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Full body scans

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Are full body scans at airports too intrusive?

22 votes remaining
Yes, I don't want anyone seeing my hoohoo or haha (8 votes) 36%
No, it's what's needed to keep us safe (17 votes) 77%
I don't care one way or another (8 votes) 36%
It's supposed to be light out in the morning (2 votes) 9%
I was comparing the US to other "developed" nations. I am well aware that other less developed countries have higher murder rates. If that gives you solace to know that you beat Colombia, then congratulations! If you want to check out stats, then you should search for "Gun related crime" statistics, as opposed to murder rate to get a more accurate representation of the impact of guns.

Also, how can the stats on gun ownership be accurate? I'm assuming these only include registered firearms, since there is really no way to get an accurate count of all the unregistered guns in the US.

I'm not insinuating that people like yourself Mr Nudiepants, are the cause of gun crime. But by increasing the accessiblity of firearms, can you honestly believe you are making society safer?

And I did not dismiss the constitution. I merely stated that the second amendment has been misinterpreted. It also becomes tiresome when Americans try and justify anything they do by referencing it. You are aware that almost every nation on earth has a constitution aren't you? So why are Americans the only ones constantly spouting constitutional rhetoric in order to justify their actions or beliefs?

Hmmm, maybe I should move the black line on my avatar's eyes down to look like a Hitler mustache?
Active Ink Slinger
When going thru this thread i have had my own opinins forming in my mind ready to type down when i reached the end, however with each of DamonX' entries he's stolen each and every retort i had prepared... even including the blah blah blah comment.

So Ive come to the conclusion.... What Damon says double it and imagine a cute dog puppy saying it.

Over to you Damon!

PS If Damon suddenly comes across all mental then i may retract the above comment.
Active Ink Slinger
Damon, I honestly do feel that if you armed law abiding citizens then there would be less crime and a safer community. You really think some nut job is gonna try and rob you if he knows the possibility of you carrying is high? I guess he would if he wanted to commit suicide.

I have never had to use my gun, ever. And I carry it with me everywhere I go. You may not know I have it, but it's there just in case. I would rather have a gun and not need it then not have it and wish I did.
Go check out my new story - How Did This Happen? - John's Story
I am a proud gun owner and licensed carrier, and I know one thing I need to know. It makes ME safer and My family. I don't really care that it makes people quiver thinking there are guns out there. Most guns are in the wrong hands any way, statistics on murders by gun per capita is bullshit at its finest. Those guns were obtained illegally and would continue to happen that way even when you make it illegal for upstanding citizens to own guns. The bad guys are going to get them regardless. A lot of guns come from our military, supply sergeants can be greedy people and often have little businesses on the side selling arms.

The hyperbole extended here about M-16's, Uzi's, grenade launchers, etc only goes to prove the mentality of anti-gunners. The right to bear arms is limited to non-automatic weapons and non-explosive devices unless you have a FFL, Federal Firearms License, and this is a motherfucker to get. You had better be squeaky clean to get it and you are on many nationally and internationally flagged hot lists, not the gun-toting gang-bangers out there that bought it off this guy, that bought it off this guy, who robbed it out of someones house.

Yes, guns are weapons, so are machetes and chopsticks and those can be found at Walmart. Don't blame weapons for homicidal tendencies, blame the homicidal maniac ... he's the one pulling the trigger of a cold and uncaring weapon. If you take away guns, which is virtually impossible by the way, you only take away registered guns; then people will kill with something else. Change the killer and not his weapon. Change humanity, not their tools.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by freefallin1309
I am a proud gun owner and licensed carrier, and I know one thing I need to know. It makes ME safer and My family. I don't really care that it makes people quiver thinking there are guns out there. Most guns are in the wrong hands any way, statistics on murders by gun per capita is bullshit at its finest. Those guns were obtained illegally and would continue to happen that way even when you make it illegal for upstanding citizens to own guns. The bad guys are going to get them regardless. A lot of guns come from our military, supply sergeants can be greedy people and often have little businesses on the side selling arms.

The hyperbole extended here about M-16's, Uzi's, grenade launchers, etc only goes to prove the mentality of anti-gunners. The right to bear arms is limited to non-automatic weapons and non-explosive devices unless you have a FFL, Federal Firearms License, and this is a motherfucker to get. You had better be squeaky clean to get it and you are on many nationally and internationally flagged hot lists, not the gun-toting gang-bangers out there that bought it off this guy, that bought it off this guy, who robbed it out of someones house.

Yes, guns are weapons, so are machetes and chopsticks and those can be found at Walmart. Don't blame weapons for homicidal tendencies, blame the homicidal maniac ... he's the one pulling the trigger of a cold and uncaring weapon. If you take away guns, which is virtually impossible by the way, you only take away registered guns; then people will kill with something else. Change the killer and not his weapon. Change humanity, not their tools.

Well put Freefalling. I have an FFL. That was a long ass process to go through to get that thing.

That's what anti-gunners fail to realize. It's not the gun who kills people, it's the nut job behind the gun.
Go check out my new story - How Did This Happen? - John's Story
Alpha Blonde
Am I not correct to assume that if two guys (let's say the robber and the armed civilian) both have guns, that the winner in this battle will be the one with the faster trigger finger? Why is it always assumed that the one defending himself will be the the one to walk away unscathed... ?

Of course, if you end up with both guns firing successfully, you may be in line for matching toe tags...

If I was a criminal with a gun, and I had good reason to assume my victim might also be armed, I'd be a lot quicker to pull the trigger at first sign of potential trouble... But that's just me and my crime spree fantasies...
Quote by freefallin1309
I am a proud gun owner and licensed carrier, and I know one thing I need to know. It makes ME safer and My family. I don't really care that it makes people quiver thinking there are guns out there. Most guns are in the wrong hands any way, statistics on murders by gun per capita is bullshit at its finest. Those guns were obtained illegally and would continue to happen that way even when you make it illegal for upstanding citizens to own guns. The bad guys are going to get them regardless. A lot of guns come from our military, supply sergeants can be greedy people and often have little businesses on the side selling arms.

The hyperbole extended here about M-16's, Uzi's, grenade launchers, etc only goes to prove the mentality of anti-gunners. The right to bear arms is limited to non-automatic weapons and non-explosive devices unless you have a FFL, Federal Firearms License, and this is a motherfucker to get. You had better be squeaky clean to get it and you are on many nationally and internationally flagged hot lists, not the gun-toting gang-bangers out there that bought it off this guy, that bought it off this guy, who robbed it out of someones house.

Yes, guns are weapons, so are machetes and chopsticks and those can be found at Walmart. Don't blame weapons for homicidal tendencies, blame the homicidal maniac ... he's the one pulling the trigger of a cold and uncaring weapon. If you take away guns, which is virtually impossible by the way, you only take away registered guns; then people will kill with something else. Change the killer and not his weapon. Change humanity, not their tools.

Right on Bro I have said it along the it's not the guns fault that it does what it does it's the dumbass behind it in some cases but as Freefallin said guns are tools and to be respected as such.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Am I not correct to assume that if two guys (let's say the robber and the armed civilian) both have guns, that the winner in this battle will be the one with the faster trigger finger? Why is it always assumed that the one defending himself will be the the one to walk away unscathed... ?

Of course, if you end up with both guns firing successfully, you may be in line for matching toe tags...

If I was a criminal with a gun, and I had good reason to assume my victim might also be armed, I'd be a lot quicker to pull the trigger at first sign of potential trouble... But that's just me and my crime spree fantasies...

Would you take the risk assuming he/she had a gun? I would be second guessing myself.
Go check out my new story - How Did This Happen? - John's Story
Active Ink Slinger
It has to be said, Chopstick crimes are through the roof here in the uk. And the whole ' a criminal with a gun is less likely to go ahead if he knows everyone is armed' argument kinda falls down if you consider most houses have numerous knives in their properties but yet crime continues.
Active Ink Slinger
Doll, let me put this into perspective for you. Say a guy who's 6'5" and weighs about 300 is trying to or rob you. There is no way you're escaping that situation unscathed. Put a gun in that purse of yours and you have now leveled the playing field. Your chances of getting away just dramatically increased. One of two things would happen, you pull the gun and he decides he's no longer interested or he is still aggressive and you have to pull the trigger. I never wish that upon anyone to actually have to use your gun in self defense. But having the gun should be a comforting feeling, knowing that you can minimize the threat if need be.

I'm done ranting for now.
Go check out my new story - How Did This Happen? - John's Story
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by rougerogue
It has to be said, Chopstick crimes are through the roof here in the uk. And the whole ' a criminal with a gun is less likely to go ahead if he knows everyone is armed' argument kinda falls down if you consider most houses have numerous knives in their properties but yet crime continues.

That argument isn't valid. A crime will be committed no matter what. Even if it's with a gun or knife. Who cares about a bunch of knives? As long as there are no guns, I'd feel okay about going into someone's house. If I were to be a criminal, I'd have a gun regardless.
Go check out my new story - How Did This Happen? - John's Story
Artistic Tart
Quote by Remington
Doll, let me put this into perspective for you. Say a guy who's 6'5" and weighs about 300 is trying to or rob you. There is no way you're escaping that situation unscathed. Put a gun in that purse of yours and you have now leveled the playing field. Your chances of getting away just dramatically increased. One of two things would happen, you pull the gun and he decides he's no longer interested or he is still aggressive and you have to pull the trigger. I never wish that upon anyone to actually have to use your gun in self defense. But having the gun should be a comforting feeling, knowing that you can minimize the threat if need be.

I'm done ranting for now.

that's the entire reason I have one. A 5'2" 115 pound girl has NO SHOT against a guy with bad intentions- unless I'm strapped, then I got a shot- literally.
Alpha Blonde
Quote by Remington
Doll, let me put this into perspective for you. Say a guy who's 6'5" and weighs about 300 is trying to or rob you. There is no way you're escaping that situation unscathed. Put a gun in that purse of yours and you have now leveled the playing field. Your chances of getting away just dramatically increased. One of two things would happen, you pull the gun and he decides he's no longer interested or he is still aggressive and you have to pull the trigger. I never wish that upon anyone to actually have to use your gun in self defense. But having the gun should be a comforting feeling, knowing that you can minimize the threat if need be.

I'm done ranting for now.

Uhm... I weigh 118 lbs... its HIGHLY unlikely I will ever have a chance to pull that gun out of my purse if Brutus the Giant is trying to rob or me. I might have an opportunity to fumble with the latch on my purse in between all the commotion... at which point he will probably assume I am going for my gun and get really pissed and then cause me more physical harm.

Unless I have Charlie's Angels style weapons training, or the criminal in question isn't very 'criminally gifted'... I may just end up fucking up the situation even more and potentially getting myself killed. It's quite a gamble to take.

I'm assuming that Brutus has a gun (since they are plentiful)... so if he sneaks up on me and holds it to my head, you can sure bet that I'm not going to be reaching for my purse to start a pistol duel. I do think those scenes are awesome in Hollywood movies though.

Once again, the only time self-defense works here is if the criminal is unarmed (or armed with something less immediately lethal than a gun)... then maybe I have a shot (no pun intended). But what self-respecting is going to try to commit a crime without arming himself with the standard weaponry most of his potential victims are assumed to be carrying?
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Quote by Remington
Doll, let me put this into perspective for you. Say a guy who's 6'5" and weighs about 300 is trying to or rob you. There is no way you're escaping that situation unscathed. Put a gun in that purse of yours and you have now leveled the playing field. Your chances of getting away just dramatically increased. One of two things would happen, you pull the gun and he decides he's no longer interested or he is still aggressive and you have to pull the trigger. I never wish that upon anyone to actually have to use your gun in self defense. But having the gun should be a comforting feeling, knowing that you can minimize the threat if need be.

I'm done ranting for now.

Uhm... I weigh 118 lbs... its HIGHLY unlikely I will ever have a chance to pull that gun out of my purse if Brutus the Giant is trying to rob or me. I might have an opportunity to fumble with the latch on my purse in between all the commotion... at which point he will probably assume I am going for my gun and get really pissed and then cause me more physical harm.

Unless I have Charlie's Angels style weapons training, or the criminal in question isn't very 'criminally gifted'... I may just end up fucking up the situation even more and potentially getting myself killed. It's quite a gamble to take.

I'm assuming that Brutus has a gun (since they are plentiful)... so if he sneaks up on me and holds it to my head, you can sure bet that I'm not going to be reaching for my purse to start a pistol duel. I do think those scenes are awesome in Hollywood movies though.

Once again, the only time self-defense works here is if the criminal is unarmed (or armed with something less immediately lethal than a gun)... then maybe I have a shot (no pun intended). But what self-respecting is going to try to commit a crime without arming himself with the standard weaponry most of his potential victims are assumed to be carrying?

The whole point to that statement is that you at least have a chance to do something about the situation. I always preach this and now is no different, I would rather have it and not need it then not have it and wish I did. It's a comforting feeling knowing I have a chance to defend myself if the situation ever arrives.
Go check out my new story - How Did This Happen? - John's Story
Quote by rougerogue
It has to be said, Chopstick crimes are through the roof here in the uk. And the whole ' a criminal with a gun is less likely to go ahead if he knows everyone is armed' argument kinda falls down if you consider most houses have numerous knives in their properties but yet crime continues.

So by taking away guns in the UK, murderers have stopped murdering? Or did they find other methods besides chopsticks? Like you said, crime continues regardless of the tool.

Quote by dancingdoll
Uhm... I weigh 118 lbs... its HIGHLY unlikely I will ever have a chance to pull that gun out of my purse if Brutus the Giant is trying to rob or me. I might have an opportunity to fumble with the latch on my purse in between all the commotion... at which point he will probably assume I am going for my gun and get really pissed and then cause me more physical harm.

Unless I have Charlie's Angels style weapons training, or the criminal in question isn't very 'criminally gifted'... I may just end up fucking up the situation even more and potentially getting myself killed. It's quite a gamble to take.

I'm assuming that Brutus has a gun (since they are plentiful)... so if he sneaks up on me and holds it to my head, you can sure bet that I'm not going to be reaching for my purse to start a pistol duel. I do think those scenes are awesome in Hollywood movies though.

Once again, the only time self-defense works here is if the criminal is unarmed (or armed with something less immediately lethal than a gun)... then maybe I have a shot (no pun intended). But what self-respecting is going to try to commit a crime without arming himself with the standard weaponry most of his potential victims are assumed to be carrying?

One thing it helps is your chances regardless. A 6'5" Brutus seeing a 118 lb woman he wants to will likely be very confident in his abilities to take you without having a gun. Having a gun on you in that circumstance will definitely improve your chances.

When you buy a gun and get licensed to carry concealed (which you have to go through a background check to get), you are encouraged to go to the range and practice and receive training so you are not so likely to fuck things up worse. These comments come from the uneducated. If you don't know what you're talking about, please try to educate yourself. You are encouraged to not be that person you speak of by the qualified professionals that allow you to be licensed.

I'd also like to comment on how well Brutus is trained ... do you think he is? Or would he be more likely to shoot himself in the foot? I'd bet he doesn't know the first shit about his gun he bought illegally other than what direction to point it and where the trigger is. I don't think the criminals have any more training than you do, so it makes it your responsibility to yourself and others to learn more about it.
Alpha Blonde
Quote by Remington
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Quote by Remington
Doll, let me put this into perspective for you. Say a guy who's 6'5" and weighs about 300 is trying to or rob you. There is no way you're escaping that situation unscathed. Put a gun in that purse of yours and you have now leveled the playing field. Your chances of getting away just dramatically increased. One of two things would happen, you pull the gun and he decides he's no longer interested or he is still aggressive and you have to pull the trigger. I never wish that upon anyone to actually have to use your gun in self defense. But having the gun should be a comforting feeling, knowing that you can minimize the threat if need be.

I'm done ranting for now.

Uhm... I weigh 118 lbs... its HIGHLY unlikely I will ever have a chance to pull that gun out of my purse if Brutus the Giant is trying to rob or me. I might have an opportunity to fumble with the latch on my purse in between all the commotion... at which point he will probably assume I am going for my gun and get really pissed and then cause me more physical harm.

Unless I have Charlie's Angels style weapons training, or the criminal in question isn't very 'criminally gifted'... I may just end up fucking up the situation even more and potentially getting myself killed. It's quite a gamble to take.

I'm assuming that Brutus has a gun (since they are plentiful)... so if he sneaks up on me and holds it to my head, you can sure bet that I'm not going to be reaching for my purse to start a pistol duel. I do think those scenes are awesome in Hollywood movies though.

Once again, the only time self-defense works here is if the criminal is unarmed (or armed with something less immediately lethal than a gun)... then maybe I have a shot (no pun intended). But what self-respecting is going to try to commit a crime without arming himself with the standard weaponry most of his potential victims are assumed to be carrying?

The whole point to that statement is that you at least have a chance to do something about the situation. I always preach this and now is no different, I would rather have it and not need it then not have it and wish I did. It's a comforting feeling knowing I have a chance to defend myself if the situation ever arrives.

Yes, I agree... but there are other options (self defence maneuvers or just good old-fashioned mace or tasers... LOL). The bigger issue is that the availability of guns to the general population means that there is more availability to the criminals that would seek to use them. If you don't believe me, then just go ask the South Africans how much easier it made mass murder once they exchanged blood diamonds for machine guns in the illegal arms trade. The crime rates there have exponentially risen as guns became more available to those who sought to use them.

Now, I'm not saying that the same generalities extend to the USA. But... I do believe that some 'moderate criminals'.. meaning those that are teetering on the edge of criminal activity are made more bold with their actions when there is widespread availability of guns. Yes, I know that there are many gun-toting criminals and gangs in Canada.. but they still have to have the right connections to obtain them.

But if you're a bitter emo highschool kid that wants revenge and you don't have to look much further than your own backyard for ammunition, it might give you more incentive to turn rage fantasy into reality. Same for an abusive husband that decides in a moment of passion to use bullets instead of his fists.. It's just more potential for damage...

Anyways.. these are all just my opinions... This is always going to be a stalement kind of argument. But I do appreciate all the opinions and views... It definitely makes this topic interesting...
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Quote by Remington
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Quote by Remington
Doll, let me put this into perspective for you. Say a guy who's 6'5" and weighs about 300 is trying to or rob you. There is no way you're escaping that situation unscathed. Put a gun in that purse of yours and you have now leveled the playing field. Your chances of getting away just dramatically increased. One of two things would happen, you pull the gun and he decides he's no longer interested or he is still aggressive and you have to pull the trigger. I never wish that upon anyone to actually have to use your gun in self defense. But having the gun should be a comforting feeling, knowing that you can minimize the threat if need be.

I'm done ranting for now.

Uhm... I weigh 118 lbs... its HIGHLY unlikely I will ever have a chance to pull that gun out of my purse if Brutus the Giant is trying to rob or me. I might have an opportunity to fumble with the latch on my purse in between all the commotion... at which point he will probably assume I am going for my gun and get really pissed and then cause me more physical harm.

Unless I have Charlie's Angels style weapons training, or the criminal in question isn't very 'criminally gifted'... I may just end up fucking up the situation even more and potentially getting myself killed. It's quite a gamble to take.

I'm assuming that Brutus has a gun (since they are plentiful)... so if he sneaks up on me and holds it to my head, you can sure bet that I'm not going to be reaching for my purse to start a pistol duel. I do think those scenes are awesome in Hollywood movies though.

Once again, the only time self-defense works here is if the criminal is unarmed (or armed with something less immediately lethal than a gun)... then maybe I have a shot (no pun intended). But what self-respecting is going to try to commit a crime without arming himself with the standard weaponry most of his potential victims are assumed to be carrying?

The whole point to that statement is that you at least have a chance to do something about the situation. I always preach this and now is no different, I would rather have it and not need it then not have it and wish I did. It's a comforting feeling knowing I have a chance to defend myself if the situation ever arrives.

Yes, I agree... but there are other options (self defence maneuvers or just good old-fashioned mace or tasers... LOL). The bigger issue is that the availability of guns to the general population means that there is more availability to the criminals that would seek to use them. If you don't believe me, then just go ask the South Africans how much easier it made mass murder once they exchanged blood diamonds for machine guns in the illegal arms trade. The crime rates there have exponentially risen as guns became more available to those who sought to use them.

Now, I'm not saying that the same generalities extend to the USA. But... I do believe that some 'moderate criminals'.. meaning those that are teetering on the edge of criminal activity are made more bold with their actions when there is widespread availability of guns. Yes, I know that there are many gun-toting criminals and gangs in Canada.. but they still have to have the right connections to obtain them.

But if you're a bitter emo highschool kid that wants revenge and you don't have to look much further than your own backyard for ammunition, it might give you more incentive to turn rage fantasy into reality. Same for an abusive husband that decides in a moment of passion to use bullets instead of his fists.. It's just more potential for damage...

Anyways.. these are all just my opinions... This is always going to be a stalement kind of argument. But I do appreciate all the opinions and views... It definitely makes this topic interesting...

I run a gun store, I know the process of buying a gun legally. If you can't pass a background check then no gun for you.

The Emo High school kid would shoot up the school 'cause guess what, no guns on school campus.

Take away the guns and all you do is protect the criminals. You know criminals won't give up their guns. That would be flat out stupid for them.
Go check out my new story - How Did This Happen? - John's Story
Alpha Blonde
Quote by Remington

I run a gun store, I know the process of buying a gun legally. If you can't pass a background check then no gun for you.

The Emo High school kid would shoot up the school 'cause guess what, no guns on school campus.

Take away the guns and all you do is protect the criminals. You know criminals won't give up their guns. That would be flat out stupid for them.

Unless the gunman is planning to commit the crime and then commit suicide, which is what most of those mass murder types do... Then survival is a moot point anyway. It's more for the attention they get doing it.

And I can definitely say without question that I would not want my kids going to school where all the other kids and teachers were packing heat.
A crime will be commited no matter what? Sorry. I'll take my chances against the guy with chopsticks rather than the guy with a handgun.

And the whole "if you ban guns, then only criminals will have them" agument? Owning guns does not decrease your chances of being the victim of a violent crime. If your argument was correct, then you would expect Canada to have a higher crime rate than the US, since you say...only the criminals have guns. (and I'm referring to hand guns and the like, not hunting rifles).

If you feel like owning a gun provides you with a sense of security, fine. If you want a gun to protect yourself against and burglers, fine. Just don't delude yourself into thinking that you're upholding some valiant ideal of freedom or that you are serving some purpose by protecting society.

And you keep bringing up psycho mass murderers...Although these cases get a lot of media attention, they are really not all that common and make up a very low percentage of the crimes commited in the US or anywhere else.
Active Ink Slinger
A gunman isn't likely to shoot up a school knowing teachers and a select few students are packing, unless he's looking for an easy way out.

Look, I'm not trying to persuade you into liking guns or to change your opinion. I'm just trying to point out that with the proper safety techniques, proper training and an overall passion, guns can be a lot of fun. I have never once picked up a gun and thought "this would make robbing that store easier" or "I think I'm going to commit a crime today". Like I've said several times, I feel better knowing it's there. But that's my opinion.
Go check out my new story - How Did This Happen? - John's Story
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by DamonX
A crime will be commited no matter what? Sorry. I'll take my chances against the guy with chopsticks rather than the guy with a handgun.

And the whole "if you ban guns, then only criminals will have them" agument? Owning guns does not decrease your chances of being the victim of a violent crime. If your argument was correct, then you would expect Canada to have a higher crime rate than the US, since you say...only the criminals have guns. (and I'm referring to hand guns and the like, not hunting rifles).

If you feel like owning a gun provides you with a sense of security, fine. If you want a gun to protect yourself against and burglers, fine. Just don't delude yourself into thinking that you're upholding some valiant ideal of freedom or that you are serving some purpose by protecting society.

And you keep bringing up psycho mass murderers...Although these cases get a lot of media attention, they are really not all that common and make up a very low percentage of the crimes commited in the US or anywhere else.

It makes me feel safer knowing I have the gun. I know I can defend myself and my family. Canada's gun registry system does not work. What makes you think it would work here in the U.S.? Criminals who already have the guns won't be giving them up or they will find another way to get the gun. If Obama decided to ban guns tomorrow, there would be an uprise. It's our civil duty to protect the Constitution, that's where the 2nd Amendment comes in. It allows us to create a militia to defend ourselves from our own Government if need be. Anybody who wishes to be apart of the militia can do so. Generally speaking, anyone who owns a gun could be considered a militia member.

Like I said to Doll, I'm not trying to change opinions. Just trying to clear up some confusion.
Go check out my new story - How Did This Happen? - John's Story
I know guns can be fun. I've had fun with guns before. I've also had fun with cocaine, but I don't think making it legal would be in society's best interests.

I also agree that banning guns in the US would not work. Its too late. But that doesn't mean that being lenient on firearms was a good idea in the first place. It would probably be ok in a society where everyone was relatively equal and the existing crime rate was relatively low, but combining easy access to guns with a large number of citizens inhabiting low socioeconomic status is a recipe for disaster. I, for one, am pleased that I've only been attacked with brass knuckles and bottles.

And I don't think there's any confusion. Nobody is suggesting that you personally are more likely to commit a crime because you have access to guns.

I would comment on the 2nd amendment, but I think I've said my piece concerning that. Seems like people will interpret that the way they want to in order to suit their own needs.

I'm going to have to completely disagree with you about arming high school students though. I doubt you'll find many supporters for that idea.
Alpha Blonde
Quote by Remington
A gunman isn't likely to shoot up a school knowing teachers and a select few students are packing, unless he's looking for an easy way out.

How does one sign up to be one of these select few students? I sincerely think that arming teenagers is a recipe for disaster. I mean where would things end? Grade school? Nursery school? The idea of it assumes that nobody is safe anywhere at anytime, which might be true in theory. But paranoia can be bred very easily through this argument.

Quote by Remington
Look, I'm not trying to persuade you into liking guns or to change your opinion. I'm just trying to point out that with the proper safety techniques, proper training and an overall passion, guns can be a lot of fun. I have never once picked up a gun and thought "this would make robbing that store easier" or "I think I'm going to commit a crime today". Like I've said several times, I feel better knowing it's there. But that's my opinion.

I definitely don't think you personally would have such thoughts. But certain other people may be led to bad decisions that might not otherwise have that immediately lethal option (again I'm thinking of kids that think it's cool to go 'gangsta', or someone going through a volatile marriage, financial disaster, romantic rejection, or someone that is led into unstable mental instabilities that they may not have had when they first got their gun permit ie. clinical depression etc). Or even just a petty criminal that wants to upgrade his status to armed robbery or more.

But it's cool.. I understand your point of view. I know there are lots of very responsible gun owners out there as well...
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Quote by Jillicious
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Just out of curiosity because maybe I am reading these stats wrong (although let's face it, it's easy enough to cook the books to use stats to prove whatever one wants these days).

Click on the per capita tab at the top of those stats. That would make it murders divided by number of populace, not actual total of those murdered.
This falls in line with his other stats of gun ownership per capita. I believe Mr. Nudepants was trying to keep the base unit the same. So he wasn't trying to add inches and centimeters together.

You were also looking at a different set of stats than Mr. Nudepants was.

Yes... however... when I look up "Murders with Firearms Per Capita" the US still makes the top 10, just as I had stated in my post above... It's only when you look up "murders overall per capita" that the USA falls to the middle of the pack... Since we are talking guns and homicide, I figured these are the stats that matter for this particular debate.

# 1 South Africa: 0.719782 per 1,000 people
# 2 Colombia: 0.509801 per 1,000 people
# 3 Thailand: 0.312093 per 1,000 people
# 4 Zimbabwe: 0.0491736 per 1,000 people
# 5 Mexico: 0.0337938 per 1,000 people
# 6 Belarus: 0.0321359 per 1,000 people
# 7 Costa Rica: 0.0313745 per 1,000 people
# 8 United States: 0.0279271 per 1,000 people


I just chose to use the numbers for all murders because dead is dead. I believe that if someone had a magic wand, and used it to *poof* every single firearm on the planet into non-existence, people would STILL find ways to kill each other. Does it really matter to the dead person's loved ones whether they were shot or stabbed to death? A case COULD be made that the presence of so many guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens keeps our murder rate down below those other countries, which was the point of our discussion...
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by DamonX
A crime will be commited no matter what? Sorry. I'll take my chances against the guy with chopsticks rather than the guy with a handgun.

And the whole "if you ban guns, then only criminals will have them" agument? Owning guns does not decrease your chances of being the victim of a violent crime. If your argument was correct, then you would expect Canada to have a higher crime rate than the US, since you say...only the criminals have guns. (and I'm referring to hand guns and the like, not hunting rifles).

If you feel like owning a gun provides you with a sense of security, fine. If you want a gun to protect yourself against and burglers, fine. Just don't delude yourself into thinking that you're upholding some valiant ideal of freedom or that you are serving some purpose by protecting society.

And you keep bringing up psycho mass murderers...Although these cases get a lot of media attention, they are really not all that common and make up a very low percentage of the crimes commited in the US or anywhere else.

I'm sure there are people from England here who could disagree with you. In response to a single "psycho mass murderer", England enacted some of the strictest gun control laws on the planet. The result? Stabbings are at such a high that they've banned the carrying of pocket knives. Yobs rule the streets and little old ladies go to the dock for trying to defend themselves against these street toughs. I'd just as soon that little old lady have the right to defend herself, with lethal force if need be. The presence (or absence) of a firearm doesn't create or (fail to create) the opportunity for a criminal to engage in his chosen trade. Criminals will be criminals, and they'll arm themselves with whatever weapon they can to give them an advantage over their prey. Owning a firearm, for a law-abiding citizen, merely evens his odds of surviving such an encounter. If Canada has less crime, then it's because you have fewer criminals - a fact you should be proud of, not one you should be using to take the stance that criminals should be better armed than their prey.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by LadyX
Quote by Remington
Doll, let me put this into perspective for you. Say a guy who's 6'5" and weighs about 300 is trying to or rob you. There is no way you're escaping that situation unscathed. Put a gun in that purse of yours and you have now leveled the playing field. Your chances of getting away just dramatically increased. One of two things would happen, you pull the gun and he decides he's no longer interested or he is still aggressive and you have to pull the trigger. I never wish that upon anyone to actually have to use your gun in self defense. But having the gun should be a comforting feeling, knowing that you can minimize the threat if need be.

I'm done ranting for now.

that's the entire reason I have one. A 5'2" 115 pound girl has NO SHOT against a guy with bad intentions- unless I'm strapped, then I got a shot- literally.

Good for you. I'd be proud to buy you a cuppa coffee some day, Lady X.
Constant Gardener
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Quote by Remington
Doll, let me put this into perspective for you. Say a guy who's 6'5" and weighs about 300 is trying to or rob you. There is no way you're escaping that situation unscathed. Put a gun in that purse of yours and you have now leveled the playing field. Your chances of getting away just dramatically increased. One of two things would happen, you pull the gun and he decides he's no longer interested or he is still aggressive and you have to pull the trigger. I never wish that upon anyone to actually have to use your gun in self defense. But having the gun should be a comforting feeling, knowing that you can minimize the threat if need be.

I'm done ranting for now.

Uhm... I weigh 118 lbs... its HIGHLY unlikely I will ever have a chance to pull that gun out of my purse if Brutus the Giant is trying to rob or me. I might have an opportunity to fumble with the latch on my purse in between all the commotion... at which point he will probably assume I am going for my gun and get really pissed and then cause me more physical harm.

Unless I have Charlie's Angels style weapons training, or the criminal in question isn't very 'criminally gifted'... I may just end up fucking up the situation even more and potentially getting myself killed. It's quite a gamble to take.

I'm assuming that Brutus has a gun (since they are plentiful)... so if he sneaks up on me and holds it to my head, you can sure bet that I'm not going to be reaching for my purse to start a pistol duel. I do think those scenes are awesome in Hollywood movies though.

Once again, the only time self-defense works here is if the criminal is unarmed (or armed with something less immediately lethal than a gun)... then maybe I have a shot (no pun intended). But what self-respecting is going to try to commit a crime without arming himself with the standard weaponry most of his potential victims are assumed to be carrying?

Owning a firearm doesn't turn you into Rambo, or one of Charlie's Angels. You have to train with the firearm, become proficient in it's use. You have to train yourself to become aware of your surroundings and the actions of the people around you. You have to take the mindset that you refuse to be a victim, no matter how big and brutal "Brutus" is. Once you've determined that you refuse to allow yourself to be a victim, you've started to even the odds. Criminals hate it when their prey has a fighting chance. Owning a firearm, and training with it, gives you one very capable tool out of a whole potential toolbox full of strategies you can use to keep yourself and your loved ones safe from harm.

If I could, I'd encourage all the ladies perusing this thread to visit Cat at A Cornered Cat dot com. It tells of the personal journey of one woman who made a conscious decision to say, "Not me. Not mine. Not today." I highly recommend it.
Alpha Blonde
Quote by MrNudiePants


I just chose to use the numbers for all murders because dead is dead. I believe that if someone had a magic wand, and used it to *poof* every single firearm on the planet into non-existence, people would STILL find ways to kill each other. Does it really matter to the dead person's loved ones whether they were shot or stabbed to death? A case COULD be made that the presence of so many guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens keeps our murder rate down below those other countries, which was the point of our discussion...

I totally agree... When it comes to murder, dead is dead. The surrounding emotional trauma resulting from it is still the same.

But just for the purpose of this debate, we were talking about whether the presence of guns also affects the amount of crimes committed by guns... So these stats are the relevant ones because they are specific to the question (at least as far as actual murders are concerned).

But yeah, it is very easy to obtain a gun in South Africa, so naturally they are at the top of the pile in terms of gun-related homicides. But technically that proves the same point. And yes, I know they are mostly illegal arms dealers providing them. Very different scenario in US.

I am glad that American citizens do feel safer with their current laws. That's the most important thing...
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Dancing_Doll

I totally agree... When it comes to murder, dead is dead. The surrounding emotional trauma resulting from it is still the same.

But just for the purpose of this debate, we were talking about whether the presence of guns also affects the amount of crimes committed by guns... So these stats are the relevant ones because they are specific to the question (at least as far as actual murders are concerned).

But yeah, it is very easy to obtain a gun in South Africa, so naturally they are at the top of the pile in terms of gun-related homicides. But technically that proves the same point. And yes, I know they are mostly illegal arms dealers providing them. Very different scenario in US.

I am glad that American citizens do feel safer with their current laws. That's the most important thing...

But you're ignoring the fact that the presence of guns does little to exacerbate the actual number of murders committed. The numbers may indeed show that the presence of more guns means that there can be more gun crime. But there are no numbers for baseball bats, or hockey sticks. If you took away all the guns, would you see a huge increase in the number of people that get bludgeoned to death? Criminals will commit crimes, and they'll use whatever weapon they can to try and gain an advantage. At LEAST, if a potential victim has a firearm available, he may have evened up his odds somewhat.