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I am hung up on the Jodi Arias murder trial...

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I watch it live on a stream and it's also on Headline News when in session and not on a break. She admits murdering her part time sex pardner but claims "self defense". She shot him once in the head, stabbed him 29 times and cut his throat from ear to ear. Anyone else keeping up with her trial? Talk about "paying" for pussy, this guy sure did.
Tact is the art of making a point without making an enemy.
Live in Phoenix it is always on the news, all she is doing trying not to be put to doubt in my mine that she is crazy. With all she did to the guy I don't think sef defense is going to fly.
She just royaly fucked herself today. The prosecution just shot holes in here story and she broke down in tears on the stand. LOL she said Travis body slammed her while in the process of stepping out of the shower because she dropped his camera. The smug look and smirk on her face hasn't helped her cause, that's for sure.
If you go by the evidence and the witness and expert witness then she is guilty. But so was O.J. and that baby killer in FA. I have worked as a court recorder and I know that lawyers are not interested in people who make good jury members. They look for people who can be easy to control. With todays generation who believe that reality shows are real and that police labs have lots of money and time to work on just one case and that anything a lawyer says in court is true then you have results like O.J. and FA. Lawyers don't have to be trueful as they are not required as everyone else is to swear by their honor to be honest and trueful. If you have power, money or if the jury has a chance to make a buck by interviews then anything can happen. And if you let the so called entertainment reporters sway you as to a person's guilt or not rather than make the choice on your own from what you see and hear going on in the court room then you are just as big a mush head as the O.J. and FA jury. So what the victims have to do is wait and hope that an honest jury is in court and that the law will be upheld and justice done. By the way you will never hear a lawyer or judge or lawmaker use the words justice and law in the same sentence.
We KNOW she did it, she admits all that, the question is was it justified as "self defense". I believe the only thing the defense is trying to do, is get her a less than death sentence verdict. She is one stone cold bitch and I bet there are many former lovers who are taking a deep breath and thanking their lucky stars to be alive.
Tact is the art of making a point without making an enemy.
I've become totally hung up on this trial too. I've watched some of the court proceedings on youtube late at night (I used to love doing mock trials in school so even the process is interesting to me). And the concept of it - the psychology of how a human being can get to this level of macabre brutality and then be so casual and flakey about everything is mind-boggling to me. I've seen all the autopsy photos on the net and they are way worse than what you can imagine just by the descriptions and 'censored' pics alone.

The way I see it - this is a girl that met a dynamic, successful, 'popular' and well loved guy and was quickly charmed enough to set her sights on him as being 'the one'. Less than a week after they met, she dumps her older live-in boyfriend, declares an interest in changing to his religion and then sets about eventually moving to the state he lives in. That alone shows an 'over-commitment' to a relationship that seems like it was more of a casual/sexual one all along. Fatal attraction, obsession and pathological stalking never ends well. Her story of self-defence (after all her other stories) just doesn't compute with the forensics, evidence and even general logic. Her version of the events is almost laughable at times. If the jury fucks this one up, I'm going to be even more dumbfounded than when I heard about the Casey Anthony verdict.

The sex aspect of the trial is part of what's so compelling. Playing the phone sex recordings in court, the sexting messages... Gawd. It made me think of my own computer and phone etc and how easily things can be misconstrued. The fantasies and sexual dynamic between them that I think anyone on Lush would see as totally normal and mainstream were painted in such a 'deviant' way by the defence. All I know is that if I ever get killed or kill someone and sex came into play, I would be totally fuckered by my own digital trail alone. lol. This poor guy. First being murdered and then having *everything* thrown out into the public domain. Imagine having your phone sex recording streaming live on HLN and your dick pics, kinky fantasies and sexting-messages being discussed in open televised court. Damn. It does make me think more about how digital the world has gone (even crime) and how absolutely nothing is private anymore once it has a digital footprint.

It's a good cautionary tale to men though - no matter how tempting it might be, don't dip your dick in the crazy.
Quote by Dancing_Doll
I've become totally hung up on this trial too. I've watched some of the court proceedings on youtube late at night (I used to love doing mock trials in school so even the process is interesting to me). And the concept of it - the psychology of how a human being can get to this level of macabre brutality and then be so casual and flakey about everything is mind-boggling to me. I've seen all the autopsy photos on the net and they are way worse than what you can imagine just by the descriptions and 'censored' pics alone.

The way I see it - this is a girl that met a dynamic, successful, 'popular' and well loved guy and was quickly charmed enough to set her sights on him as being 'the one'. Less than a week after they met, she dumps her older live-in boyfriend, declares an interest in changing to his religion and then sets about eventually moving to the state he lives in. That alone shows an 'over-commitment' to a relationship that seems like it was more of a casual/sexual one all along. Fatal attraction, obsession and pathological stalking never ends well. Her story of self-defence (after all her other stories) just doesn't compute with the forensics, evidence and even general logic. Her version of the events is almost laughable at times. If the jury fucks this one up, I'm going to be even more dumbfounded than when I heard about the Casey Anthony verdict.

The sex aspect of the trial is part of what's so compelling. Playing the phone sex recordings in court, the sexting messages... Gawd. It made me think of my own computer and phone etc and how easily things can be misconstrued. The fantasies and sexual dynamic between them that I think anyone on Lush would see as totally normal and mainstream were painted in such a 'deviant' way by the defence. All I know is that if I ever get killed or kill someone and sex came into play, I would be totally fuckered by my own digital trail alone. lol. This poor guy. First being murdered and then having *everything* thrown out into the public domain. Imagine having your phone sex recording streaming live on HLN and your dick pics, kinky fantasies and sexting-messages being discussed in open televised court. Damn. It does make me think more about how digital the world has gone (even crime) and how absolutely nothing is private anymore once it has a digital footprint.

It's a good cautionary tale to men though - no matter how tempting it might be, don't dip your dick in the crazy.[/quote] There was some mention on the internet of one of the jurors making inappropriate eye contact with her. Nasty to say the least.

They showed the video taped interview of her saying that no jury would convict her because she's innocent. Yikes.
Quote by lovewhenuswallow
There was some mention on the internet of one of the jurors making inappropriate eye contact with her. Nasty to say the least.

Eww... You know that's another phenomenon I've never understood. The psycho murderer groupies. Attractive killers always end up with these random people that fall for them or start writing to them with romantic interests. It's kind of compounded in this case since they're actually submitting all these naked pics of her into evidence - complete with graphic close-up pussy pics from different angles. I'm not sure if it was the prosecution or defense that submitted those, but I wonder if they play up to the predominantly male jury and whether this influences the way they ultimately see her. I would like to think the horrors of the crime prevent guys from even entertaining the idea/fantasy of 'hey, I'd tap that' but who knows... Apparently there are guys who are writing to her and regularly visiting her in prison so obviously the idea of a chick going batshit crazy and decapitating them doesn't really strike a chord of fear or hesitation in them. I just hope that type of male-mindset isn't on the jury.
I haven't followed this trial too closely, but I've just googled some of her images. Most are of her in court, with a few others I've seen. Funny how her out of court pics show a pretty attractive woman. While her court pics show her wearing frumpy clothing and school marm eyeglasses. Trying desperately to downplay her attractiveness so she'll seem less sexual.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
Quote by Dancing_Doll

Eww... You know that's another phenomenon I've never understood. The psycho murderer groupies. Attractive killers always end up with these random people that fall for them or start writing to them with romantic interests. It's kind of compounded in this case since they're actually submitting all these naked pics of her into evidence - complete with graphic close-up pussy pics from different angles. I'm not sure if it was the prosecution or defense that submitted those, but I wonder if they play up to the predominantly male jury and whether this influences the way they ultimately see her. I would like to think the horrors of the crime prevent guys from even entertaining the idea/fantasy of 'hey, I'd tap that' but who knows... Apparently there are guys who are writing to her and regularly visiting her in prison so obviously the idea of a chick going batshit crazy and decapitating them doesn't really strike a chord of fear or hesitation in them. I just hope that type of male-mindset isn't on the jury.
Scary isn't it? The tv analysts kept speculating that the jury can't even look at her due to disgust with her. If those assumptions about the eye cantact are correct, i think it's a case of the judge ordering the jury not to make direct eye contact with her.

More notibly, she sure hasn't seemed very fortunate to be alive considering she's claiming self defense. Then again her first excuse was that home intruders, ninja's did it.
Quote by lafayettemister
I haven't followed this trial too closely, but I've just googled some of her images. Most are of her in court, with a few others I've seen. Funny how her out of court pics show a pretty attractive woman. While her court pics show her wearing frumpy clothing and school marm eyeglasses. Trying desperately to downplay her attractiveness so she'll seem less sexual.

LOL... I love the slow progression in her looks that her attorneys have orchestrated in time for her trial.
Nothing like going with the mousey brown hair, tragic bangs and kiddie side barrette and the fake glasses. A far cry from the original Jodi.

Quote by lovewhenuswallow
LOL @ oh my

Isn't that a sick fuckin joke.
Tact is the art of making a point without making an enemy.
Before the trial started she said that she would never be convicted. Right now I think her attorneys are just trying to save her from the death penalty.

Word of advice stemming from the Jodi Arias trial to all guys: Never tell a psycho ex-girlfriend that just spent the night having sex with you that you are going on vacation with another girl.
Quote by Buz

Word of advice stemming from the Jodi Arias trial to all guys: Never tell a psycho ex-girlfriend that just spent the night having sex with you that you are going on vacation with another girl.

LOL.. exactly. See this is a good example of why turning an ex into a fuckbuddy isn't the smartest move. Even if they seem totally chill with the arrangement, you have no idea what might bubble into the red zone in their minds if they can't emotionally detach and are still obsessing about it. All Jodi could hear was: "I want to zip-tie you to a tree and fuck your ass, but I'm taking this other virginal wife-material girl to Cancun. We're good, right?" Then cue the music from Psycho.

Obviously it's no excuse for murder. I think I remember reading how psychopaths and sociopaths aren't that uncommon (percentage-wise in society). If you act the way Travis did in that 'ex/fuckbuddy' situation, a normal girl would cry about it to her girlfriends, feel bitter, and delete his number in her phone, finally realizing that this guy will never be serious about her. You pull that kind of thing with a psychopath personality, and they could be reaching for the butcher knife. Scary stuff.
Quote by Buz
Before the trial started she said that she would never be convicted. Right now I think her attorneys are just trying to save her from the death penalty.Word of advice stemming from the Jodi Arias trial to all guys: Never tell a psycho ex-girlfriend that just spent the night having sex with you that you are going on vacation with another girl.
The attorney who represented Casey Anthony commented and said from the look of things that this Martinez guy prosecuting the case isn't doing a good job in the death penalty department. So as of right now, she probably wouldn't get the death penalty.
Well, it's pretty clear to me, that this Travis Alexander( not the saint media is portraying him to be) used and abused Jodi Arias for his own needs and desires). It's also pretty clear that he didn't deserve to die for it, especially not in the manner in which he did. This is a perfect example of why you don't fuck with people because you never really know what someone is capable of doing.

On a side note, the media attention has turned this case into a fucking circus. They have done everything but supplied the pitchforks, axes, torches, and led the mob in storming the court house. CNN networkis nothing but a video tabloid and has lost all credibility, completly unprofessional reporting for the sake of viewer ratings, so sad.GhuBazlIfDogeAAC

Another side note, I almost fell out of my chair when the defense( trying to prove sexual exploitation) asked if it bothered her when Travis ejaculated on her face. She replied " it kind of hurt when it got in my eye"
This is just a slam dunk case like John Goodman and George Zimmerman .
Quote by lovewhenuswallow
Well, it's pretty clear to me, that this Travis Alexander( not the saint media is portraying him to be) used and abused Jodi Arias for his own needs and desires).

Really? I think the sex thing was very mutual. I think she was using it as bait to keep his interest (a kind of manipulation in itself) but to me it's a standard 'Friends with Benefits' turned stalker case. He's not a saint but when you're just not seeing long term potential with a girl and break it off and she then offers herself up as a "I want to fulfill all your dirtiest sexual fantasies" fuckbuddy, 99% of guys are going to take that deal in the short-term (especially in a chaste mormon community). I don't think he used or abused her at all - he's a typical guy. He just enjoyed what was offered and they went down the rabbit hole of kinky sex together. At one point he had written some email or text that said something like "Sometimes I feel like I'm nothing more than a dildo with a heartbeat to you" - so she was clearly a sexual aggressor as well. I think she used the sex to hang on to him and when she ultimately realized it wasn't working, she snapped.

It makes me laugh when they try to condemn Travis as a 'sexual deviant' because he liked anal sex. Oh em gee. So do 80% of guys under 40 yrs old. Sex in the courtroom really hasn't caught up to the current 'sexual times', generationally speaking. The dom/sub vibe in some of their roleplays and consensual erotic humiliation is very standard stuff and not at all 'shocking' or out of the norm.
Quote by lovewhenuswallow
Well, it's pretty clear to me, that this Travis Alexander( not the saint media is portraying him to be) used and abused Jodi Arias for his own needs and desires).

I don't see it that way at all.

Quote by Dancing_Doll

Really? I think the sex thing was very mutual. I think she was using it as bait to keep his interest (a kind of manipulation in itself) but to me it's a standard 'Friends with Benefits' turned stalker case. He's not a saint but when you're just not seeing long term potential with a girl and break it off and she then offers herself up as a "I want to fulfill all your dirtiest sexual fantasies" fuckbuddy, 99% of guys are going to take that deal in the short-term (especially in a chaste mormon community). I don't think he used or abused her at all - he's a typical guy. He just enjoyed what was offered and they went down the rabbit hole of kinky sex together. At one point he had written some email or text that said something like "Sometimes I feel like I'm nothing more than a dildo with a heartbeat to you" - so she was clearly a sexual aggressor as well. I think she used the sex to hang on to him and when she ultimately realized it wasn't working, she snapped.

It makes me laugh when they try to condemn Travis as a 'sexual deviant' because he liked anal sex. Oh em gee. So do 80% of guys under 40 yrs old. Sex in the courtroom really hasn't caught up to the current 'sexual times', generationally speaking. The dom/sub vibe in some of their roleplays and consensual erotic humiliation is very standard stuff and not at all 'shocking' or out of the norm.

In complete agreement. I see her as a willing participant in their kinky sexcapades.
Travis Alexander is only guilty of poor decisions. He should have stood firm when he broke up with Jodi Arias and not let her seduce him into sex again. But what guy hasn't made that mistake, sex with a sexually aggressive ex. Unfortunately he paid with his life. It would be only fitting for her to pay the same price for her premeditated murder.
That is a serious matter and i will only say that her stories change. Sounds like a good many men In Lush.
Quote by Dancing_Doll

Really? I think the sex thing was very mutual. I think she was using it as bait to keep his interest (a kind of manipulation in itself) but to me it's a standard 'Friends with Benefits' turned stalker case. He's not a saint but when you're just not seeing long term potential with a girl and break it off and she then offers herself up as a "I want to fulfill all your dirtiest sexual fantasies" fuckbuddy, 99% of guys are going to take that deal in the short-term (especially in a chaste mormon community). I don't think he used or abused her at all - he's a typical guy. He just enjoyed what was offered and they went down the rabbit hole of kinky sex together. At one point he had written some email or text that said something like "Sometimes I feel like I'm nothing more than a dildo with a heartbeat to you" - so she was clearly a sexual aggressor as well. I think she used the sex to hang on to him and when she ultimately realized it wasn't working, she snapped.

It makes me laugh when they try to condemn Travis as a 'sexual deviant' because he liked anal sex. Oh em gee. So do 80% of guys under 40 yrs old. Sex in the courtroom really hasn't caught up to the current 'sexual times', generationally speaking. The dom/sub vibe in some of their roleplays and consensual erotic humiliation is very standard stuff and not at all 'shocking' or out of the norm.

The text message was "I'm a dildo with a heartbeat" Followed by "Whore" Meaning: I'm only giving you my dick! you fucking whore!

Allow me to rephrase: After the sparks of this relationship fizzled out, It's pretty clear to me that Travis Alexander strung jodi Arias along for his own wants and desires. She was his dark dirty little secret. Yes, they both where guilty of willing participation but, he also threw it in her face and degraded her for doing it. She was acused of slashing his tires multiple times, hacking his facebook account, sending menacing messages, yet she was still welcome in his home the day he was murdered. She snapped when she realized that there was no chance of being a part of his life other than for secret sex encounters while he pursued other prospects and taunted her with that so, she killed him.

In my opinion, he didn't take into account that her life was as bad as his was growing up, just in a different sort of way. His friends say a goal of his was to help troubled youth, Yet he was abusive towards his own girlfriend who had a troubled past.

So he was successful for a suspect pyramid marketing company selling legal insurance and making money off recruits that sell legal insurance. I've tried jobs of that nature when i was young and all it required to be a success is being a good bullshitter and decent communication skills. Did you see that the testimony of that Gus Searcy? The gold ring wearer, Mr. 100k a year and doesn't even have to get out of bed? The judge asked if he could provide legal counsel for himself, he looked at his watch and said" not at this time of day." But he's one of 250 people out of what? 14k associates to have a ring? He carries himself like a shady used car salesman.

Again, no way do i think the guy desvered to be murdered, but don't make him out to be something he's not. It's pretty evident he had some moral issues and questionable character for being of mormon faith. Oral and anal is fine but we can't do vaginal? lol probably didn't want to risk getting her pregnant.
Quote by Buz
Travis Alexander is only guilty of poor decisions. He should have stood firm when he broke up with Jodi Arias and not let her seduce him into sex again. But what guy hasn't made that mistake, sex with a sexually aggressive ex. Unfortunately he paid with his life. It would be only fitting for her to pay the same price for her premeditated murder.
A lot of people are gonna be shocked if they get her on that. Life in prison is my guess.

One guest attorney stated that if she never opened her mouth and told those stories she wouldn't even be charged with anything right now.
Quote by lovewhenuswallow
The text message was "I'm a dildo with a heartbeat" Followed by "Whore" Meaning: I'm only giving you my dick you fucking whore.

Allow me to rephrase: After the sparks of this relationship fizzled out, It's pretty clear to me that Travis Alexander strung jodi Arias along for his own wants and desires. She was his dark dirty little secret. Yes, they both where guilty of willing participation but he also threw it in her face and degraded her for doing it. She was acused of slashing his tires multiple times, hacking his facebook account, sending menacing messages, yet she was still welcome in his place the day he was murdered. She snapped when she realized that there was no chance of being a part of his life other than for secret sex encounters while he pursued other prospects and taunted her with that so, she killed him.

In my opinion, he didn't take into account that her life was as bad as his was growing up, just in a different sort of way. His friends say a goal of his was to help troubled youth, Yet he was abusive towards his own girlfriend who had a troubled past.

So he was successful for a suspect pyramid marketing company selling legal insurance and making money off recruits that sell legal insurance. I've tried jobs of that nature when i was young and all it required to be a success is being a good bullshitter and decent communication skills. Did you see that the testimony of that Gus Searcy? The gold ring wearer, Mr. 100k a year and doesn't even have to get out of bed? The judge asked if he could provide legal counsel for himself, he looked at his watch and said" not at this time of day." But he's one of 250 people out of what? 14k associates to have a ring? He carries himself like a shady used car salesman.

Again, no way do i think the guy desvered to be murdered, but don't make him out to be something he's not. It's pretty evident he had some moral issues and questionable character for being of mormon faith. Oral and anal is fine but we can't do vaginal? lol probably didn't want to risk getting her pregnant.

Well, he was a 30 yr old guy who was expected to be a virgin until marriage. A lot of people that are forced into chastity due to religion/culture often go for anal and oral and reason it in their mind that as long as the hymen isn't broken or it's not vaginal, then it doesn't count as real sex. Hey, even Bill Clinton would agree with this logic. I would say he was struggling with his faith, but I don't question his character. I'm not religious, but as a human being I can see that the law of chastity (in the literally translated sense) probably only works if one is planning to get married right out of high school.

I strongly disagree with the 'he was throwing it in her face and being abusive'. What you're referring to is consensual erotic humiliation (ie. "you're going to be my dirty little whore tonight" and "I'm going to tie you up like a little slut and fuck your mouth" etc.). Some people don't understand the roleplay context of this, but based on their sexual kinks and what they did, this kind of interplay is definitely part of this scene and very much consensual in dom/sub play. It's not meant to be insulting or taken in a literal way to be degrading. She was a sexually open and assertive girl, not some shrinking wallflower virgin so I have no doubt she was into it too. Again, it's pretty common with the under 40 crowd as far as roleplay/sexting/porn/fantasies go. If they put up my text messages for example, they would be wayyyyyy more shocking than anything between these two and I'd never consider myself to be abused or the abuser in any of it. It's just part of the kink.

When you said he was "abusive to his own girlfriend" I assume that means you're buying into her claims of physical abuse?
All her stories are so laughable to me without supporting evidence. Especially the allegations. That's just beyond the pale - it's like killing him twice. Her dragging him through the mud so relentlessly might end up backfiring on her when it gets to the penalty phase of the trial.
Quote by Dancing_Doll

Well, he was a 30 yr old guy who was expected to be a virgin until marriage. A lot of people that are forced into chastity due to religion/culture often go for anal and oral and reason it in their mind that as long as the hymen isn't broken or it's not vaginal, then it doesn't count as real sex. Hey, even Bill Clinton would agree with this logic. I would say he was struggling with his faith, but I don't question his character. I'm not religious, but as a human being I can see that the law of chastity (in the literally translated sense) probably only works if one is planning to get married right out of high school.

I strongly disagree with the 'he was throwing it in her face and being abusive'. What you're referring to is consensual erotic humiliation (ie. "you're going to be my dirty little whore tonight" and "I'm going to tie you up like a little slut and fuck your mouth" etc.). Some people don't understand the roleplay context of this, but based on their sexual kinks and what they did, this kind of interplay is definitely part of this scene and very much consensual in dom/sub play. It's not meant to be insulting or taken in a literal way to be degrading. She was a sexually open and assertive girl, not some shrinking wallflower virgin so I have no doubt she was into it too. Again, it's pretty common with the under 40 crowd as far as roleplay/sexting/porn/fantasies go. If they put up my text messages for example, they would be wayyyyyy more shocking than anything between these two and I'd never consider myself to be abused or the abuser in any of it. It's just part of the kink.

When you said he was "abusive to his own girlfriend" I assume that means you're buying into her claims of physical abuse?
All her stories are so laughable to me without supporting evidence. Especially the allegations. That's just beyond the pale - it's like killing him twice. Her dragging him through the mud so relentlessly might end up backfiring on her when it gets to the penalty phase of the trial.

I agree with doll, strongly disagree

In an interview with his friends they all said she was stalking him, not collectively, individual 1 on 1 interviews by them selves, they all have the same opinion, she was listening through the door when they were telling him to leave her, that even after he broke up with her she drove past his house watching him. One claimed she went threw his backdoor while he had a girl after they came in the front and she was watching (though I have no idea how'd they know that unless they were there as well) but I haven't heard anything about him being abusive.. That just doesn't make sense. they were into kinky sex from the start, and they kept at it after breaking up. They talked to her old ex too and he said she was the same way. she stalked him, took photos..

There's just absolutely no basis for him being abusive or taking advantage, if anything she was the abuser. It's a crazy made up defense because she's so guilty that's the only defense they can make. There's no wiggle room for her team to do anything plausible so they have to go for the long shots lol

If she shot him once yeah okay, that's a gray area self defense is possible.. But that goes out the window when he was shot and stabbed on the high end of 20+ times (29?) and cutting his throat. taking photos of him before she did it.. just no. It logistically doesnt work.

Not to mention whoever said dildo with a heartbeat is taking that out of context. His IM said "I think I was little more than a dildo with a heartbeat to you" aka you only used me for sex.
Quote by Dancing_Doll

Well, he was a 30 yr old guy who was expected to be a virgin until marriage. A lot of people that are forced into chastity due to religion/culture often go for anal and oral and reason it in their mind that as long as the hymen isn't broken or it's not vaginal, then it doesn't count as real sex. Hey, even Bill Clinton would agree with this logic. I would say he was struggling with his faith, but I don't question his character. I'm not religious, but as a human being I can see that the law of chastity (in the literally translated sense) probably only works if one is planning to get married right out of high school.

I strongly disagree with the 'he was throwing it in her face and being abusive'. What you're referring to is consensual erotic humiliation (ie. "you're going to be my dirty little whore tonight" and "I'm going to tie you up like a little slut and fuck your mouth" etc.). Some people don't understand the roleplay context of this, but based on their sexual kinks and what they did, this kind of interplay is definitely part of this scene and very much consensual in dom/sub play. It's not meant to be insulting or taken in a literal way to be degrading. She was a sexually open and assertive girl, not some shrinking wallflower virgin so I have no doubt she was into it too. Again, it's pretty common with the under 40 crowd as far as roleplay/sexting/porn/fantasies go. If they put up my text messages for example, they would be wayyyyyy more shocking than anything between these two and I'd never consider myself to be abused or the abuser in any of it. It's just part of the kink.

When you said he was "abusive to his own girlfriend" I assume that means you're buying into her claims of physical abuse?
All her stories are so laughable to me without supporting evidence. Especially the allegations. That's just beyond the pale - it's like killing him twice. Her dragging him through the mud so relentlessly might end up backfiring on her when it gets to the penalty phase of the trial.

From what i gather, couples from Prepaid legal accompanied them on some of thier trips. There was testimony that stated he became very angry and verbally abusive because Jody packed too many items into HER backpack before a hiking trip.They testified that they couldn't believe he reacted that way over something so trivial. (Never saw that side of him) I guess Travis and Jody didn't speak to each other for a half hour afterward, then it was forgotten about. If i remember right they might even have mentioned the word 'rage' in thier testimony regarding that particular incident. Also, there was mention that Travis pushed/shoved. her in another incident where he was very angry (verbally abusive) with her. It's been well noted that he did not reciprocate her public displays of affection but, look what went on behind closed doors.

Back to the 'Dildo with a heartbeat' text, among other insulting texts towards her? I guess prosecution tried to have those omitted from the case.

There's a lot of underhanded play in this case, the defense has filed a motion for prosacutorial misbehavior based on testimony of a witness testifying under oath that she's been watching the case on tv looking for clues that might trip Arias up and she's been instructed to relay information to the prosecution's para legal. Think it was Skylee Hughes that testified to that testified to that. Anyone on the prosecution's witness list cannot view the trial on tv, speak with reporters etc..... untill released from thier subeona by the court. prosecution's also brought in 2 surprise witnesses that were not on thier witness list,guess that's also a no-no.

EDIT* I meant prosecutorial misconduct not 'misbehavior'
Quote by lovewhenuswallow
From what i gather, couples from Prepaid legal accompanied them on some of thier trips. There was testimony that stated he became very angry and verbally abusive because Jody packed too many items into HER backpack before a hiking trip.They testified that they couldn't believe he reacted that way over something so trivial. (Never saw that side of him) I guess Travis and Jody didn't speak to each other for a half hour afterward, then it was forgotten about. If i remember right they might even have mentioned the word 'rage' in thier testimony regarding that particular incident. Also, there was mention that Travis pushed/shoved. her in another incident where he was very angry (verbally abusive) with her. It's been well noted that he did not reciprocate her public displays of affection but, look what went on behind closed doors.

Back to the 'Dildo with a heartbeat' text, among other insulting texts towards her? I guess prosecution tried to have those omitted from the case.

There's a lot of underhanded play in this case, the defense has filed a motion for prosacutorial misbehavior based on testimony of a witness testifying under oath that she's been watching the case on tv looking for clues that might trip Arias up and she's been instructed to relay information to the prosecution's para legal. Think it was Skylee Hughes that testified to that testified to that. Anyone on the prosecution's witness list cannot view the trial on tv, speak with reporters etc..... untill released from thier subeona by the court. prosecution's also brought in 2 surprise witnesses that were not on thier witness list,guess that's also a no-no.

Like I said the dildo comment is wrong. Whoever typed that paraphrased it badly.
And as far as rage the prosecution is claiming she dragged the body and took photos as she was doing it. I don't see how self defense in a bathroom turns into dragging him to the hallway, snapping photos. Putting him in the bathroom again and throwing the camera in the washing machine (where the police found it)
Quote by Kitanica

Like I said the dildo comment is wrong. Whoever typed that paraphrased it badly.
And as far as rage the prosecution is claiming she dragged the body and took photos as she was doing it. I don't see how self defense in a bathroom turns into dragging him to the hallway, snapping photos. Putting him in the bathroom again and throwing the camera in the washing machine (where the police found it)
Very odd that she took the gun and knife but not the camera don't you agree? considering that she is a photographer and probably knowledgable about camera's and what can be done to recapture/salvage images from damaged camera's.

I'm not defending her, i just think that it's very strange and doesn't make sense.
Quote by lovewhenuswallow
Very odd that she took the gun and knife but not the camera don't you agree? considering that she is a photographer and probably knowledgable about camera's and what can be done to recapture/salvage images from damaged camera's.

I'm not defending her, i just think that it's very strange and doesn't make sense.

Well it was his camera.. I guess she thought they'd think she stole it. But the photos off it.. Yeah she should have destroyed it if she wanted self defense. The huffington post has 160 photos..
It's graphic.