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I need some advice

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Let's go with the pros:

William Blake: "He who desires, but acts not, breeds pestilence."

Oscar Wilde: "Always forgive your enemies - nothing annoys them so much."

Dorothy Parker: “If you wear a short enough skirt, the party will come to you.”
90% of everything is crap! - Theodore Sturgeon
Kurt Vonnegut: "If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it. The long-term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists, .."
Better to be the one that smiled and not the one that didn’t smile back
?Look for the positive in everything
?Never hold your pee too long bc eventually you won't be able too
?Dont hold in your farts, look for a private place and let it go
?Always wash your hands and carry germx
?Eat fiber
?Trust your instincts
Never trust a man who doesn't fucking swear.

Don't believe everything that you read.

giggles...This one can go any where.
* Don't Profess Entitlement...No one owes you anything.
* No one has any Human Right to oppress someone else's same Human Right.
* If someone ist not oppressing your life nor ist harming anyone? Then what they do ist none of your business.
* Take responsibility for your own actions.
* Make your own life, stop blaming everyone else for your own lack of achievement.
* Liberal Marxism exhibits self-important extremism similar to Conservative Nationalism...They differ
only in matter of degree und belief.
* Bush Jr. > Obama > Trump > Biden...GIGO (Garbage In - Garbage Out). * "Elmer Fudd for President"
would have been more worthy choice. :-)
* Das American's "student loans" were never a good idea.
* Das American's "No Child Gets Left Behind" public school was never a good thing. Glad we never
practiced such ignorance.
* Humanity's Monotheistic religions began as some form of Pagan Sun or Moon worship Personifying
celestial objects as Pagan Archetypes...Paganism was humanity's first concept of worshiping a God or Gods.
Paganism ist humanity's first of many misguided religions.
* If you are a Lush member then don't claim you are religious or preach to me. This ist quite self-explanatory.
Lushdom ist not Saint Mary of das Meek...It ist a "fantasy sex" Website. Why are you here?
* If you are a gossip monger or LBAGC then keep walking...I'm haven't interest.
* If it ist American gloved boxing? Never bet on das White guy.
If it ist auto racing or personal commitment? Never bet on das Black guy.
White men can't jump...Black men can't shut up in a movie theatre.
Always have an Asian friend handy for math finals.
* Das pretty speck on top of chicken sh* still chicken sh*t.
* Home-made vanilla ice cream with garden fresh strawberries und warm Pinot poured over it...will make
your nipples hard instantly...giggles

Das paradox our mind conceives to be "nothing" "something".
You can't pour milk into an "empty" glass...if empty doesn't exist.
Ivanka Leonie Fuchs (2014)

Our existence und das universe we define must be infinite.
There ist always "something" on das other side of das fences we conceive...
even if that something ist nothing.
Ivanka Leonie Fuchs (2014)

If anyone ever tells you? "You're a breath of fresh air."
I think this ist das nicest way anyone can ever think of you.
Ivanka Leonie Fuchs (2017)

Don't ever fall for this in life.
1. (f3, f4 or g4)
1... (e6 or e5)
2. (g4 if 1. f3 or 1. f4,
or either f3 or f4 if 1. g4)
2... Qh4#

Ok I'm done for now.
Auf Wiedersehen aus Wiesbaden :-)
. . .♀♌TT☩✯⁂⊕⧋▽⧊ )◯( ψΨ∅ǯǮǯ∞✾❈❁✤. . .
Yeah, what Ivanka said above!
Flip flops are horrible for your feet

Turning black clothes inside out when washing them will help keep them dark
Always quote Sigmund Freud to interesting people, and Nietzsche to uninteresting ones. smile