I'm of the opinion that until the talk has been had, exclusivity is not a given and should not be assumed. I like to know where I stand with people, and let them know where they stand with me.
I've juggled about 4 at once, without the need to actively lie or make up excuses. Once I've made up my mind who I want, that's it. I'm a one-man woman all the way.
3. It was back in my younger days. That is far too exhausting a task, physically and mentally!
I think juggling multiple partners can only be achieved until you hit a major holiday... like New Years Eve or Valentine's Day or a birthday. Then you have to make a call and pick one. Or, you can start making up stories and excuses like you are sick or your grandma died or you were suddenly called out of town but it tends to read pretty weak. I think most people know when they are being put off on a holiday that they are not 'the only one' in the picture.
3, then I realized masochism was not for me.
Three, all in real life. But, hey, I was 18. Wouldn't dare do that now. One at a time is enough.
In real life three or four, online lots!
Bunny Rabbits cute and fuzzy they want to love you but they have razor sharp teeth - don't piss them off! 2 in real life exosting they both knew
one on other. Each one had a day. Is was
physicaly and mentally exocting.
Two, a guy and a girl. I had so much fun...
After my divorce I went into "slut-mode", fucking anything that walked, thinking that it would repair the damage to my ego. What it realistically did was place me in some precarious, if not downright dangerous positions when bumping into one lover whilst being with another. And although there were occasionally three to four "ladies-in-waiting", it wasn't until I met my partner I was to spend the next four years with that I ended my year of debauchery. I got a good few slaps ...but my god I got a good few fucks as well - LOL
at one point bout 6 years back, i had my main girl then 2 others i was creepin with.
then bout 4 years ago i had 1 semi-serious and three i was messing around with. two of the three were actually friends who never knew about the other or never told each other.
i discovered its better to have a relationship where both me and my woman love each other and know that but allow each other to have the fun.
one at a time...now, that may be only an hour or so, but always one at a time...then i can give her complete attention without worries.
Never more than one at a time for me.
I don't think I have the energy for more than that.
5 was my total at once. Between my wife and 4 women that worked for me. 2 of the women were married at the time and there husbands worked for me as well. Went on for over a year and a half, I contribute my awesome multi-tasking skills to this period of my life.
Three!!!! One didn't care just as long as the sex was great! One didn't like it and wanted to get serious! The the third one just wanted to eliminate the other two!!! And she did!
I've dated three guys at the same time.
They were fully aware of it and were also dating other people. When things progressed with one of the guys we stopped seeing other people and became exclusive.
I really think it's important to be honest with people.
6 in my last semester in College, 10 years later I am friends with all of them. I am not with any of them, but it is a good running joke when we talk about it now...
One! I guess I'm way to loyal...
Depending on the extent of the relationship probably several. I have always thought it best to keep things free and easy. Then you don't have all the stress and your parthers have low expectations.