attitudes today.
Quote by MrNudiePants
As a nudist, I've been naked in public places quite often, and usually surrounded by other naked people. For me, seeing another guy's dick does nothing for me, or to me. If you ever HAVE been in a situation involving social nudity, one of the first things you realize is that nudists tend to focus less on a person's shape, or body protrusions, and more on the person as a whole - when we're chatting, we're actually listening to the other person's words and not trying to figure out what they look like naked - they're already naked!

It's not exactly a related topic, but how exactly would you get into a situation like that?

'Social nudity'... I find it fascinating.

Also, Gurly Boy, realise that there are similar situations that go both ways. Think about promiscuity. Why is a man who sleeps around called a player, while a woman who sleeps around is called a whore?

I'm sure that with enough searching there would come up dovens of these double standards.
It's not exactly a related topic, but how exactly would you get into a situation like that?

'Social nudity'... I find it fascinating.

You must not have any clothing optional or nuditst camps,villlages, etc up there. Too freaking cold! LOL
They're all over here in Florida and quite a few in Europe.
Quote by Maximillion

Also, Gurly Boy, realise that there are similar situations that go both ways. Think about promiscuity. Why is a man who sleeps around called a player, while a woman who sleeps around is called a whore?

I'm sure that with enough searching there would come up dovens of these double standards.

Because women choose who they screw, men will screw anything that doesn't screw them first smile Men are expected to be "whores" for this reason, women can afford to be more picky ... if she screws around a lot, she's no longer picky and gains the new title.
Quote by Maximillion

It's not exactly a related topic, but how exactly would you get into a situation like that?

'Social nudity'... I find it fascinating.

Also, Gurly Boy, realise that there are similar situations that go both ways. Think about promiscuity. Why is a man who sleeps around called a player, while a woman who sleeps around is called a whore?

I'm sure that with enough searching there would come up dovens of these double standards.

Max, Here's a link to a list of Nudist organizations up in B.C. Also, there's always Wreck Beach in Vancouver.

Here's my profile on True Nudists. True Nudists is a social networking site dedicated to nudists. Go ahead and create a profile on there -- don't forget to add me. There are live chat rooms (cams are allowed) where you can ask all the questions, and interact with nudists/naturists to your heart's content...
Centuries of prudish, religious, and conservative domination have relegated nudity to purely sexual orientation. Now that it's mid summertime, it would be a great idea if as many people as possible could experience our sparse nude and C/O beaches or campgrounds to experience this real freedom in hopefully a non-sexual and equality based environment.

It's an interesting topic so allow me to address your topic from a 'purely' dancer's perspective.

From as early as the 60s to as late as the early 90s, seeing a 'mostly nude' male and female dancer on a Paris or Vegas Cabaret stage and performing 'Love Adagios' was not all that unusual.  In fact, there were many select Strip Clubs which featured what were called 'Love Dances' between Male Exotic Dancers and Female Exotic Dancers.  At both type of venues, paired couples most often performed in g-strings however at a few places the Dancers were required to go full nude.

Today, you would never see such a thing and I bet most of you on this site are far too young to even know such dance acts actually existed?    

What changed then?  Better yet!  Why was the sight of a nude male performing with a nude female so accepted in those previous decades but not today?  

For all of today's Progressive posturing and supposed acceptance, it would seem that things back then were much more wide open and free spirited?    


I was watching some #pizzaDare videos on Twitter last night and thinking this same thing. If a woman answers the door on the nude to a delivery person, it's hot. If I were to do it, I'd probably get thrown in jail, or at least the pizza place would stop delivering. 

This subject interests me as I have worked as a nude photographers model - not porn, and made a comfortable living for a few years in regular employment.

Now as a nudist who visits nude beaches in male company - rarely is any notice taken of nude bodies by other nudists unless there are extremes. Breasts, penis etc. 

Sex on nudist beaches here is not tolerated. 

In public ‘clothing optional’ venues,(mixed bathing) I have noticed that more interest is taken and comparisons made of the men’s penis than women’s breasts.  The interest in the women’s vaginal area is more related to her pubic hair treatment or prominent Labia if they can be seen - more often than not on women who are completely denuded of hair (very prevalent) or reduced to expose that region. Young teenage bare top girls do attract most attention. 

A nude very pregnant woman is more often than not seen as a woman of beauty and most other extreme aspects are ignored as breasts and areola can be larger than normal. 

The next most commented form is the figure of a woman. Overweight, firm, shapely etc. obviously her breasts will cause comment if they are on the huge side or firm with uplift and perky nipples. Often enhanced to the extreme. 

Attractiveness is in the eye of the beholder. Some have preferences for the extreme features others for the firm and shapely form. 

As for men it is basically their penis. Rarely is a comment heard of their body unless he is firm and usually extremely well built. Fit. The overweight, flabby and man boobs do cause some comment at times. 

I have nude modelled many years ago and although my figure has now become fuller with age  and some droop has developed etc I still attract some attention when naked in company and I have no shame in exposing myself,  but not sexually. My pubic hair is manicured to a strip which exposes my labia but rarely do I hear it commented upon unless by other women when discussing the shaping of our pubic hair. 

More often than not it is my male friends penis’s that is mentioned when I am asked to comment. Neither are anything but normal, circumcised and nothing extreme although are reasonably well endowed. Their pubic hair is trimmed and testicles hairless and can be prominent in warm conditions. Their performance is most satisfactory and again that aspect can be a topic of comment by some women as I am intimate with both as FWB. 

I would agree with the opening comment - I cannot see why nude women can be more acceptable than nude males and I can only attribute that to the size of their penis being the “attraction” and the imagination or otherwise of their erection. Possibly younger children devoid of sex education and discussion can also be a concern.

Just more of the double-standard. Maybe because most men enjoy seeing women naked in public while most women don't particularly enjoy seeing naked men in public. I have no shyness at all about being naked in public, but unfortunately, there are very few venues that allow public nudity where I live.

I enjoy being nude, I usually have some naked time each morning.

I do visit a local camp ground that allows nudity. I go to be naked outdoors, naked safely. It is great being around like minded people who are not offended by nudity. It is a pleasure to share my nudity with others and to share there's as well.

I am simply crazy about nudity anywhere any gender. I will go out of my way to see nudity. I don’t take it seriously. Stay nude all day, all night. Does that cover the subject…nope you can’t cover nudity or it won’t be nudity…oh for fucks sake…