I think the vibrator section is the biggest one in the toy store.
In the repressive, Southern Baptist imagining of the world, it is probably still , even for boys, but in my world, nothing is more natural than auto-eroticism.
Course not !
It's as natural as when a man does it
No, of course not, everybody does it.
In the world's harsh wear and tear many a very sincere attachment is slowly obliterated.
Είμαι ταξιδιώτης τόσο στο χρόνο όσο και στο διάστημα
Is this a serious question? Women desire and need sex, too. Masturbation is completely natural. So, to surmise...No, it's not unless of course your at the grocery store, or something.....
As a matter of fact, I'm doing it right now, lol! And no you can't watch...
I have three famous stories, 2 recommended reads and have come in the top ten in two competitions~ Come in and make yourself at home.
If it is then it is just another thing to add to my list of I don't care !
6 pages of "don't be stupid"
I think the jury is in...
I have absolutely no problem admitting to the fact that I do masturbate, and admitting that I am just as sexual as any man. However, many of my female friends will not admit to it, claim to never have done it, never talk about sex... I think it's sad that they consider masturbation something to be embarrassed by when it is the most natural thing in the world. We should love ourselves first!
Kiss Kiss Jeanie {}{}
Probably masturbation is the most self satisfying experience I can have.
I don't believe that the modern girl would consider it . It would not surprise me to learn that more girls had toys that didn't. Include hair brush handles.
As a young girl I was alway prepared to openly admit I did it. At school many girls were not prepared to admit they did but had quietly sought my advice on ways and means of achieving better orgasms due to my openness and admissions. It was always said to be but rarely did the exist.
Why would it be ? For me its natural,when I don't have a man handy I gotta get off on my own
Absolutely not! Is that what your mother told you?
Just switch hand...both will be guilty and thus not snitch on the other......
i dont think its . i love watching a girl pla. i thing it is one of the hottest things ever
I have a friend here that I would love to watch masterbate. no. Sexy yes
Who said it was ? I don't think it's ever been , just something 'ladies didn't talk about'....but did all the same! :-)
I have three famous stories, 2 recommended reads and have come in the top ten in two competitions~ Come in and make yourself at home.
Never considered it . I have always done it, and know friends do also.
Since when has it been ? Never in my life has it been considered thus..
What? It was ? Damn what did I miss, I thought everybody masturbated.
Not at all... I love doing it, almost daily... how can you defy a natural need ?
in some parts of the would it is and some religions it is still
Well I was taught that I wasn't supposed to do that as it was wrong, dirty etc.
As an adult, I think it's each person's personal choice and I don't think those women who do masturbate are wrong or bad for doing so. Personally, I prefer daydreaming about kissing, sex and love making as opposed to masturbating, but to each their own and if it helps then I think you should do so.