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Active Ink Slinger
...grilled over baked or fried. I think it's a man thing. Something about plopping a big ol' hunk of raw meat down over a fire takes us back in time. It links us to our ancestors, to all men down through the ages. This is one thing all men have in common - an appreciation for meat roasting over an open flame. It's primitive, yet full of complicated ritual. And every man has his own way of doing it. If there have been ten billion men ever alive, then there will be ten billion and one ways to sear the outside, yet leave the inside pink and juicy. Ten billion and one ways to season and marinade. It's the instinct for providing for your mate and offspring, fine tuned and supercharged. It's delicate and brutal and it's all ours...
I've heard that's why men like to grill. The thrill of the grill.
That's the best explanation I've read yet for why my husband won't let me anywhere near the barbecue!
Active Ink Slinger
Hehehe.. can't argue with science! It's in our DNA.

Every year, my buds and I get our families together for a week long camping trip, and we guys do the cooking on a massive wrought iron grill. We huddle around it and trade ideas on the best way to cook each meat selection, experiment with marinades and spices, and talk meat with a beer in one hand, a spined fork in the other.

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I love grilling too, you can't beat the flavor of burnt flesh, especially beef IMO. Not to toss out the other meats, I like chicken, pork, and seafood on there as well. I also like to grill vegetables too, corn on the cob roasted over the coals is awesome. My wife and I marinated whole mushrooms, sliced green peppers and onions in Italian dressing and grilled them with a top sirloin steak that had marinated in adobo sauce and lime juice overnight ... I'm drooling thinking about it smile

My favorite is a tie between a thick fatty ribeye and a beef tenderloin (AKA Filet Mignon) seared to perfection.

I don't know
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by freefallin1309
I love grilling too, you can't beat the flavor of burnt flesh, especially beef IMO. Not to toss out the other meats, I like chicken, pork, and seafood on there as well. I also like to grill vegetables too, corn on the cob roasted over the coals is awesome. My wife and I marinated whole mushrooms, sliced green peppers and onions in Italian dressing and grilled them with a top sirloin steak that had marinated in adobo sauce and lime juice overnight ... I'm drooling thinking about it smile

My favorite is a tie between a thick fatty ribeye and a beef tenderloin (AKA Filet Mignon) seared to perfection.

I don't know

There are not enough vowels in the word "awesome" to properly express the way my taste buds are feeling about this post. I love doing corn on the grill. And kebabs. When Mrs. NudiePants and first started dating, her kids were amazed at how much grilling I did. I would grill for just about every meal I cooked, and they had never seen anything like it. I bet them I could cook just about any food on the grill. They came up with "rice". Puhlease... Packet of tin foil, rice, water, double-wrapped. Little bit of butter inside. Next time try something HARD to grill...
Quote by MrNudiePants

There are not enough vowels in the word "awesome" to properly express the way my taste buds are feeling about this post. I love doing corn on the grill. And kebabs. When Mrs. NudiePants and first started dating, her kids were amazed at how much grilling I did. I would grill for just about every meal I cooked, and they had never seen anything like it. I bet them I could cook just about any food on the grill. They came up with "rice". Puhlease... Packet of tin foil, rice, water, double-wrapped. Little bit of butter inside. Next time try something HARD to grill...

Mrs Freefallin and I also enjoy what she calls "Potato Boats" on the grill. Its easy: put 1 slice of bacon, sliced (and peeled, no skin) potatoes, sliced green peppers, sliced onions (vidalias make it even sweeter) on some foil, salt and pepper, wrap up and put on the grill, turning occasionally so as not to burn. The flavor the bacon gives everything is awesome! Of course bacon is one of my favorite foods smile
MMMMM nothing like a good prime rib steak grilled over a charcoal fire or even better a good wood campfire. But ever way is preferred to gas just doesn't have the same taste to me. I don't really care what cut of meat anything is better when grilled nice slow and smokey. MMMMMMM
Artistic Tart
I prefer grilled food too- and am happy to let somebody else do all the work, I just enjoy eating it.