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how to have a good sense of humor?

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how exactly can you be funny?
is it a skill that can be learned? or just a trait that your born with?
I think being funny as for the common guy/girl in regular conversation, you either have or you don't. Funny comes with a charm, and a little bit of storytelling you can only gain if you are open to it.

On the flip side, there are some funny ass comedians out there, that for the most part are self hating, really dark people.
Quote by eiotis123
I think being funny as for the common guy/girl in regular conversation, you either have or you don't. Funny comes with a charm, and a little bit of storytelling you can only gain if you are open to it.

On the flip side, there are some funny ass comedians out there, that for the most part are self hating, really dark people.

thanks smile
I certainly hope I have charm biggrin
I think being funny happens when two people like a certain thing, tv, book, film person etc or a place and both of you having a thought in common that you have both thouht of and is funny, then the couple usually end up laughing saying I thought that as well LOL. Then the giggles come, you both feel less tense and more silliness comes. smile
it also helps to think you are funny..i mean if you cant make yourself laugh how how can you make anyone else laugh. and like with anything confidence is key. im the funniest person i know...doesnt really matter what anyone else thinks. i crack myself up all the time.
Don't take life (or yourself) too seriously. Find the hidden humour in things, and be confident. I appreciate someone with a sarcastic or wry sense of humour far more than someone who "tries to by funny" by telling endless jokes or trying to find the punchline in every situation. A positive attitude, a sincere smile, and a desire to laugh at the absurdities in life is something that translates well to creating laughter around you. Then again, everyone's sense of humour is different. I have a darker sense of humour that some might find too twisted, but when I connect with other people that appreciate it or are similar in mindset, it creates an instant connection... and it's that connection that can go a long way to wanting to spend more time with that person.
Quote by mister215
how exactly can you be funny?
is it a skill that can be learned? or just a trait that your born with?

I think it's a personality trait that can be improved on, but I don't think it can be learned.

Don't try to be funny. Just be yourself.
I've been told that I'm more funny when I'm not trying. I think it is something that you either have or you don't, but as was said before, you can improve on. You have to be natural, and you have to believe what you are saying is funny.
hmmm hard one... I think it can be improved on but you need to be a bit funny first. I use a lot of sarcasm. Try and watched comedians and people on TV. Watch what devices they use to portray their humour. Like a dead pan face with a sarcastic delivery. Timing is important too. A pause at the right moment can take something funny and make it hysterical...Other than that you need to be intelligent enough to understand a joke and make one up at a moment's notice. Some comedian's have a specific style - Like Russel Brand's use of vocabulary, excessive hand movements and face movements, Eddie Izzard uses a rambling made up style of humour and Russel Peter's draws on his Indian background and uses a lot of accents.
Remember there is no real thing as having a good sense or bad sense of humour there are people who can have humour similar to you. Some people like dry humour, some like sureal, some like Dark ect ect. Don't worry. Remember though don't try to be funny for the sake of it.
Just be yourself.

Loislane does...

She's hiLARious!
Knock knock.......

Quote by Loislane
hmmm hard one... I think it can be improved on but you need to be a bit funny first. I use a lot of sarcasm. Try and watched comedians and people on TV. Watch what devices they use to portray their humour. Like a dead pan face with a sarcastic delivery. Timing is important too. A pause at the right moment can take something funny and make it hysterical...Other than that you need to be intelligent enough to understand a joke and make one up at a moment's notice. Some comedian's have a specific style - Like Russel Brand's use of vocabulary, excessive hand movements and face movements, Eddie Izzard uses a rambling made up style of humour and Russel Peter's draws on his Indian background and uses a lot of accents.
Quote by Oberon

Knock knock.......

Quote by Loislane
hmmm hard one... I think it can be improved on but you need to be a bit funny first. I use a lot of sarcasm. Try and watched comedians and people on TV. Watch what devices they use to portray their humour. Like a dead pan face with a sarcastic delivery. Timing is important too. A pause at the right moment can take something funny and make it hysterical...Other than that you need to be intelligent enough to understand a joke and make one up at a moment's notice. Some comedian's have a specific style - Like Russel Brand's use of vocabulary, excessive hand movements and face movements, Eddie Izzard uses a rambling made up style of humour and Russel Peter's draws on his Indian background and uses a lot of accents.

Wait...Wait it goes - 'So a Nun,a Mormon and a Halibut walk into a bar...
Quote by Loislane
Quote by Oberon

Knock knock.......

Quote by Loislane
hmmm hard one... I think it can be improved on but you need to be a bit funny first. I use a lot of sarcasm. Try and watched comedians and people on TV. Watch what devices they use to portray their humour. Like a dead pan face with a sarcastic delivery. Timing is important too. A pause at the right moment can take something funny and make it hysterical...Other than that you need to be intelligent enough to understand a joke and make one up at a moment's notice. Some comedian's have a specific style - Like Russel Brand's use of vocabulary, excessive hand movements and face movements, Eddie Izzard uses a rambling made up style of humour and Russel Peter's draws on his Indian background and uses a lot of accents.

Wait...Wait it goes - 'So a Nun,a Mormon and a Halibut walk into a bar...

.......sounds like the Miracle of the Oafs and the Fishes to me.
(giggles)...You're on fire need a drum roll

Quote by Loislane
(giggles)...You're on fire need a drum roll


- For washing your back-side, roight?
Quote by Oberon
Quote by Loislane
(giggles)...You're on fire need a drum roll


- For washing your back-side, roight?[/quote

This you WILL find funny....
I didn't realize this was a video I was s'posed to play for HOURS!!!

...You win yet again! - (Even if you ARE fast asleep by this time, after your roast and spuds with gravy.)
(grins) what the heck have you been smoking? Could you please fedex me some of it?
Quote by Loislane
(grins) what the heck have you been smoking? Could you please fedex me some of it?[/quote

Banana peels, as usual.
Don't they have green-grocers near where you live?
(And do you have some kind of BELL that goes off on your computer whenever I post something?
And why aren't you asleep, young's almost midnight in Jolly Olde!)

I just had a nap.
You'll be like that when you're old and sick and senile like me.
Quote by Oberon
Quote by Loislane
(grins) what the heck have you been smoking? Could you please fedex me some of it?[/quote

Banana peels, as usual.
Don't they have green-grocers near where you live?
(And do you have some kind of BELL that goes off on your computer whenever I post something?
And why aren't you asleep, young's almost midnight in Jolly Olde!)

I just had a nap.
You'll be like that when you're old and sick and senile like me.

I'm being a sadist and making my partner watch Maid in Manhattan(evil laugh)...old,sick and senile...I intend to die tragically in a fatal marshmallow factory accident before I can get old and senile...
Quote by Loislane
Quote by Oberon
Quote by Loislane
(grins) what the heck have you been smoking? Could you please fedex me some of it?[/quote

Banana peels, as usual.
Don't they have green-grocers near where you live?
(And do you have some kind of BELL that goes off on your computer whenever I post something?
And why aren't you asleep, young's almost midnight in Jolly Olde!)

I just had a nap.
You'll be like that when you're old and sick and senile like me.

I'm being a sadist and making my partner watch Maid in Manhattan(evil laugh)...old,sick and senile...I intend to die tragically in a fatal marshmallow factory accident before I can get old and senile...[/quote


Maid In Manhattan, with Ralph Fiennes and What's-Her-Name with the great set of, uh - Teeth!
Never seen it.

Marshmallow factory, hmmmn?
Just you and the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man, maybe?
Does this fantasy involve , say, a fire and a long wooden stick?
Are you wearing a bikini in it?
Doing the Watusi on the beach, along with Annette Funicello?
Tell me, quick!
I feel another nap coming on.
learn to laugh at yourself.P3VsBzvnOzU8WyWb
Get on Get in Enjoy the ride
Quote by Oberon


Maid In Manhattan, with Ralph Fiennes and What's-Her-Name with the great set of, uh - Teeth!
Never seen it.

Marshmallow factory, hmmmn?
Just you and the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man, maybe?
Does this fantasy involve , say, a fire and a long wooden stick?
Are you wearing a bikini in it?
Doing the Watusi on the beach, along with Annette Funicello?
Tell me, quick!
I feel another nap coming on.

It is so dire(the movie)...I was watching him roll his eyes every three minutes.

I am wearing a bikini made of taffy. It gets caught in the marshmallow mixer. I can't tell you the rest, It is integral to the 'made for TV' movie about my life. Copyright and all that(grins). The Stay Puff marshmallow man might be involved...
I love having fun with anyone! I have some good friends on here that I can goof with for hours. I've hosted a couple of improv events and MCd quite a bit. The real key to improv is to be able to take something ordinary and make a "comedy line" out of it. Robin Williams, among others, kills at this form of comedy. A relatively unknown name in the comedy business - Russell Peters is VERY good at improv as well.
Quote by Goon
I love having fun with anyone! I have some good friends on here that I can goof with for hours. I've hosted a couple of improv events and MCd quite a bit. The real key to improv is to be able to take something ordinary and make a "comedy line" out of it. Robin Williams, among others, kills at this form of comedy. A relatively unknown name in the comedy business - Russell Peters is VERY good at improv as well.

I had never heard of him and just spent about 30/45 minutes listening to him. He is funny as all get out! This guy knows how to be funny.

chef, He is brilliant...I've seen him live..watched all his you tube stuff. He has made me laugh until I've cried. I am going to see him in London in September...
Can I come with LL? This is my first exposure to him and he really made me laugh.
I hope Mister215 has got some good ideas from this thread.
yeah lol ,I'll stick you in my handbag(smiles)
Quote by Loislane
yeah lol ,I'll stick you in my handbag(smiles)

Oh cool. Contact high.