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Quote by honkyhorny
Quote by shooterx
Genre - Heavy Metal
Band - Iron Maiden (Up the irons, baby! lml )
Song - Wasted Years by Iron Maiden

I listen to just about anything rock, but I like southern rock, classical, and some heavier stuff too - though I'm pickier about these.

I used to play the trumpet, though I haven't played in years.

nice man biggrin you should get back into the trumpet, chicks dig muscians silly

I've thought about it, but really and truly, it's just too much work for me to keep a suitable level of proficiency. Plus, it can be difficult to serenade with a trumpet haha. Even playing it quietly is loud. =P
Quote by shooterx
Quote by honkyhorny
Quote by shooterx
Genre - Heavy Metal
Band - Iron Maiden (Up the irons, baby! lml )
Song - Wasted Years by Iron Maiden

I listen to just about anything rock, but I like southern rock, classical, and some heavier stuff too - though I'm pickier about these.

I used to play the trumpet, though I haven't played in years.

nice man biggrin you should get back into the trumpet, chicks dig muscians silly

I've thought about it, but really and truly, it's just too much work for me to keep a suitable level of proficiency. Plus, it can be difficult to serenade with a trumpet haha. Even playing it quietly is loud. =P

fair enough, :p lool, hmm how about the ukelele? i think i spelt that really wrong XD
Quote by honkyhorny
fair enough, silly lool, hmm how about the ukelele? i think i spelt that really wrong XD

I don't know if that spelling is right or not, but I've never played a string instrument before. Not unless you count guitar lessons I took like 10 years ago haha.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by shooterx
Genre - Heavy Metal
Band - Iron Maiden (Up the irons, baby! lml )
Song - Wasted Years by Iron Maiden

I listen to just about anything rock, but I like southern rock, classical, and some heavier stuff too - though I'm pickier about these.

I used to play the trumpet, though I haven't played in years.

Iron Maiden was great! Actually first time I had sex with a boy was after an Iron Maiden concert. We were in the back of his truck listening to "Rime of Ancient Mariner". Unfortunatly he didnt last as long as the song, LOL!
Quote by Nikki703

Iron Maiden was great! Actually first time I had sex with a boy was after an Iron Maiden concert. We were in the back of his truck listening to "Rime of Ancient Mariner". Unfortunatly he didnt last as long as the song, LOL!

Iron Maiden 'was' great? =P They just released a new album this year! =D I've seen 'em live in concert twice, once in 2008, and once just about 3 or 4 months ago.

To be perfectly honest - I don't blame him! Considering how beautiful you are, and how long the song is - it's a 13 1/2 minute long song! I mean, how much does a girl want?! haha
Active Ink Slinger
Genre- rock - classic rock , oldies, country

Song - Renegade by Styx

Played drums and trombone in high school
Active Ink Slinger
Oh No a hill billy fan......
"Hey, don't knock masturbation! It's sex with someone I love." Woody Allen

"I am willing to admit that I may not always be right, but I am never wrong." Samuel Goldwyn
Active Ink Slinger
I guess so far that i'm in the minority. I grew up in the the 60's & 70's so rock & roll was my thing. Now it's called Classic Rock. I was fortunate enough during that era to see a lot of live shows. Led Zep.., Rolling Stones. Carlos Santana, Eric Clapton, Pink Floyd/ Z.Z. Top, Lynyrd Skynyrd (original group) I could go on for quite some time. Don't think I paid over $10.00 for a ticket to any of these venues. In 1974 (I think) went to a 3 day outdoor concert in Sedalia, Missouri U.S.A. Over 100,000 people there. Practically shut the whole town down. If I tried to describe what was going on there most people would probably doubt my word. Anyhow I have managed to get off the subject & probably bore most of you with what you would consider worthless information. While I'll never forget the music of that era, I am now and have been for the past 10 or 12 years listening to the Blues. Not so much the earlier stuff but from around 50s, 60.s thru the present day " Electric Blues" Chicago Blues,etc. While it brings back great memories to hear "Sympathy For The Devil', "Stairway To Heaven"," Needle & The Spoon" & still do on occasion, I can put on some good Blues & my whole attitude changes for the better. The Blues surely do not give me the blues. Quite the opposite. Ever get a chance to check out Albert King's "I'll Play The Blues For You", Buddy Guy doing "Damn Right I Got The Blues" or maybe "Tin Pan Alley" with Stevie Ray Vaughan doing what he does (did) best . So many other great songs I couldn't even try to pick one out. And no, I don't play any kind of musical instrument but I do fairly well with my Bose sound system. If you read this whole post then I must apologize for dragging you through all of it
Thanks for letting me ramble. (Ramble On- Led Zep./ Ramblin' Man- Allman Brothers) See what I mean? Got it bad!!!!!!!!!!!!
..i'm into gregorian hip-hop..
Advanced Wordsmith
Back in black
Active Ink Slinger
Genre? Umm I don't really have a fav.

Band: umm I have a lot of fav bands lol

Song: sparks fly Taylor Swift

Umm I've played piano for 10 years
I follow country music big time. I am a southern gal, and I Love my country music.
Right now my current favorite band would have Steel Magnolia
And right now, my favorite song would have to be, Life After You by Chris Daughtry.
Active Ink Slinger
1) I like any genre except for drum and bass but mostly i listen to rock
2) Silverchair and Nickelback are both my favourite
3) there are soo many but if i had to choose... Toto, hold the line??
Quote by Guest
was just wondering what peoples favourite music types were?
and if they played any instrument

1.favourite genre
2.favourite band
3.favourite song and the artist's name

+ any instruments play + styles silly

1.modern rock / metal
2. four year strong
3. it must really suck to be four year strong right now - four year strong
plus i play jazz and classical piano, and rock guitar smile

Punk Rock
too many to nail down as favorite as it depends on my mood.
Sing mostly, but have played trumpet and guitar.
Pretty much any of their songs.

Punk/Deatrock/Black Metal/Industrial 



Been playing the drums since I was 7yrs young. 

I play other instruments but I keep those a secret. 

Still haven't taught myself to play electrical guitar. 

Active Ink Slinger

Favorite band was me when i was seventeen, and even then i am the daughter of a music lover whose personal choices has few limits (Dad is NOT a hip hop fan but jazz, classical, all the subgenres of rock?   bring it on). And i was in band, so i've learned there is, and always will be a lot of music out there.  Better to ask who am i listening to a lot of lately.  So am am listening to . ..  at the moment The Hold Steady,  Julien Baker, Soccer Mommy, The New Pornographers, The Screaming Females and The Peach Kings.  But that may change tomorrow. And i hope it does.  The thing is don't pigeonhole yourself! There's a lot of great music out there.  The emotional experience you have listening to Dvorak performed by the Cleveland Orchestra is just as real if different from they one i get listening to the Decemberists.  It's all good.