yes but at least she is happy so that is all i care about.
Yes, Josh Hartnett. A girl is still allowed to dream however, no?
Are you kidding? I lost count of those before I left college.
about every five minutes... hahahahah no just kidding... I think at one point or another we all have wanted someone... but later thank our lucky stars that it was not meant to be...
but simple answer...yes
Once or twice... But it was better that way now looking back
Yes. Pathetically there is a long list of people with whom my presence would be less than envisioned.
Yes, someone here but it's just not meant to be
Does Salma Hayak count?
Of course I have. I think everyone has.
No never. If I want to be with girl and she wants me as much I would do what it took.
There is one girl who if i had the money and means of travel and in a better off situation , things would be very different.
If I had money to travel right now, I think I would be far away with someone. But neither of us have enough money at the moment. If money wasn't an issue, I'd be there in a heart beat.
well, yes.. hasnt everyone?
If I want to be with someone will do all it is possible to make it happen.
More than once. If only I could show other people's avatars here.
I wanted to be near Quasimodo, but the ringing was to loud.
lol .. hundreds of times!
The title of this thread should clearly have been the lyric of a well known 'Buzzcocks' song (I know I know, but which one?! So many famous songs of theirs to choose from....)
And yes, I have. When I was a manager I hired, amongst others, a young and pretty girl. I didn't hire her because she was young and pretty, I stress (truthfully), but she was young and pretty. So I fell in lust with her, and knew I could never do anything about it. Which was good, because we would have been AWFUL together. You know when you know someone and you think 'yeah, we'd have a fun weekend, but a fucking awful relationship'?.
Well she was that girl who I could have had a GREAT weekend with...but fuck me our a relationship would have been awful.
One evening we nearly did have sex, but I stopped it. Because I'm a fucking idiot. I mean, I had my reasons at the time...I just completely disagree with them now.
YES at this very moment--actually 2 different women
Yes, and to be honest I still dream about it
Yes ... and it leaves me feeling awfully lonely????
I am in that scenario right now. We are both happily married yet yearn to be together for sexual reasons.
Yes of course I have like most others. It was deep for me too, and I truly believed she was the one for me. But she only wanted me to use me and my resources. Now I know I will never be able to be with her.
Would I chance it again? Love that is? Yes. I say that knowing I live in great risk of being crushed again. But for that chance of know mutually felt love, if even for a short time, will always be alive in me.