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If you could speak any language which would it be? And nice phrases in that language?

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Rainbow Warrior
I wish I had learned more Tsalagi (Cherokee) than I have, but my grandmother died before she could teach me more.

I took a couple years of Russian in college, and it has only come in handy once! I was in NYC, staying in a hotel that apparently was hosting a large delegation of Russians, and on the elevator ride up to my floor, two guys behind me were speaking Russian, and I realized they were talking about my ass, thinking that I was an American and wouldn't understand them. So when I got to my floor, I said to them in Russian, "Excuse me, this is my floor." I turned to see their reaction, and the look on their faces was worth learning the Cyrillic alphabet for! :-)
Scottish Gaelic. I could listen to it all day. Sometimes I do.

Dail chuach am bainne ghobhar, suath ri d’ aghaidh, ’s chan eil mac rìgh air an domhan nach bi nad dhèidh.
Υπηρέτης της Αφροδίτης
Everybody in the world should learn English, then we don't need to learn another language
In the world's harsh wear and tear many a very sincere attachment is slowly obliterated.

Είμαι ταξιδιώτης τόσο στο χρόνο όσο και στο διάστημα
Quote by fuzzyblue
Scottish Gaelic. I could listen to it all day. Sometimes I do.

Dail chuach am bainne ghobhar, suath ri d’ aghaidh, ’s chan eil mac rìgh air an domhan nach bi nad dhèidh.

Is fheàrr Gàidhlig bhriste na Gàidhlig sa chiste.

I for one would love to be able to speak Arabic.

Al Erd Fi Ein Omo Ghazal: القرد في عين أمه غزال

Translation: The monkey is as beautiful as a gazelle in his mother’s eyes.

If i ever get a tattoo it'll definitely be something like this. It looks so pretty too.
Empress of the Moon
Okay, I've anointed my face with goats milk and so far not one kings son has come after me. Do you think I used the wrong kind of goat?
If oi 'ad known death wud be dis lonely, oi wud 'av been cremated.
Primus Omnium
Quote by fuzzyblue
Scottish Gaelic. I could listen to it all day. Sometimes I do.

Dail chuach am bainne ghobhar, suath ri d’ aghaidh, ’s chan eil mac rìgh air an domhan nach bi nad dhèidh.

I'm afraid something often gets lost in the translation.

"Goat milk is the goat's milk, sucking your face, and there is no king's son on the world that will not follow it."

Anyway, I would love to know and understand Spanish better.

Escribir es el arte sutil de confirmar que el mundo está vivo en nuestros corazones y almas.
Quote by Ruthie
Okay, I've anointed my face with goats milk and so far not one kings son has come after me. Do you think I used the wrong kind of goat?

Did you use an old goat??

You should first read this Looky Here!!

and then this Free stuff

then say 'Hi'

Te quiero
Cervesa por favor
Hamburgesa con queso y fritas
You should first read this Looky Here!!

and then this Free stuff

then say 'Hi'
I was once fairly fluent in French and still understand much of what people say to me, which is a good thing since France is the country that I visit the most. I have no gift for languages other than English, although I can mimic the sound of them if I don’t try to understand what is being said because that is the same as learning a piece of music which I have been able to do for as long as I can remember. I would love to be able to speak one or two if the languages of the Indian subcontinent - probably Hindi, Bengali and Manipuri, but the language that I would most love to be able to speak and understand is Italian, which is the language of love and also because it is much easier to write traditional sonnets in Italian - English is a bitch to rhyme.

Da lei ti vèn l'amoroso pensero,
che mentre 'l segui al sommo ben t'invia,
pocho prezando quel ch'ogni huom desia;
Southern Barefoot Angel
German.. I took two years in high school but got rusty .. but I kept up with reading it so I read German fluently but speaking it is another story and surprisingly shocking it has came in handy being able to read it

Ich Lieberman dich : I love you
Ich bin ein Berliner is a quotation from a June 26, 1963, speech by U.S. President John F. Kennedy in West Berlin.
I am a Berliner
Spanish because there are alot of people who speak it in this area I wanna know what they are saying ...
Te amo : I love you
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by fuzzyblue
Scottish Gaelic. I could listen to it all day. Sometimes I do.

Dail chuach am bainne ghobhar, suath ri d’ aghaidh, ’s chan eil mac rìgh air an domhan nach bi nad dhèidh.

Gu dearbha fuzzyblue! Airson mac Rìgh tha mise, agus leanamsa dhòmhsa an àite sam bith!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Denim_Daisy10
German.. I took two years in high school but got rusty .. but I kept up with reading it so I read German fluently but speaking it is another story and surprisingly shocking it has came in handy being able to read it

Ich Lieberman dich : I love you
Ich bin ein Berliner is a quotation from a June 26, 1963, speech by U.S. President John F. Kennedy in West Berlin.
I am a Berliner
Spanish because there are alot of people who speak it in this area I wanna know what they are saying ...
Te amo : I love you

Darling Daisy:

Just spend a few weeks around people in Germany (ohne Bayern), and you will speak it.
French, on the other hand, I have a lot of trouble "hearing" even though I have spent a lot of time both in France and Quebec.
I myself would love to know how to speak Welsh.
Active Ink Slinger
I would speak German as I got friends from over there, would have came in handy at times.
Quote by Dancewithme

Gu dearbha fuzzyblue! Airson mac Rìgh tha mise, agus leanamsa dhòmhsa an àite sam bith!

Chan eil mi gad chreidsinn!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by fuzzyblue

Chan eil mi gad chreidsinn!

Bha mo sheanair-seanair na uachdaran air Eileanan Madeira. Bha e fhèin agus a Bhanrigh à Aquitaine.
Whistling on my journey
speak better German since my mother from Kassel

My latest love poem has landed

Lover Moon