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Full body scans

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Are full body scans at airports too intrusive?

22 votes remaining
Yes, I don't want anyone seeing my hoohoo or haha (8 votes) 36%
No, it's what's needed to keep us safe (17 votes) 77%
I don't care one way or another (8 votes) 36%
It's supposed to be light out in the morning (2 votes) 9%
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Exakta66
A machine that can see under clothes...where can I get one of those machines???

At your local airport possibly. Perhaps a change of career might be advisable?
Insert typical super smart ass comment courtesy of thepainter here.
Smiley Guru
A couple of the rights mentioned in the US Bill of Rights have been mentioned here.

Well here are three of them spelled out:

Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Amendment II
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Amendment IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

These were ennumerated and enacted to impose limits on the government, because the founding fathers knew that governments (power) will intrude on the individual unless restrained.

Now read the language.
Congress shall MAKE NO LAW...


The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, SHALL NOT BE VIOLATED...

That is black and white language. It dosn't say, except for air travel, it doesn't say when it's convienient.

These intrusive searches are a process to indoctrinate us to feel we must give up the liberties guarnateed by the constitution in order to "feel" safe. Are you safer when you have been publicly searched, ordered to remove articles of clothing, and had any vestige of dignity removed? Or are you simply being conditioned to not respond to unreasonable overuse of authority in the name of security?

My response is not just no, but hell no!

Here are some more body scans, and we all have to understand that since there are a total of about 5 released scans on the web, compared to the thousands or more already made we know that these are not the most revealing, these are the ones released because we would tolerate them.

Now I'm not saying that being seen naked is bad, nor that associating nudity with flying is a bad idea, it just needs to be fun!

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Remington
Quote by DamonX
Quote by bikebum1975
Quote by DamonX
Americans seem to always bitch about "civil liberties" almost as a reflex. Seriously.

Cause our country has fought long and hard to keep those liberties you talk about us bitching about that's the reason we "bitch" about them as you put it.

Haha, let me'd probably be up in arms if the government took away your "right" to own a machine gun or a grenade launcher too?

Seriously though, what are the negative consequences of getting scanned at the airport? (Besides spouting outdated rhetoric about freedom.)

We don't have the right to own machine guns and grenade launchers unless you have a special license. That process is not fun and easy.

Now, I do support the full body scans. Like some others have said, if it helps keep us all safe, by all means do it.

Interesting isn't it? Supposedly we have the right to BEAR ARMS.

Now where can I find a reputable ICBM dealer?

Oh, and
They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.
--Benjamin Franklin
Thousands of user submitted stories removed from the site. You are nothing without your users or their freely submitted stories.
I know that it is not easy to get a machine gun or grenade launcher. I was exagerating. I also think I might have had a couple too many martinis that night. Sorry if I offended anyone.

I guess I felt the forums were lacking in the confrontational debate which I tend to enjoy. We probably shouldn't persue this debate though. Might be a "slippery slope" until things get out of hand.

Active Ink Slinger
You mean until someone actually gets a machine gun or grenade launcher?
Insert typical super smart ass comment courtesy of thepainter here.
Artistic Tart
Okay, I'm sure you, and lots of others here, know more about the law than I do, but reading what you quoted from the constitution, a few things occur to me:

Quote by Playmale

Amendment IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

How is a security scan at the airport- in order to prevent some dumbass from killing everyone on the plane- an unreasonable search? If there's no evidence that it will make everyone safer then that's one thing, but I don't know how that can be argued. Maybe you just feel like it's too intrusive for your taste, but if you're going to quote the constitution, it only says to be reasonable. Keeping everyone alive on a plane by preventing as much harm as possible seems very reasonable. After all, you're buying a ticket and agreeing to this process- it's not like the cops are going to break down your door and do a full body scan on you randomly.

I'm with you on government doing creepy shit to us generally, but in this case I don't see it.

And on the subject of guns, I just noticed this:

Quote by Playmale
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Now don't get me wrong, I own a gun and don't want it taken away anytime soon- but is this sentence the whole justification for Americans to be able to own guns? Doesn't this basically say that if you and your homies want to start a militia to protect your state, and buy guns for it, that the government is cool with that? Where does it even talk about private people owning them? Isn't that kind of a stretch, given that it only talks about them for organized uses?

I'll wait to get smacked down for not reading some other part of the constitution where maybe it mentions guns again- but if not, it doesn't make sense to me.
Active Ink Slinger
Guns don't make sense to me at all.
Insert typical super smart ass comment courtesy of thepainter here.
Active Ink Slinger
Guns are my profession. It's the individual right of the American people that SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. The Second Amendment allows and protects people to create a well regulated militia without any repercussions from the Government. The Govt. obviously doesn't understand the term "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED". Sorry to rant, but I'm very passionate about the 2nd Amendment.
Go check out my new story - How Did This Happen? - John's Story
Active Ink Slinger
Y'all a bunch of wannabe gangsters.
Insert typical super smart ass comment courtesy of thepainter here.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by thepainter
Guns don't make sense to me at all.

Historically, one of the first things a tyrant does when he takes power is make it against the law for the general public to be armed. When the the Japanese invaded Okinawa in the 1600's, they removed ALL metal implements from the hands of the peasants, leaving each village with just one knife chained to a block in the village center. Hitler disarmed the Jews and Pol Pot, Stalin, and Mao all disarmed their citizenry, using the idea that in order for people to be safe, only the police should be allowed to have guns.

The spark that touched off the American Revolution came when British soldiers came to Concord to confiscate the colonists' store of arms and ammunition. The founding fathers lived in a time when guns were used to feed families, and keep them safe from wild animals and "savage" Native Americans. They feared invasion by a vengeful crown, but they feared their own government more. They wrote the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution to ensure that the government should never be able to wield absolute power over it's citizenry.

That said... guns are neat. They're finely wrought instruments of precise mechanical engineering, and the ability to use one as precisely as it's makers intended is a challenge not everyone can meet. I, for one, enjoy that challenge.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by MrNudiePants
Quote by thepainter
Guns don't make sense to me at all.

Historically, one of the first things a tyrant does when he takes power is make it against the law for the general public to be armed. When the the Japanese invaded Okinawa in the 1600's, they removed ALL metal implements from the hands of the peasants, leaving each village with just one knife chained to a block in the village center. Hitler disarmed the Jews and Pol Pot, Stalin, and Mao all disarmed their citizenry, using the idea that in order for people to be safe, only the police should be allowed to have guns.

The spark that touched off the American Revolution came when British soldiers came to Concord to confiscate the colonists' store of arms and ammunition. The founding fathers lived in a time when guns were used to feed families, and keep them safe from wild animals and "savage" Native Americans. They feared invasion by a vengeful crown, but they feared their own government more. They wrote the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution to ensure that the government should never be able to wield absolute power over it's citizenry.

That said... guns are neat. They're finely wrought instruments of precise mechanical engineering, and the ability to use one as precisely as it's makers intended is a challenge not everyone can meet. I, for one, enjoy that challenge.

Well put..
Go check out my new story - How Did This Happen? - John's Story
Active Ink Slinger
Well guys we'll just have to agree to disagree on this one.
I could get a license and a gun and go practice all that mighty fine precision stuff you're talking about. But the fact is that guns don't attract me at all. I got plenty things I love doing and have fun with. I don't see how something so destructive in nature is "neat".
And I don't buy all that right to protect yourself argumentation either. Can't bring your gun on the plane and if some clever fucko figures out a new inventive way of blowing up the plane then you're still fucken toast.

Anyway, agree to disagree.
Insert typical super smart ass comment courtesy of thepainter here.
Quote by MrNudiePants
Hitler disarmed the Jews and Pol Pot, Stalin, and Mao all disarmed their citizenry, using the idea that in order for people to be safe, only the police should be allowed to have guns.

I am pacifist, I really dislike the power of guns and I really didn't want to interfere into this thread..

..but this what you are saying are not historical facts at all.

And no I have no intention to lecture about history here, my English is too weak for that, you will have to learn about it by yourself.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by thepainter
Well guys we'll just have to agree to disagree on this one.
I could get a license and a gun and go practice all that mighty fine precision stuff you're talking about. But the fact is that guns don't attract me at all. I got plenty things I love doing and have fun with. I don't see how something so destructive in nature is "neat".

And I'm okay with that. As a gun owner, and a fan of individual liberties, the last thing I would ever want to do is force you to take part in an activity you don't like. Nor would I want to deprive you of an activity that you do like, if it's harmless to others. All I ask is the same respect.

Quote by thepainter
And I don't buy all that right to protect yourself argumentation either. Can't bring your gun on the plane and if some clever fucko figures out a new inventive way of blowing up the plane then you're still fucken toast.

Anyway, agree to disagree.

We hear about all these mass shootings that take place - some psycho gets a gun, or several guns, and decides to go on a rampage. They happen all over, but generally, they all have two things in common. One: the shooter chooses his locale based on the fact that private citizens are forbidden to arm themselves there. Schools, Army bases... so-called "gun-free" zones. Two: They all end when armed responders approach the shooter and either take him out, or he takes himself out. The most basic answer is NOT to make it harder for decent law-abiding people to carry guns, but to make it easier, so that this armed response will take place that much sooner, ending the terror that much sooner.

There's an old cliche that gun-owners use: "Trying to fight crime by banning guns is like trying to fight drunk driving by making it harder for sober people to buy cars."

As for your plane argument, all the hijackings carried out on 9-11 were done by whackos armed with box cutters. Imagine how that day would have turned out had one or two passengers on each plane been armed...
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by She
Quote by MrNudiePants
Hitler disarmed the Jews and Pol Pot, Stalin, and Mao all disarmed their citizenry, using the idea that in order for people to be safe, only the police should be allowed to have guns.

I am pacifist, I really dislike the power of guns and I really didn't want to interfere into this thread..

..but this what you are saying are not historical facts at all.

And no I have no intention to lecture about history here, my English is too weak for that, you will have to learn about it by yourself.

I would enjoy hearing your rationale for making that statement. The historical facts are clear. Tyrants prefer a populace that can't fight back.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by MrNudiePants
We hear about all these mass shootings that take place - some psycho gets a gun, or several guns, and decides to go on a rampage. They happen all over, but generally, they all have two things in common. One: the shooter chooses his locale based on the fact that private citizens are forbidden to arm themselves there. Schools, Army bases... so-called "gun-free" zones. Two: They all end when armed responders approach the shooter and either take him out, or he takes himself out. The most basic answer is NOT to make it harder for decent law-abiding people to carry guns, but to make it easier, so that this armed response will take place that much sooner, ending the terror that much sooner.

There's an old cliche that gun-owners use: "Trying to fight crime by banning guns is like trying to fight drunk driving by making it harder for sober people to buy cars."

So let's arm private citizens with guns??
Of course from my end it's the easy access to guns that allows the shooters to go on their rampage.
With so many people living/acting on their emotions easier access to guns will only increase the body count. Is that acceptable if it takes away a subjective sense of "terror"?
Also, the so-called psychos are often neighbors that never seemed to do anything suspicious. People often just snap. Having a gun within reach makes it worse. One can say carrying a gun comes with responsibility and empowers you. My stance is that most people are not able to deal with that. I just don't feel safe around people carrying guns. Fortunately none of my friends, regardless of their nationality, don't feel the need to carry a gun.

Having said all that, I do respect your right to love/own guns. Just don't be offended if I wouldn't sit next to you on the bus.
Insert typical super smart ass comment courtesy of thepainter here.
I am generally a peace loving person, but I do own a gun. I do not carry it with me all the time, but there are times when there's a need for me to be armed. I would have no problem with undergoing a full body scan, as I have nothing to hide. What good is modesty if it could cost lives?
I am generally a peace loving person, but I do own a gun. I do not carry it with me all the time, but there are times when there's a need for me to be armed. I would have no problem with undergoing a full body scan, as I have nothing to hide. What good is modesty if it could cost lives?
I am generally a peace loving person, but I do own a gun. I do not carry it with me all the time, but there are times when there's a need for me to be armed. I would have no problem with undergoing a full body scan, as I have nothing to hide. What good is modesty if it could cost lives?
Sorry bout the flooding... I give up on posting in forums from my phone.
Alpha Blonde
I'm chiming in a bit late on this, but I agree with Painter and She and others that are wary of overzealous gun ownership.

Being from Canada, gun ownership mainly consists of people who hunt for sport or food. As of 1995, self defence is not seen as a valid reason to acquire a gun in Canada. Frankly, I feel safer for this.

People can become very volatile and emotional... having a gun nearby as an extension of their rage can lead to an act of passion that has permanent consequences. This shows up with gang warfare, violence against women, gun 'massacres' where kids are able to arm themselves with their parent's gun supplies, and general accidents etc.

I thought these stats were interesting: " The United States has the highest rate of gun ownership in the world at 90 firearms per 100 citizens, a recent survey found. According to the 2007 Small Arms Survey, released Aug. 28, the United States, with less than five percent of the world's population, owns about 35 to 50 percent of the world's civilian-owned guns. United States civilians are responsible for the ownership of 270 million firearms, out of a total of 650 million civilian-owned firearms worldwide. Civilian ownership accounts for about 75 percent of total firearms owned, the survey reported."

In terms of homicides involving guns... the US comes in 4th (after South Africa, Columbia, and Thailand)... for reference, Canada came in 14th.

So, not to be bashing on our neighbours to the South. If I was living in a country where everyone had a gun and violence was a reality of my everyday life, then sure, I'd buy one too. But the more guns that are bought and come into play, the more one would feel a need to also have one. I do have some American friends that carry their gun on them at all times, and in their glove compartment in their car... This just seems a little extreme to me if you aren't living in a war zone.

Just my opinion on the topic though...
Quote by MrNudiePants
Quote by She
Quote by MrNudiePants
Hitler disarmed the Jews and Pol Pot, Stalin, and Mao all disarmed their citizenry, using the idea that in order for people to be safe, only the police should be allowed to have guns.

I am pacifist, I really dislike the power of guns and I really didn't want to interfere into this thread..

..but this what you are saying are not historical facts at all.

And no I have no intention to lecture about history here, my English is too weak for that, you will have to learn about it by yourself.

I would enjoy hearing your rationale for making that statement. The historical facts are clear. Tyrants prefer a populace that can't fight back.

Well you didn't rationale. You cannot just take some parts of history and put it into your sentence just because you feel like it and it is appropriate for your statement.

And I really don't want/like to promote guns in any way and now ..

Hitler as German chancellor since1933 did not disarmed Jews before or during 2.World War. Jews never had any guns, thay hade gold and money and he robbed them, then he started with their money gun industry manufacures , he become very popular among citizant because the job he gave them and for thank you to Jews he murdered them.

Plot Pot (Cambodia), Stalin (Russia), Mao (China) all comunist country. Do you really think that those leaders at that time would let their citizant to have guns at home like you in USA have? so they can oppose them with guns, no I dont think so. These countrys were very poor, people didn't have for rice/potato and you think they had guns? No, they didnt. They got ones(if) after or during the war. Army and Police had them.

» Tyrants prefer a populace that can't fight back.« Massive populace get their guns when the war is getting closer, you know in those 40(I am not sure if I memorized the right number, could be 30 or 50) days after onet country announce a war to another country..when the war is allready existing, it does not mean that people are all the time with guns, well at least not the ones you are saying they were.
I just don't feel safe around people carrying guns. Fortunately none of my friends, regardless of their nationality, don't feel the need to carry a gun.

Having said all that, I do respect your right to love/own guns. Just don't be offended if I wouldn't sit next to you on the bus.

If you were near a responsible gun owner you wouldn't know he/she had it on them. With a license to carry concealed weapons, one of the rules you must follow is that it truely is hidden. My husband, more so than I, has a gun on him at all times. You would never know it is there.

Just sayin
Alpha Blonde
Quote by She

Well you didn't rationale. You cannot just take some parts of history and put it into your sentence just because you feel like it and it is appropriate for your statement.

And I really don't want/like to promote guns in any way and now ..

Hitler as German chancellor since1933 did not disarmed Jews before or during 2.World War. Jews never had any guns, thay hade gold and money and he robbed them, then he started with their money gun industry manufacures , he become very popular among citizant because the job he gave them and for thank you to Jews he murdered them.

Plot Pot (Cambodia), Stalin (Russia), Mao (China) all comunist country. Do you really think that those leaders at that time would let their citizant to have guns at home like you in USA have? so they can oppose them with guns, no I dont think so. These countrys were very poor, people didn't have for rice/potato and you think they had guns? No, they didnt. They got ones(if) after or during the war. Army and Police had them.

» Tyrants prefer a populace that can't fight back.« Massive populace get their guns when the war is getting closer, you know in those 40(I am not sure if I memorized the right number, could be 30 or 50) days after onet country announce a war to another country..when the war is allready existing, it does not mean that people are all the time with guns, well at least not the ones you are saying they were.

Very well said!
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Quote by She

Well you didn't rationale. You cannot just take some parts of history and put it into your sentence just because you feel like it and it is appropriate for your statement.

And I really don't want/like to promote guns in any way and now ..

Hitler as German chancellor since1933 did not disarmed Jews before or during 2.World War. Jews never had any guns, thay hade gold and money and he robbed them, then he started with their money gun industry manufacures , he become very popular among citizant because the job he gave them and for thank you to Jews he murdered them.

Plot Pot (Cambodia), Stalin (Russia), Mao (China) all comunist country. Do you really think that those leaders at that time would let their citizant to have guns at home like you in USA have? so they can oppose them with guns, no I dont think so. These countrys were very poor, people didn't have for rice/potato and you think they had guns? No, they didnt. They got ones(if) after or during the war. Army and Police had them.

» Tyrants prefer a populace that can't fight back.« Massive populace get their guns when the war is getting closer, you know in those 40(I am not sure if I memorized the right number, could be 30 or 50) days after onet country announce a war to another country..when the war is allready existing, it does not mean that people are all the time with guns, well at least not the ones you are saying they were.

Very well said!

Thanks babe ! I was really concerned about language (this topic deserves up level English) ha I didn't kow if I will make any sense to anybody. Thanks for undrstanding it
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by She

Well you didn't rationale. You cannot just take some parts of history and put it into your sentence just because you feel like it and it is appropriate for your statement.

And I really don't want/like to promote guns in any way and now ..

Hitler as German chancellor since1933 did not disarmed Jews before or during 2.World War. Jews never had any guns, thay hade gold and money and he robbed them, then he started with their money gun industry manufacures , he become very popular among citizant because the job he gave them and for thank you to Jews he murdered them.

Plot Pot (Cambodia), Stalin (Russia), Mao (China) all comunist country. Do you really think that those leaders at that time would let their citizant to have guns at home like you in USA have? so they can oppose them with guns, no I dont think so. These countrys were very poor, people didn't have for rice/potato and you think they had guns? No, they didnt. They got ones(if) after or during the war. Army and Police had them.

» Tyrants prefer a populace that can't fight back.« Massive populace get their guns when the war is getting closer, you know in those 40(I am not sure if I memorized the right number, could be 30 or 50) days after onet country announce a war to another country..when the war is allready existing, it does not mean that people are all the time with guns, well at least not the ones you are saying they were.


Regulations Against Jews' Possession of Weapons
11 November 1938
With a basis in §31 of the Weapons Law of 18 March 1938 (Reichsgesetzblatt I, p.265), Article III of the Law on the Reunification of Austria with Germany of 13 March 1938 (Reichsgesetzblatt I, p. 237), and §9 of the Führer and Chancellor's decree on the administration of the Sudeten-German districts of 1 October 1938 (Reichsgesetzblatt I, p 1331) are the following ordered:

Jews (§5 of the First Regulations of the German Citizenship Law of 14 November 1935, Reichsgesetzblatt I, p. 1333) are prohibited from acquiring, possessing, and carrying firearms and ammunition, as well as truncheons or stabbing weapons. Those now possessing weapons and ammunition are at once to turn them over to the local police authority.

The more I actually look into this subject, it appears that in the cases of Mao and Pol Pot, you are mostly correct. Both regimes simply carried on the gun control laws that were already in existence. If you read through this website, though, you'll see plenty of examples of dictators using strict gun control to commit genocide on helpless populations. From the Armenians under Ottoman rule to Ugandans under Idi Amin - disarmed and helpless citizens have been killed in numbers to many to be counted. Again, America's Founding Fathers were just as worried by their fledgling government becoming a tyranny as they were by the dangers they faced every day. They ensured that every American could arm himself or herself, for his or her own protection against predators, whether four-legged or two. You may not agree with this policy, but as an American I'm proud to say that no tyrant will ever hold sway over me because I lacked the means to defend myself, my fortune, or my sacred honor.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by chefkathleen
I just don't feel safe around people carrying guns. Fortunately none of my friends, regardless of their nationality, don't feel the need to carry a gun.

Having said all that, I do respect your right to love/own guns. Just don't be offended if I wouldn't sit next to you on the bus.

If you were near a responsible gun owner you wouldn't know he/she had it on them. With a license to carry concealed weapons, one of the rules you must follow is that it truely is hidden. My husband, more so than I, has a gun on him at all times. You would never know it is there.

Just sayin

Amen, chef. As a Concealed Weapon Permit holder myself, you won't know if I'm carrying unless I choose to let you know. I have the feeling your hubby and I would get along.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by thepainter

So let's arm private citizens with guns??
Of course from my end it's the easy access to guns that allows the shooters to go on their rampage.
With so many people living/acting on their emotions easier access to guns will only increase the body count. Is that acceptable if it takes away a subjective sense of "terror"?
Also, the so-called psychos are often neighbors that never seemed to do anything suspicious. People often just snap. Having a gun within reach makes it worse. One can say carrying a gun comes with responsibility and empowers you. My stance is that most people are not able to deal with that. I just don't feel safe around people carrying guns. Fortunately none of my friends, regardless of their nationality, don't feel the need to carry a gun.

Having said all that, I do respect your right to love/own guns. Just don't be offended if I wouldn't sit next to you on the bus.

Crazy people that WANT to go on a rampage will find a way. It should be noted that the worst terrorist acts ever carried out on American soil were not done with guns, but with vans and trucks full of fertilizer, or airplanes hijacked by men wielding box cutters. Restricting access to guns will not lower your "body count". It'll just make the weapon of choice different, and more deadly.

In order to get my Concealed Weapon Permit, I had to go through a more thorough background check than most military people do to get their security clearances. It's more strict than the check teachers go through to prove that they're fit to have custody of a room full of our children. It proves that I've never committed a crime, never had any psychological counseling, that I'm less of a danger to the public than anyone that never HAS had such a check performed. Nationwide, statistics show that concealed weapons permit holders are LESS likely than any other group to commit any kind of violent crime.


Permit holders are not angels, but they are an unusually law-abiding collection of citizens. In Florida, for example, permit holders are about 300 times less likely to perpetrate a gun crime than Floridians without permits. Florida's experience has been copied nationwide.

Still don't want to sit next to me on that bus?
Alpha Blonde
I don't know about sitting next to someone on a bus, but I sure wouldn't want to sit next to a guy like this in an internet cafe...

"Jacksonville police said a woman was killed Monday afternoon by what appears to be the accidental discharge of a concealed firearm.

Police said a man with a concealed weapons permit went into the Allied Veterans Cyber Center Internet café on the Westside in the 5800 block of Normandy Boulevard just east of Lane Avenue.

Police said the man’s gun was mishandled or dropped and discharged, striking a woman in the back. Witnesses said the gun fell from the man’s belt.

Officers said the woman in her 40s, whose name has not yet been released, died at Shands….

Many more stories like this can be found listed on this link re concealed weapon permits. Still sounds pretty scary to me.