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Have you ever had an orgasm when getting a massage from someone other than your lover?

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yes. i was paying for a deep tissue massage in a clinic, the gentleman started at my feet. by the time he reached by thighs i was in full embarrassment. he never said a word and just continued. i was only 20, and i couldn't look him in the face when i paid and left.. I can say my sore shoulder felt awesome afterwards
I had pulled a mussel in my back, went to the dr ..and after they treated me the dr sent me for a massage . Every thing was fine ,and i didnt feel any thing but the normal massage...which was really good ...The dr wanted me to go 5 times ..and then come back to his office.The next time i went get a massage it was different, he used a warm oil on my lower back.He started on my shoulders and then went down from there ...when he rubbed my lower back i said that it really felt good . then it started to feel too good ..i had an orgasm while he was pushing down on my lower back.... really low back was really good ..and he knew it happened ....i wasn't able to get that guy again .....o well ....
Yes, I could tell he was attracted to me from the moment he saw me and it turned me on. He could tell I was "humming" during our first session and he placed my hands where I could make myself cum, so I did, with him watching. I went to him for over a year and sex got wild-er and hotter each time... a lot of tying me up and soft S&M... in the end it was basically paying him for an hour and a half of seduction and (nearly silent) orgasms.
No. To have an orgasm while getting a massage--period--you have to get a massage.8nZtAfg2E4y8Zd1k
Yes, but I was self massaging my own mind!
Tact is the art of making a point without making an enemy.
I like to work out at the local gym.
I was on the treadmill and suddenly the unit stopped.
I ran into the handle bars and fell off.
There was another woman near by.
I was looking up into her wet tee shirt and hard nipples.
She smiled and asked if she could help me up.
She helped me to the ladies locker room.
I limped with her.
She told me to lay on my stomach on the massage table.
She knew where to begin to rub.
I went from pain to pleasure as she rubbed the cramp away.
She pressed a little harder as though she knew what she was doing.
OMG, did she ever know what she was doing.
My toes curled as I spread my legs.
I moaned and gushed and soaked through my gym shorts.
She continued to rub my legs and as she neared my crotch, several women came into the room.
"Why don't you come home with me and I will finish you off"" she said.
My my, I'm surprised how many of these people are women. Well, I got more detailed here: but the gist is yes, I have.

I was at a Korean massage parlor, and she was teasing me quite a bit throughout the massage, delicately grazing her fingernails against me while straddling my naked body, and it was just driving me wild. She got out some lotion and started going, and damn, I don't think I've ever met anyone with so fast hands before... I've had a few other massage parlor experiences, but only flirtacious ones. She was the only one I finished with.
YES! Already posted this before in another thread - have orgasmed many times whilst having my my feet massaged during a reflexology treatment and when I have my head vigoursly washed by the shampoo guy/girl at my salon.
†Jinxy Approved†

No. I've been turned on before. But no orgasms just by massage.
The Keebler elves.
Yes, love it.... now I want an orgasmic massage right now! thanks lol
Quote by BelleduJour
YES! Already posted this before in another thread - have orgasmed many times whilst having my my feet massaged during a reflexology treatment and when I have my head vigoursly washed by the shampoo guy/girl at my salon.

Man, how lucky you are. I wish I could orgasm that way... One of the problems with orgasming during a massage is that it's very, very obvious if you're a guy. Luckily, she was really sweet and tender; cleaned me up with a warm, damp facecloth. I wish more women treated me like that...
Sadly I've never had a massage :-/
Yes. I had an appointment for a massage with a woman in her late 40's. She had me get completely undressed and started the massage on my back and shoulders. She was a very good conversationalist ... and she just talked most of the way through the massage. I told her I was nervous about getting an erection when I rolled over on my back. She told me she had seen that happen many, many times ... that it was OK if I did. When I heard that I felt much better. When I rolled over onto my back ... I had an erection within about a minute. She was a very attractive woman ... and I was having all of my sexy fantasy thoughts about her ... and I was hard and erect very quickly. I reached down and held my boner and told her I was sorry ... I could not help it. She smiled ... removed my hand from my cock and replaced it with hers. She was very, very skilled at masturbating an erect cock ... and she was very good when she began fondling my balls, too. I think she stroked me for about 5 minutes before I had a very intense orgasm with a pretty good ejaculation. Later massages with her were with both of us being nude ... and exploring other areas of my body, as well. After a year or so of masages with her ... she asked if I would like to have her climb on top of me and sit down on my cock. It was a beautiful fuck.
Well it would be awkward if she would find out but other then that its a very nice form of relaxation. biggrin Here in Prague we have many great places for getting erotic massage. Just try to relax and have some fun. Its not a big deal.
I've had orgasms while receiving massages, but never from anyone who wasn't also a lover.
Hi guys, I have my own story, its 2 years ago when I go with my colleges to trip to Prague and they invite me to there with no payment, my friends from work pay it as I had birthday. And I have to say that was amazing experience, I tell this my wife and we both go together in our home city and enjoy massage for couples.
I have an orgasm when I get my pussy and butt waxed at the salon
Yes - during an excellent deep tissue massage while working in Java and Sumatra... ?
yep, couldn't hide my erection when she ask me to turn around. She saw that and told me not to be embarrassed and asked if i wold like to be..... the rest is for the imagination
I am obviously going to the wrong place for a message. is it like sexting?
You should first read this Looky Here!!

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then say 'Hi'
Hell no when i get a massage it feels like they are going to rip limbs off, i'm to busy concentrating on breathing through the pain bugger thinking of anything sexual and having an orgasm.
I honestly don't know what it is about my feet particularly the sides. Whenever massage therapists run deep long strokes down the sides of my feet I go wild.
Never had an orgasm from a massage... But did have a woman have one while I was massaging hersmile