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Money from a prostitute?

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In the small town where I work and live, my shop in on the main highway. There is a woman that lives about a block away with an old man, he provides a roof over her head in exchange for her taking care of his sexual needs. She also earns money by giving oral sex to whoever wants it. I'm not judging this woman, none whatsoever. She's doing what she can to survive, it's sad but it's her reality. I'm always polite to her and treat her with kindness and respect. Most mornings, especially cold ones, she comes into my waiting room to get a hot cup of coffee. She never causes a scene and she's always nice about it and says thank you.

She walks up and down the highway flagging down customers. Usually, when the transaction is over they'll drop her off in one of the parking lots within a couple hundred feet of my shop. Talking to some of the guys that work for me that know her routine, she charges $20 for a bareback blowjob. For whatever reason, she always needs or wants to make change of a $20 bill. Instead of going into the convenience store across the street and buying something, she comes to me to make change because I don't make her buy anything. Usually she's coming in right after being let out of whatever car she was in.

Here's my dilemma. I know she hasn't washed her hands. I don't know how she performs her service, does she use her hands? Does she swallow? Does she spit? Where does she spit, in her hand? Does she use her hands to stroke his shaft while she sucks on the head? In most cases, I imagine she gets cum on her hands. Does any of that get transferred to the money that I'm taking? I know money is already dirty and no telling what may already be on it, but is it possible to have fresh STD germs on there that I'm right to be worried about? I dont' know where these guys have been.

If you were at work and some strange dude went into a room and jerked off, and you KNEW he jerked off then came out reached his just cummed on and unwashed hands into his pocket and handed you money or a business card or anything... would you take it?

I don't want to be mean or cruel to this woman, but taking that money gives me the heebie jeebies.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
Quote by lafayettemister
In the small town where I work and live, my shop in on the main highway. There is a woman that lives about a block away with an old man, he provides a roof over her head in exchange for her taking care of his sexual needs. She also earns money by giving oral sex to whoever wants it. I'm not judging this woman, none whatsoever. She's doing what she can to survive, it's sad but it's her reality. I'm always polite to her and treat her with kindness and respect. Most mornings, especially cold ones, she comes into my waiting room to get a hot cup of coffee. She never causes a scene and she's always nice about it and says thank you.

She walks up and down the highway flagging down customers. Usually, when the transaction is over they'll drop her off in one of the parking lots within a couple hundred feet of my shop. Talking to some of the guys that work for me that know her routine, she charges $20 for a bareback blowjob. For whatever reason, she always needs or wants to make change of a $20 bill. Instead of going into the convenience store across the street and buying something, she comes to me to make change because I don't make her buy anything. Usually she's coming in right after being let out of whatever car she was in.

Here's my dilemma. I know she hasn't washed her hands. I don't know how she performs her service, does she use her hands? Does she swallow? Does she spit? Where does she spit, in her hand? Does she use her hands to stroke his shaft while she sucks on the head? In most cases, I imagine she gets cum on her hands. Does any of that get transferred to the money that I'm taking? I know money is already dirty and no telling what may already be on it, but is it possible to have fresh STD germs on there that I'm right to be worried about? I dont' know where these guys have been.

If you were at work and some strange dude went into a room and jerked off, and you KNEW he jerked off then came out reached his just cummed on and unwashed hands into his pocket and handed you money or a business card or anything... would you take it?

I don't want to be mean or cruel to this woman, but taking that money gives me the heebie jeebies.

It's unlikely that you'd catch anything unless you're licking the note or have a cut on your hands.
It sounds as if she was given a fake note and she wants to get rid of it. If you don't want to change it keep less change in the till and explain to her that you need it.
Quote by dpw

It's unlikely that you'd catch anything unless you're licking the note or have a cut on your hands.
It sounds as if she was given a fake note and she wants to get rid of it. If you don't want to change it keep less change in the till and explain to her that you need it.

I'm dealing with tools and cars and all kinds of stuff, I always have cuts on my hands. Not fake bills though, I have a validation pen and check all bills $20 and above.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
just make sure you wash your hands
Rubber gloves? Just kidding. EXPLAIN to her that her life and choices are her own BUT that IF she's GOING to do things this way you EXPECT her to go wash her hands AND THE BILL BEFORE any change making.
Get a big squirt bottle of hand sanitizer and put it on the counter... squirt your hands before she comes in? make sure your hands are wet containing the anti-bacterial liquid...???
Get a big squirt bottle of hand sanitizer and put it on the counter... squirt your hands before she comes in? make sure your hands are wet containing the anti-bacterial liquid...???
I think you just have to put the visual out of your head and just heavily sanitize your hands after handling money of any kind. It's all pretty nasty and yes, viruses and bacteria will survive on it for at least 48 hrs. You're probably safe from STDs though based on the level of handling required by a simple cash exchange.

Dirty Money Reminder

All money, it turns out, could stand to be laundered: the stuff is filthy. Studies show that a solid majority of U.S. bills are contaminated by cocaine. Drug traffickers often use coke-sullied hands to move cash, and many users roll bills into sniffing straws; the brushes and rollers in ATMs may distribute the nose candy through the rest of the money supply.

Also found on bills: fecal matter. A 2002 report in the Southern Medical Journal showed found pathogens — including staphylococcus — on 94% of dollar bills tested. Paper money can reportedly carry more germs than a household toilet. And bills are a hospitable environment for gross microbes: viruses and bacteria can live on most surfaces for about 48 hours, but paper money can reportedly transport a live flu virus for up to 17 days. It's enough to make you switch to credit.

Also: STD Transmission

Q. Can STDs be transmitted through casual contact?
A. With very few exceptions, no.

Usually direct sexual contact, such as vaginal, oral or anal sex, is required to bring the infection in touch with a receptive surface. Most STDs cannot be spread from person to person through contact with toilet seats, swimming pools, hot tubs, shared clothing, door knobs, eating utensils, etc. There are a few qualified exceptions, however:

- The spirochete bacterium that causes syphilis can be transmitted by direct contact with the open sores which often characterize the disease during its early stages. Kissing can spread the disease under these conditions. Unlike most STDs, primary orsecondary syphilis also can be transmitted by nonsexual contact. For example, if a person with a cut or break in the skin on his hand shakes hands with an infected person who has an open sore on his hand, infection can result. Though this is rare, it points out the extremely infectious nature of the disease at different stages.

- Herpes can invade the body virtually anywhere an open herpes sore comes in to contact with a break in the skin. For example, a person can become infected by kissing someone with a herpes cold sore. Infection also can occur through the eyes, fingers or other parts of the body. Because the virus can survive a few hours outside the body, experts think it possible, though unlikely, for herpes to be spread by contact with objects like toilet seats or hot tubs.

- Trichomonas vaginalis, the parasitic protozoan that causes trichomoniasis ("trich"), is capable of surviving for some hours outside the body in bodily fluids, damp towels or bedding. In rare cases it has been known to be spread by mutual masturbation, when bodily fluids from one partner come in contact with the other partner's genitals.

- Parasitic insects, such as crab lice (Pediculosis pubis) and scabies mites, though typically transmitted through sexual contact, are highly mobile. A person can acquire crab lice from bedding, clothing or toilet seats, and instances of scabies infection through contaminated clothes or bedding have been authenticated.
Quote by lafayettemister

I don't want to be mean or cruel to this woman, but taking that money gives me the heebie jeebies.

Get in on a little bit of that action, Chief. You can charge a small service fee of say... 1% on every transaction, and that should keep you in latex gloves to be utilized on bill changing day.

You could tell her that if she exchanges her Andrew Jackson, she gets a free beverage.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Just keep some hand sanitizer on hand. You handle money on a regular basis; her money is not substantially dirtier than anyone else's.
How is she breaking the 20 up? Two tens or a ten and a couple fives? Like any business person, she needs change. Maybe a handjob is $10 and $5 to feel her tits for a little while, so she has to be prepared that she may need to give some change to her customers depending on what service she will be giving. Its smart, and if you cant provide decent customer service these days, people will just go somewhere else.

Seriously though, I would hate to be in your situation. Sometimes its just better not knowing some things. I would just do what others have suggested. If you handle money she has, try and put it where it will be the last thing you will touch if you have to count it at the end of the day, then high tail it for the bathroom once she leaves, using your elbows and wrists to open and close things along the way. I dont freak out over those kinds of things, but I take every precaution I can to make sure I dont get someone elses cooties. Like a public bathroom. If you need to pull a door open to get out, I just dry my hands with paper towel after washing them, use it to pull the door and hit the jump shot into the paper bin on the way out. Simples.
It is very hard to try to be nice and go against your inner instincts at the same time. You don't want to wound this woman but at the same time you want to take care of yourself. I read this earlier and I still have no solution. But I do know you need to weigh the benefits and your own feelings on this. As sad as her situation is if this is making you feel uncomfortable then you have to take care of yourself first. Maybe that is why no one else wants to give her change either.
first of all that you let her in and feel compassion for her..well my sweet man you have risen to the very top of my admiration list!

Giving her coffee and making treat her as a human in a non humane world

I like the hand sanitizer idea which during cold and flu season is a good idea anyway and wash your hands after...

if she asks just tell her you are a germaphobe and it has gotten worse

again I cried a bit over your compassion

but yes I would wonder too...about her hands..

I agree with the sexy nun.

And btw those are pitiful amounts she's charging.

Just use lots of hand sanitizer after she leaves...

I also agree with Sydney. I never touch bathroom door handles with my naked clean hand.
I use a paper towel or my shirt or jacket.

Too many people not washing their hands..
You could just offer her a job. Then she wouldn't be out there doing dirty deeds and laundering money at your shop.
Awesome Ajax.
Great idea.

I'm concerned for her. Wishing I could help...
Sends her good and warm loving thoughts..
And the knowledge that she isn't alone.

I assume that other people may come in contact with this bill, as well. And probably don't know what it may have gone through.

I'd say just keep a can of Lysol well as some hand sanitizer. When she's gone, sanitize the bill with the Lysol and your hands with the hand sanitizer.

As far as STD concerns go, most of those die once they get in contact with the air. Even with multiple cuts on your hands, unless you're just rolling that bill all over your hands, the risk factor is virtually non-existent. Even if you are rolling it all over your hands, the risk factor is virtually non-existent.

I think it's a mental thing, and you've psyched yourself out about it. As I said, use the Lysol as courtesy to anyone else who has to come in contact with her bills, and use the sanitizer for your own sanity.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Of course all your other customers hands might not be very clean, do they all wash their hands after going to the toilet? have they been coughing or sneezing into their hands? or who knows what else. So I think having some hand sanitiser is a good idea any way.

But a big well done for treating her like a normal person and not demonising somebody who is probably at a very low part of her life.
“If you're not having fun, you're doing something wrong.” Groucho Marx
Hope she's doing you still see her come in?

Britrob- love your answer...xo
I know money in circulation is loaded with germs but not sure if you can catch an STD from touching money.

But having read your story, I'd be more concerned with her touching your coffee maker than with you touching her money.
If you were not aware one of your customer/patients was doing what this woman is doing..... would you take their money?
I have dated shop assitants and others who handle money in the course of their occupation and have never to my knowledge obtained an infection of any kind from the money.
It seems that you can catch far more undesirable infections from boat cruises and not necessarily from the food.
which bothers you more? The barn person who has come in form working outside, mucking stalls, possibly dropping their cash in who knows what, or the person who even if she does get seminal fluid on the cash the viruses involved are extremely unlikely to cause a problem? You are MORE at risk from some one like me comin in after my shift with all kinds of germs floating about on my person, or the person just in line in front of me who had to go to the bathroom, but forgot to wash their hands. Get the Hand sanitizer, and use it regularly after everyone.

BTW, its the act of drying that kills the germs(it breaks down the cell walls). NOT the moisture its self. Actually, germs are able to travel through moisture.
Ur are looking at it from the wrong perspective.

Sounds like she's doing it hard. You are helping her.

U are worrying about what might be on her money - what about the money you take from ur other customers - u have no idea where that's been or come from.

Keep a bottle of hand sanitizer handy.jaQ9Rdmjkhc9YtY7
How is she doing? Still coming in?
I live in a quaint little seaside town, right next to a train station, and a few years ago I took in a "lady of the night" for a bit of hide the sausage. She stayed the night and it was all quite nice.
To put your mind at ease, I didn't catch an STDs. However, when I woke the next morning, she'd done a runner and taken half my house with her: the TV, the DVD player, my laptop, and anything else she could sneak out on the quiet.

So, the lesson here: Don't fall asleep whilst there's anything of value on the premises.
Quote by bobbydazzler74
I live in a quaint little seaside town, right next to a train station, and a few years ago I took in a "lady of the night" for a bit of hide the sausage. She stayed the night and it was all quite nice.
To put your mind at ease, I didn't catch an STDs. However, when I woke the next morning, she'd done a runner and taken half my house with her: the TV, the DVD player, my laptop, and anything else she could sneak out on the quiet.

So, the lesson here: Don't fall asleep whilst there's anything of value on the premises.

What the fuck did your experience have to do with the original post??

LM .... most men never wash their hands PRIOR to taking out their penis for a pee .... but gladly wash their hands after their pee. I think that is worse than accepting the $20 bill from the lady. We all touch money which is filthy. The thing is that most of us don't "remember" just how filthy dirty it is and buy our coffee and muffin AND eat the muffin without washing our hands first!! A good idea is to wash your hands often and thoroughly!
Quote by daddysweetheart
I agree with the sexy nun.

I also agree with Sydney. I never touch bathroom door handles with my naked clean hand.
I use a paper towel or my shirt or jacket.

Too many people not washing their hands..

If they were to put the sinks outside the bathrooms maybe people would be too embarrassed to be seen NOT washing their hands - just a thought.
Back in 1983-84 I was studying to be a journalist at the University of Melbourne. For 15 months I worked 2 nights at a waitress to help fund my school fees and my shared accommodation. After the restaurant burnt down mid June in 1983, I was out of a job and needed money badly. One of the 3 women I was living with was a prostitute and a very nice person, may I add. She helped me get a job working 2 nights a week in a massage parlour as documented in some of my stories.

For some 15 months I did massage work which nearly always involved sex of some kind as well as some escort work which really paid big. I always kept my dignity, I always cleaned myself between clients and used protection whenever possible. I knew the risks that I was taking and luckily for me, the outcome was favourable. My experience in that line of work helped in my favour when it came to winning my future husband.

While some women work in such in an industry, please don't judge all sex workers with one brush. I was not into drugs, nor would I ever do any kinky stuff like torture. Some women work there purely to support their children who have been deserted by their husbands or whose husbands have died. They have sacrificed part of their life to benefit their children. I feel for these women and applaud them.

While not the choice of my professions, I can hold my head high for what I did back in those days and I support the women who were/are in my position back then. Play by the rules, keep clean and be hygienic and stay off drugs. I never felt any guilt from taking money from clients, especially the rich politicians and overseas diplomats where you could earn $10,000 a night.

These are my thoughts on the matter for paying prostitutes from a person who used to be in that business.
Quote by TraceyAmes
Back in 1983-84 I was studying to be a journalist at the University of Melbourne. For 15 months I worked 2 nights at a waitress to help fund my school fees and my shared accommodation. After the restaurant burnt down mid June in 1983, I was out of a job and needed money badly. One of the 3 women I was living with was a prostitute and a very nice person, may I add. She helped me get a job working 2 nights a week in a massage parlour as documented in some of my stories.

For some 15 months I did massage work which nearly always involved sex of some kind as well as some escort work which really paid big. I always kept my dignity, I always cleaned myself between clients and used protection whenever possible. I knew the risks that I was taking and luckily for me, the outcome was favourable. My experience in that line of work helped in my favour when it came to winning my future husband.

While some women work in such in an industry, please don't judge all sex workers with one brush. I was not into drugs, nor would I ever do any kinky stuff like torture. Some women work there purely to support their children who have been deserted by their husbands or whose husbands have died. They have sacrificed part of their life to benefit their children. I feel for these women and applaud them.

While not the choice of my professions, I can hold my head high for what I did back in those days and I support the women who were/are in my position back then. Play by the rules, keep clean and be hygienic and stay off drugs. I never felt any guilt from taking money from clients, especially the rich politicians and overseas diplomats where you could earn $10,000 a night.

These are my thoughts on the matter for paying prostitutes from a person who used to be in that business.

A great post in an otherwise very sad thread
Quote by TraceyAmes
Back in 1983-84 I was studying to be a journalist at the University of Melbourne. For 15 months I worked 2 nights at a waitress to help fund my school fees and my shared accommodation. After the restaurant burnt down mid June in 1983, I was out of a job and needed money badly. One of the 3 women I was living with was a prostitute and a very nice person, may I add. She helped me get a job working 2 nights a week in a massage parlour as documented in some of my stories.

For some 15 months I did massage work which nearly always involved sex of some kind as well as some escort work which really paid big. I always kept my dignity, I always cleaned myself between clients and used protection whenever possible. I knew the risks that I was taking and luckily for me, the outcome was favourable. My experience in that line of work helped in my favour when it came to winning my future husband.

While some women work in such in an industry, please don't judge all sex workers with one brush. I was not into drugs, nor would I ever do any kinky stuff like torture. Some women work there purely to support their children who have been deserted by their husbands or whose husbands have died. They have sacrificed part of their life to benefit their children. I feel for these women and applaud them.

While not the choice of my professions, I can hold my head high for what I did back in those days and I support the women who were/are in my position back then. Play by the rules, keep clean and be hygienic and stay off drugs. I never felt any guilt from taking money from clients, especially the rich politicians and overseas diplomats where you could earn $10,000 a night.

These are my thoughts on the matter for paying prostitutes from a person who used to be in that business.

I have just read your recent stories which include working in the sex industry and they sound both convincing and compelling. I have no doubt of their authenticity. While I do not condone the practice, I also do not begrudge you for doing so, as you had your reasons. I have heard that quite a few customers that frequent these places are very lonely guys, either old, single, homeless or rejected by society. They do not want to go there merely to have a fuck, many just go along so as to talk to another human being. In these special cases, I admire the work you did back then.

If I was a female and worked there, I would find it hard to put up with slobbering drunks that come in and disrupt such places. I guess you have to take the good with the bad. Even with safety buttons located in each room, you could still be physically abused before you could trigger one off. Hiding slimy, greasy and potentially violent undesirables from your mind would be very difficult to handle and even harder to forget.

You are one special woman Tracey. I am only sorry that I never crossed paths with you 30 years ago. If I ever do in the future, I wouldn't pay you for sex, but would leave a very generous tip instead. My best wishes from a secret admirer.