Back in high school our Spanish teacher was from Jersey with a crazy strong accent - that was fun. Needless to say I'm re-learning it to teach it to mini me.
Really, sex and laughter do go very well together, and I wondered - and I still do - which is more important.
Greek: moro mou, esi.
English: Literal: My baby, you.
Another context: My baby, it's you.
Depending on the previous context, esi (you) can take on many different meanings.
I know swear words in multiple languages and some French. But I'd really like to be able to speak "cat"....they always look like they're thinking up shit...and I want to know what!
it would be klingon !
Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam ----- it means Today is a very good day to die!
I would love to learn French!
"Au milieu de l'hiver, j'ai découvert en moi un invincible été." -Albert Camus ♥
(In the depths of winter, I discovered there was in me an invincible summer.)
Swedish,I used to have Swedish penpal when I was younger and can only remember one word..hej meaning hi which us pretty useful :P.
Would love to learn Cornish. Will do it some day just so i can teach my kids!
swedish 'cos i wanna live in Sweden :3 the only phrase I know is Det racker nu which means it is enough or just enough
Lots of people wanting to learn Gaeilge which is quite encouraging! I'd love to learn Spanish or Italian I think! Fluent in Gaeilge/Gaelic/Irish though if anyone needs a hand! Hard when put on the spot to come up with a nice phrase but I think "is iomaí lá san uaigh agat" or "you have plenty of days in the grave/live life to the full" is quite a good one.
"Chas siad lena chéile" is another, "they were entwined together" or if you say someone left "ar shlí na fírinne" it means they have gone on "the way of truth"...basically they have passed away.
Arabic so I could woo a special friend.
Boose which means kiss or kisses is all I know for now.
Japanese probably because I love japan girls
Spainish: I have many patients who only speak it. Id like to know more then what I learned from Dora explorer! I took 4 yrs of french so I can communicate with my french speaking patients(more then you might think), but wish I could do the same with the spainish ones.
Russian, German, French and Latin.
I'd like to learn, in order of preference, Russian, Japanese, Spanish and Italian. I know a few phrases in each language, but I'm actually struggling to think of any. I tried learning Gaelic from a friend, but gave it up because of it's lack of flexibility and aversion to vowels, it seems that if you don't have a word in Gaelic, you just use English, which rather defeats the purpose of having your own language.
I'd love to learn German, I know a fair bit from school but I would like to be fluent.
My fiancé is part German and lived out there for a while, so when he's with his friends I'm on the sidelines. And he talks in German with his family to keep secrets from me around Christmas but then they forget to switch back to English...
Any language? Hmmm, I think I'd pick Lesbianese.
When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates French
The more the better.
I've studied in an international school where even the faculty was multi-lingual. Sweetest among them were Persian speaking. Persian is sweet like French and sounds romantic too. I wish I could speak Persian.
I like the way you make me feel even when I'm nowhere near...
I speak French and am currently learning German and Spanish at univeristy, which I love! To that list I'd like to add Italian and I wouldn't mind learning something completely different like Swahili or Russian, I love speaking to people in foreign languages, and I really can't wait to go on my year abroad in 2 years time! My children won't have a choice about learning languages! Mwa ha ha haaa! ;)
I would like to learn Italian and Russian. I speak Swahili and can get by with Gujarati, Africaans, French and a little German.... and on that note I shall say Bonne Nuit, Lekker slaap, kulala vizuri.
I speak a little italian, io sono molto bene