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Lushies you would love to have sex with.

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She knows who she is.
That's like asking a parent who's their favourite child! No need to kiss and tell - I'm certain they know who they are
I dont know many people here, so far there are two that stand out, smiler77 and shawnababy. Not only are they both gorgeous, but they also have great stories.
She lives on a cattle ranch in Wyoming
hmmmm. hardtodrop. yougesinglemom3. cutiegirl. lezgirl19. and others that knowhwo they are ;)
i love dirty nasty filthy steamy hot sex!
The truth is that I love asian girls, but the truth is I do not think any one of them would want to fuck with me....
Slutpuppy....just to see if she could put her money where her mouth is...literally.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Dawn! Not even in the running with anyone... sad
Quote by MexicanGoddess
I would say the people on my top list including some very sexy females - they know who they are!

Of course you're talking about me right
i take my old answer back, there is another in mind but it's a secret. ;)
Quote by gina80
they know who they are

yes I do, I knew you always wanted me lol
Rancherswife and Nakedgirl
I am happily married so I'll keep these Lush fantasies to myself, very secretly buried deep in my brain. But the list would be long.
If life was different i would be bording a flight tomorrow
It is the woman who makes me heart skip, ravishes me, adores me, desires me, and cannot get enough of me, and the feelings are so mutual!!
She lives on a farm in Iowa
She's a passionate tub girl. Stays in there for hours and hours.
Too bad she's taken or I'd totally go for her.

Quote by nastynate69

Of course you're talking about me right

So now you're a female?
Quote by LusciousLola

So now you're a female?

lol Oh I'm all Man, want me to show you
My Sistersmile She knows who she is.... I love her:)

Enough Said.
I've not been here long enough for a list... There's a couple but I don't think I'll reveal my cards just yet
the only man on my friend list.

About three or four, but I am not naming names (not at the same time, I hasten to add).
Magical Felix... oh, not HAVE had sex with, WOULD have sex with. nevermind. Ok, so, i'd do it again if he asked, only this time, NOT in the back of his pick up truck!

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

There is only two, Impishgrin and Franklee;)
Don't know of anyone I'd seriously think of having sex with. However .. and paradoxically I met my present fella here on Lush who by sheer chance lived only 2 miles away. Thanks to Lush he regularly gets his balls emptied deep inside me and I get to enjoy multiple orgasms.
Quote by kittendancer4
There is only two, Impishgrin and Franklee;)

Damn, kitten...I would so be yodeling right now...if I only knew how.
that made me giggle! your an awesome friend frank!
ALL of my friends, that's why they're friends! lol Three in particular, but they're out west in Utah, Nevada and Wyoming! I don't want to embarass them by name, but they surely make for nice dreams!