Like you're done with hoping for "the one" or you're tired with the dating game and all that.
Have you ever felt you're going to be forever alone ? How come ?
Quote by Tucker
Yes of course. But the need for the o/Other is everlasting and recurrent. So I must go on. That's my take on your question MissMovingOn.
Quote by GoldenAngel
The need for others isnt something urgent... we need to learn to live in peace within ourselves, to have loneliness as our friend... Like this you will always go on without feeling lonesome
Quote by Tucker
I disagree. Man is a social animal. The worst punishment a human being can receive is solitary confinement.
All belief-systems are built around our having a great Other [monotheism] or Others [polytheism].
In short, we are other-directed by nature.
Quote by MissMovingOn
Like you're done with hoping for "the one" or you're tired with the dating game and all that.
Have you ever felt you're going to be forever alone ? How come ?
Quote by GoldenAngel
One day I read this, and I Believe it
Learn to love solitude, to be more alone with yourselves. The tragedy of today’s young people is that they try to unite on the basis of carrying out noisy and aggressive actions so as not to feel lonely, and this is a sad thing. The individual must learn from childhood to be on his own, for this doesn’t mean to be lonely: it means to not get bored with oneself, because a person who finds himself bored when he is alone, it seems to me, is a person in danger. —Andrei Tarkovsky
Quote by BDSMBarbieDoll
I don't mind being alone but I miss physical stuff and all that goes with it.
I feel like I've been alone forever but it's not true because I was with my real life ex for a long time.
I'm happy in my own skin and am used to doing things on my own, it doesn't bother me, I quite like it.
I want to meet men in real life more than online. Online, I still feel unfulfilled. I love, but they aren't close to me.
I can't touch them. I can feel them in my heart but there is still a longing that can't be fulfilled.
That makes me sad in that regard.
simply bittersweet, my poem
Quote by Tucker
Yes, life is bitter sweet. But one must learn to love the way the bitterness enhances our ability to appreciate the sweetness.
This longing you speak of, is the reason for the Portuguese "Saudade"* in their Fate song tradition. *Life is a longing, a yearning.
May I suggest "The Sapphic Tales" of our members Melissa999 and Bethany Fraiser.
Quote by Poppet
I have been single for three years, five if you don't count the short six months I was with my ex a few years ago. I truly hate being single. I've done the online dating and it always ends with heart break and tears. I'm tired of all that noise. I want something true, but I don't believe I'm going to find someone to be with. I honestly think I'm going to be single forever.
Quote by Tucker
I disagree. Man is a social animal. The worst punishment a human being can receive is solitary confinement.
All belief-systems are built around our having a great Other [monotheism] or Others [polytheism].
In short, we are other-directed by nature.
Please forgive my thinking the way I do. When I love someone it is to the core. When I am away from them for some reason, I feel like a wasteland grows within me. Thus I return to the world, never totally alone as I have the memories of my parents in their imprints upon me, but always in need of a caring other. The need humbles me.
My new Flash Fiction:
An Extraordinary Orgasm.
Quote by VanGogh
Interesting question, MissMovingOn!
First of all, people who have only been "alone" for a few months don't really understand those who have been alone for years (plural - more than a year).
Sometimes, being alone is a choice, other times it's not.
When one is under the age of 40 .... the opportunity for a significant other to come along is much greater than those over the age of 40.
Are there soulmates ... or a soulmate for every person? Personally, I don't believe that. It would be a nice thing, but most people don't wait for that soul mate to arrive and instead settle for something/someone that they think could be.
I remember a divorced woman telling me .... "personally I think it's better to be alone and happy than married (or with someone) and miserable."
I prefer to be alone and happy than married and miserable.
Quote by VanGogh
Interesting question, MissMovingOn!
First of all, people who have only been "alone" for a few months don't really understand those who have been alone for years (plural - more than a year).
Sometimes, being alone is a choice, other times it's not.
When one is under the age of 40 .... the opportunity for a significant other to come along is much greater than those over the age of 40.
Are there soulmates ... or a soulmate for every person? Personally, I don't believe that. It would be a nice thing, but most people don't wait for that soul mate to arrive and instead settle for something/someone that they think could be.
I remember a divorced woman telling me .... "personally I think it's better to be alone and happy than married (or with someone) and miserable."
I prefer to be alone and happy than married and miserable.